Kingdom powered by Hive. DHF Proposal


[NOTE: This article is a suggested proposal. Proposal No 322 has not yet been submitted. Any suggestions and feedback welcome.]


  • The Kingdom Without Limit (@krolestwo) is a non-commercial meeting place in Krakow. It combines elements of a cultural center, cafe, school, museum, library and coworking space.
  • The Kingdom is the only place in the world that demonstrates the usefulness of the Hive blockchain on many different levels with its daily operation.
  • No one can actively participate in the life of the Kingdom without having a Hive account.
  • The Kingdom has been promoting Hive since early 2018, but needs support to be more effective at it.

What exactly is the Kingdom?

The Kingdom Without Limit (in Polish: Królestwo Bez Kresu or just KBK) is not a cafe, although you can have a cup of coffee. It is not a cultural center, although you can take part in various events. It is not a school, although you can learn a lot. It is not a museum, although it collects a lot of old objects. It is also not a library, although it allows you to borrow books. The Kingdom is a meeting place. This term probably fits the most.

From Monday to Saturday, anyone can come here to meet new people or meet old friends. Every week there are various events. There are also Polish classes for foreigners (especially for war refugees from Ukraine). The Kingdom is a unique place that combines many different functionalities using blockchain Hive to solve different problems. Sometimes it is almost an institution. Especially when someone shows up who needs help.

Polish Hive community meeting. You can find here: @jocieprosza, @lesiopm, @asia-pl, @wadera, @rozku, @szmulkberg, @mynewlife, @dobranoc, @gwyddpel, @gtg, @prawdawtvmowili, @engrave and @hallmann.


Open Studio.

@HiveBeeCon 2023.

Blockchain Friday.

Polish classes for Ukrainian refugees.

Folk dance party.

Bitcoin Pizza Day.

Hive workshops.

Ceramics workshop.

Creative Coding Tuesday.

Everyone has their own story about the Kingdom. Here are some of them:

Just looking at how KBK is operated and run through the hive blockchain and how passionate every member was sucked me in immediately. They were more than welcoming and never made me feel like an outsider. Very quickly I felt like I was among close friends.

Story by @blind-spot

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KBK is not just confined within the Hive community, it has a connection with the outside world as well. It's a creative place based on the Hive blockchain and world.

Story by @priyanarc

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A place I could not explain well with photos and words, as one just has to be there and feel the vibe. Experience the different approach - I simply loved it. I think we all truly loved it, with every little detail and in global, what it represents.

Story by @mipiano

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There are several rooms in Krolestwo and each of them was literally buzzing with lively conversations. Everyone was fascinated by the unique decor and very special atmosphere of the place so there was a lot questions about Krolestwo and Dawid was busy answering and explaining everything but he still somehow also managed to make sure that everyone felt like home.

Story by @phortun

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Some of the locals came to the event and stayed a short time which was another obstacle to enjoying their company... While others, like myself, @mipiano, and @edje were coming over and over again to the KBK for 3 days in a row...

Story by @ph1102

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My favourite part of the venue is this big wardrobe by the kitchen on the left and toilet on the right. It's a logical place for people to hang their coats and bags. Or so I thought. Except I couldn't be more wrong!! I opened the wardrobe door and it took me into another world. And I'm not joking!!!

Story by @livinguktaiwan

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I had such an interesting feeling in @krolestwo - you can pay Hive/Hbd for anything. If I look at it not from the point of view of technology (which is awesome), but in terms of the budget... Since I do not consider my Hive/HBD as profit, therefore payment in Hive/HBD is not an expense!

Story by @zirochka

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I instantly fell in love with @krolestwo. It's such a cozy place that makes you feel like home. There are so many small details that you don't know where to look first. When I get caught up in the moment I usually forget to take photos.

Story by @delishtreats

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A beautiful place where peeps help each other, where creativity flows, where game rules are made as we go, where homebrew drinks are served, and where peeps are super!

Story by @edje

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Krolestwo Bez Kresu is known for its friendly atmosphere and openness to technological innovations, which made it perfect for our event.

Story by @kesilgonzalez

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I participated in a ceramics workshop organized by @krolestwo - it is a unique place, very Hive-friendly. The workshops conducted by @hallmann were completely free, all thanks to funding from the @valueplan fund.

Story by @szejq

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And when we came here, we really saw very different and wonderful people here. Entering this room, you seem to be transported to another world, a world unlike any other.

Story by @darine.darine

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When I got to the Kingdom, I was under a very positive impression. After all, the retro space always fills me with a special harmony! Everything here smelled of antiquity! Candles, tables in the form of old suitcases, a cassette music player, paintings, chess, and a unique rocking chair, in which we all took photos :)

Story by @olga.maslievich

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Right from the threshold, I was captured by the atmosphere of the KBK. Seemingly dusty and somewhat ancient, the place is in fact bustling with life and teeming with micro-adventures and exhibits, each of which seems to have its own story.

Story by @deepresearch

Book Club by @lpa.


A Ghanaian Hive tale by @mynewlife.

Chocolate making workshop.


Night of Museums.


Ceramics workshop.

Concert by @margrzeta and @justynao.

A lecture on bees.

A lecture on languages.

Hive solving problems

@krolestwo is not a business. It is a venue run by @fundacja (Polish NGO) and maintained by donations. In Poland, such places usually don't run for more than 2 years. They are not-profit, so they die quickly, because after some time they start to run out of money. And probably such a fate would also befall the Kingdom, but.... Hive came along.

Hive inspired sweeping changes and at the same time gave the right tools. Before landing on the blockchain in 2018, the Kingdom worked like this: people would come in, order a tea and could leave some money in a box that stood on a table. This system was completely inefficient and often didn't even cover half the cost. Hive inspired us to create our own token called rycar (RCR) and stimulate support. It is given to donors and volunteers. At the venue, they can get various drinks for it or rent a room for a private meeting. In addition, anyone with an RCR can make a proposal for the Kingdom and the tokens then are voting power.

RCR is not a typical token. It exists as a MEMO for microtransfers on the @rcr account. Entries can only be made from the @fundacja account. In addition to this, there is also an RCRT token (transfer rycar) created thanks to Hive-Engine. It does not determine the voting power. However, its purchasing power is exactly the same as RCR. The Kingdom rewards people with it for their activity. Of course, in addition to RCRT, HIVE and HBD can also be used on the premises, as participants at HiveBeeCon and now users of the Distriator app could see.

Tokenisation is the solution to the biggest problem, but not the only one. The Kingdom also uses Hive as a database. Here are examples:

  • @krolestwo account publishes daily reports with basic statistics. For many people (especially those who don't use Facebook), this is the main source of information about what's happening at the property.
  • On @krolestwo.prawo account, the law of the Kingdom is published. Thanks to the blockchain, any unauthorised change will be noted.
  • On @ksiazki account, a library system is created so that people can borrow books. Everything is recorded in the blockchain and it is known exactly who borrowed a particular book.
  • @muzeum account publishes a detailed description of the exhibits that are housed in the Museum of Sloppy Work and Thievery located in the KBK toilet (you will find Justin Sun there, for example).

Anything more? Of course, because the prizes from the entries go to the Development Fund, through which in recent years we have purchased: a dishwasher, a piano, an air fryer, a speaker and new tables. Hive is therefore a great fundraising tool. The Kingdom has used it not only to meet its own needs, but also for humanitarian aid. Such is the role of the @hive.aid account, which HBD from rewards, uses to help Ukraine and with HP creates new accounts (with RC delegation).

Onboarding is an important part of the Kingdom's activities, as Hive is the main platform for communication. No one can actively participate in the life of the KBK without having a Hive account. If someone wants to submit a proposal or vote then they have to create an account. The same applies to voting for books on Book Club, receiving prizes in various competitions or borrowing books. All this makes the Kingdom the only place in the Universe where Hive is used on many different levels.


The first aid transport to Ukraine.

Piano purchased for HBD.

Speaker purchased for HBD.

"This place is growing thanks to blockchain."

Sudden growth in 2024

The Kingdom has been promoting Hive from the bottom up for many years, showing with everyday work how useful the technology is. We organised our first community meeting in 2018, shortly after landing on the blockchain. Until recently, we did this without any funding. Things changed in April this year. The Kingdom received support from Value Plan and miracles began to happen!

Firstly, we have developed a way to use Facebook's algorithms without paying Meta. It is very simple: we reward users with RCRT tokens for likes and comments. These tokens can be used in the Kingdom. This has brought amazing results. The number of reactions increased fivefold and the reach tripled. Information about events started to appear to different people. This clearly converted into attendance. The result is that the Kingdom is growing and becoming more popular every month.

Secondly, we have started to organise more events powered by Hive. These are free and are very popular. Some of them directly involve people in Hive. For example, a ceramics workshop where the condition for firing the clay work is to publish it. Of course, everyone has guaranteed assistance in setting up an account and help in case of problems (unfortunately quite frequent).

Thirdly, new ideas have come along with new people. One of these is meetings where participants code together. Two such creative coding events have been held so far. They have been very popular. With this proposal, we would like to expand this by focusing on creating applications on Hive.


The first fired works that were created during the ceramics workshop.


Open studio.


Painting workshop.

Ceramics workshop.

Why do we need DHF support?

The Value Plan is a great initiative and has been very helpful, but with more funds we are able to do more. And the scope for activity is huge. Krakow is a city visited by millions of tourists. It is also a major academic centre. Many foreigners live here. A venue that is in the very centre of such a large city has enormous potential. We want to use it! There are four fields where we need support.

  • Development and implementation of a marketing strategy exposing the use of Hive in the Kingdom.
    Cost: 24,000 HBD
    Includes: work costs, contests rewards, multimedia production.

  • The expansion of the artistic workshops powered by Hive and the purchase of the necessary materials.
    Cost: 10,000 HBD
    Includes: costs of preparing and running workshops, costs of materials.

  • Organising The Hive Coding School, cyclical coding sessions (recorded and published as a video course), as well as hackathons, focused on creating applications on the Hive blockchain.
    Cost: 30,000 HBD
    Includes: costs of preparing, running and recording sessions, rewards for contributors, maintenance costs for applications.

  • Professional coordination of volunteering in the Kingdom.
    Cost: 18,000 HBD
    Includes: work costs.

These activities are planned for one year. Their cost is 82,000 HBD. The payment is spread over 100 days and amounts to 820 HBD per day.

5 windows of the Kingdom.

Kingdom before 4 p.m.

One of the board games created in the Kingdom.

The second room (in the wardrobe).

Expected results

  • Over 200 events organised at the Kingdom during the support period.
  • Effective, professional marketing, which currently cannot be implemented due to lack of funds, will attract hundreds of new creative people to the Kingdom, who will get to know Hive and become part of an active community.
  • It will also stabilise the situation at the Kingdom, which will become completely self-sufficient.
  • The coding sessions and hackathons will raise the number of developers familiar with Hive, which will increase the number of Hive applications (including those that will be used in the Kingdom).
  • The recorded sessions will facilitate the education of more people wanting to code on Hive in the future.
  • The professional coordination of volunteering will significantly increase the number of active volunteers.
  • The development of the Kingdom will set an example for NGOs on how blockchain can solve various problems. In turn, attracting NGOs is beneficial because it builds trust in Hive.

The final effects are difficult to predict because it is highly likely that a snowball effect will work. The appearance of new people and their involvement in coordinated activities can end up with something truly amazing. However, we hope that this is just the beginning and more meeting places like the Kingdom will be created in future. There is no better way to promote Hive than through meetings....

What will you choose?


If you have any questions, we are always keen to answer them in the comments.

Thank you for your support!


Z pewnością to będzie ciekawe podejście do DHF. Trzymam kciuki


Ja bym te pierwsze wyboldowane zdanie jakoś uwypuklił dodatkowo

Onboarding is an important part of the Kingdom's activities, as Hive is the main platform for communication.

No one can actively participate in the life of the KBK without having a Hive account.

If someone wants to submit a proposal or vote then they have to create an account. The same applies to voting for books on Book Club, receiving prizes in various competitions or borrowing books. All this makes the Kingdom the only place in the Universe where Hive is used on many different levels.


Właśnie pisałem to samo! :)


Dzięki za sugestię i kciuki!


Może dodać więcej informacji świadczących o kulturotwórczej roli KBK? Klub filmowy, klub książkowy, spotkania podróżnicze. Dlaczego by o nich nie wspomnieć?


Są pokazane na zdjęciach, ale fakt może można też wspomnieć. Ale w KBK dzieje się tak dużo, że trudno napisać o wszystkim.


Kbk is a real-life success story, with a proven track record and high potential of scaling. The reviews you've given on this post are just a few among the hundreds of positive reviews.

It is the ONLY place I have seen repeatedly bridging the gap between on-chain and off-chain connection.

100% support.
Looking forward to all the opinions and questions.


Thanks @blind-spot! To be honest, I started thinking about DHF after discussions with you. It's a pity you're not in Krakow. On the other hand, in the Netherlands we have the best ambassador ever :)


Gratulacje Dawid! It must have taken quite some time to write it all down, and it is such a well done summary of what happens at KBK.

KBK is truly such a service to the HIVE community, that I would suggest repeating the point you make in Section 3 (Hive solving problems) in the first section (What is KBK): dozens of people enter KBK on a daily basis, and all of them get to know what Hive is. Most of them have a HIVE account. No where on earth there is a concentration of Hive users as in Kraków, thanks to KBK. How many regular visitors have a Hive account? I would say a good majority! Perhaps that would be another statistics to add in the proposal, just to prove this very point.

I believe that every single HBD spent to promote KBK is well spent. No other project proposal can come close to the effects that KBK can offer in terms of new users' onboarding. Because getting to know KBK, means getting to know Hive. Being active in the Kingdom means being active on Hive.


Perhaps that would be another statistics to add in the proposal, just to prove this very point.

I don't have exact statistics, but certainly we created more than 125 accounts, because that's how many accounts receive RC delegation from hive.aid. But many people created the account themselves and very active accounts do not have delegation because they no longer need it....


Exactly! Over 100 Hive accounts have been created. A clear sign that many people that interact with KBK end up creating an account.

However, I was mainly thinking about regular visitors (maybe those that enter KBK once a week or more). How many of them have a Hive account? Perhaps 90%, perhaps even more! Because it is not possible to actively participate in what KBK has to offer without having a Hive account.

Hive allows for regulars with RCR voting powers to have a say on any major decision regarding the Kingdom. Thanks to Hive it is possible to propose changes, as well as approve or reject proposals made by others.

In other words, being an active regular visitor of KBK necessarily involves being active on Hive. Current statistics (say 90% of regulars having Hive) prove this point. Therefore, the more regular visitors, the more Hive users. Full stop.


I second this opinion.
I have been reading comments and trying to examine what the reactions towards KBK means.
Statistics will be a very clear form of communication and accurately portray the benefit of kbk and why the votes on the proposal are deserved.

Maybe it's time to select a small team within the regulars and start putting Statistics together.


Thanks for the mention! The Kingdom is definitely a unique place in the world! After just one visit, I had a feeling of being home... And it was before all these great changes that you made, making it very Hivian! 😃
I mentioned it just a few days ago in my #HHHLive show as a place where I used my HBD for the first time to pay for something directly!

Not sure if the proposal will pass or not, but it will get my support!

I have picked this post on behalf of the @OurPick project! Check out our Reading Suggestions Posts!

Comment Footer.jpg
Please consider voting for our Liotes HIVE Witness. Thank you!


Thanks! For now, this is just a proposal of proposal :)


Option B is definitely what I suggest and will vote for when the proposal hits the chain.
KBK does a great job already; This proposal is a great way forward to bring HIVE to the people and help them start using the chain. The Kingdom project shall serve as an example of what we like to see in other places worldwide.

Go for it, create the proposal and lets go!


My vote doesn´t have any value now, unfortunately, but I really hope you guys will get this proposal approved. KBK is the coolest Hive powered place I have ever been to and I know that with the funds that you are asking for, you will achieve incredible things. The potential is enormous. Good luck Dawid!

@tipu curate 7


Thanks! BTW, are you going to Split?


No, unfortunately :( Have fun in Split and say hi from me please :)


I love the idea of this proposal, fingers crossed!


Kibicuję, niech KBK się rozwija, powodzenia 😉


For the record. As much as I like Krolestwo and I'm regular visitor, I believe it's a great place where you can use Hive as well as has potential to grow, I wouldn't vote for this proposal and some of the reasons been discussed with @halmann personally - on that note I see a lot of improvements, ideas that could be implemented in this proposal. At this moment there is fundamental things which aren't right in my opinion. Regardless of that I want best for Krolestwo and Hive.


I know you want to wait and do things slowly, but we've been here six years! I believe that now is the right time to do a project like this. Waiting is a waste of time. And in the crypto market, wasting time is a killer. Hive, thanks to places like KBK, could be a precursor to the use of crypto in the real world. If it waits, others will do it sooner.


For what it's worth, I can attest that the Kingdom makes people interested in Hive. I'm running a tiny account and don't publish often but I do visit Hive every day, mainly to check out what is happening in the Kingdom but also to browse my favourite communities and bloggers. More than that, several times I sent Hive posts to people who don't have any idea about the blockchain but are interested in the events happening in the Kingdom.

In short, the Kingdom Without Limits is a place where Hive enters reality (or should I say meatspace?). You meet people whose blogs you've been reading daily or read about the events you took part in, such as the monthly Book and Film Club. So yes, maybe I'm not a blockchain expert but the Kingdom definitely has a fantastic potential to promote Hive and the current proposal deserves recognition.