The source of my inspiration read here… #RoadToHiveFest



I am a person who believes in signs. My kids sometimes admire it, sometimes joke about it, but they can't help but admit - my signs work for me like a road sign at a crossroads!
Doubts always come: which way to go, and then something happens that becomes an additional incentive and inspiration to make a decision.
So, in this article I will not write about how we bought tickets and solved the situation with the choice of housing... Here I will share with you what became my guideposts and inspiration... to make the decision to attend HiveFest!


As I've written before: I've been gone for a while here because life's problems have taken me away from my beloved Hive blog...
But one day I got a comment from the famous @gtg!!!
It was so sweet! It's been 6 years since we met in Krakow at Hive Fest. The warm memories of this positive person who helped me and my @bugavi to feel comfortable there without knowing the English language came back to me... My Victoria has become an adult and now she speaks English perfectly. Also, my @darine.darine has become a hive blockchain member and her dream is to attend Hivefest and meet a real world Hive community!



This was the first sign to consider attending Hivefest. We miraculously ended up in the city of Katowice, where @gtg lives!
It was a great opportunity to meet and continue acquaintance. And also get to know other members of the Polish hive community.
My Victoria offered to organize a meeting at the Bowling Club. And here we are 😊
The first communication took place near the crazy slide in the shopping center, where my Darinka went down, and we all watched our brave Darine 😄



It was an unforgettable meeting. The relaxed atmosphere of the bowling game contributed to our fun communication. @gtg kept joking. All great people usually have a good sense of humor. I really like that in people.



Thanks to our little meetup in Katowice
we got to know some wonderful hivians:
@evelynchacin, @osavi, @asia-pl, @sk1920.
Friends, hope to see you all at Hivefest!
The next day @gtg was our guide to the ancient Zamek Ogrodzieniec
It was very interesting to follow his car. It's so cool if someone who knows the road is driving ahead. Finally my @bugavi is relaxed in the car ( she always works like GPS :)
Thank you Gandalf!



After hearing about our further plans to visit the famous Krakow, Gandalf told us about an interesting place The Kingdom without End by @hallmann
We were very interested in this place and we put visiting and getting to know it in the first place in our plans while in Krakow!



We arrived in old Krakow at night and a few days later we spent the evening in the company of Dawid @hallmann, the founder of this creative space.
When I got to the Kingdom, I was under a very positive impression. After all, the retro space always fills me with a special harmony! Everything here smelled of antiquity! Candles, tables in the form of old suitcases, a cassette music player, paintings, chess, and a unique rocking chair, in which we all took photos :)




I took a picture of each design element and of course I will write a separate post later so you can experience all my emotions!



A special property of the Kingdom is a unique collection of world thefts and crimes, which you can explore on the walls of a special room that all guests visit, drinking kvass to their heart's content 😄



Dawid welcomed us kindly and hospitably. We spoke a little Polish, English and Ukrainian :)
Ukrainians receive huge support here. Dawid is learning Ukrainian and teaching Polish to Ukrainians. We understood each other perfectly! It felt as if we had known each other for a long time. This is truly a Kingdom without limits, without barriers between people who have gathered in Hive - a community that unites special advanced people from all over the world! And now we have a close friend in Krakow, where we can always be warmed by the warmth of @hallmann's heart... and drink a cup of incredibly delicious tea kvass!


I hope I was able to convey to you my inspiration that I received in Poland to make the decision to attend HiveFest!
In the next post, I will write more about our road to Split.
We will be happy to meet you at NiveFest!


Manually curated by from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!


See you soon. Drive safe and keep an eye on the signs ;-)


I’m glad you listened to the sign that made you go for the Hivefest
It’s really cool and you’ve got lovely pictures


Lucky you guys can go to the Hivefest... it's a place to meet beautiful Hiveans..
Your family seems attached to Hive already. 😊 Looking forward to reading about the event from different posts here..