RE: 1984 to 2024 “The Ghostbusters”/ The Tour

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I love Ghostbusters when the first one came out, horror/ sci-fi with lot of humor. And you're right there was Ghostbusters everything from bed sheets to lunch boxes. The second movie was kind of a let down which is why the franchise vanished for so many years.

The female version I didn't like much, it had some funny moments but I think they failed to understand what made the first one so good, it was horror/ sci-fi with humor rather than mostly humor.

Afterlife they really did well, I thought it was a great movie. And finally Frozen Kingdom was good, but not as good as their last effort. I hope they push on to a third movie and make a great one! It was fun seeing Ernie Hudson, Bill Murray, and Dan Aykroyd back in the movies though, that was really cool!

Great post!


This last one is not bad, but the first one of the legacy was much better. Let's see what the third one will bring, because it looked like they will make a third one. Thanks for your comment.


Let's cross our fingers they actually make it!