RE: The Boys(1998)

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that's absolutely not what Australian men do, especially at the time.

I honestly have no idea how Australian men live life or handle situations. I also stated at the beginning of the post that I rarely watch Australian films(I'll start checking them out more often).
I also had no idea about people smoking lots in the 90s. I haven't really studied much about that generation. I reviewed the film based on how I felt about it. However, I'm extra grateful for this breakdown. It has given me insight into what to expect if I should see any film with a familiar style.

Lately he played a narcissistic compulsive liar in a limited series called 'Fake' which was okay.

Oh wow. I'd love to see this one. It seems really interesting.


Oh I hope you don't think I was criticizing YOU at all, I was just adding to what you knew about the film to help you understand the context. Oh yeah we smoked a lot in the 90s.


Oh I hope you don't think I was criticizing YOU at all, I was just adding to what you knew about the film to help you understand the context

Absolutely not. I understood what you meant and I sincerely appreciate cause it helped. <3

Oh yeah we smoked a lot in the 90s.

Fun fact. Hehehe.