Sharing my journey to health & happiness. Sowing seeds of compassion & kindness. Sharing the benefits of plant-based living. Cohost - The Healthy Happy Hour.
I am a Rainbow Warrior, a protector of water, an advocate for our children, a steward of TerraMater, a light worker. I am a Mother, a Grandmother. I am a voice!
Former Steem & Hive Content Creator. Healing myself to heal the world. Since every single thing we do changes the world, what kind of world are you creating?
I'm all about life being amazing. I'll be sharing the things and events that bring me joy and also sharing some ideas so others can create their best life too.
A.D.S.A.C.T.L.Y = Autonomous Decentralized Society Acting Cooperatively to Leverage You! - We Have exactly what you're looking for when you need it MOST!