RE: [ENG] [ESP] 🎥 My opinion about The Crow | Mi opinión sobre El Cuervo 🎬
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Muchachonaaaa hello 😃, I'm just like you to see the remake, I do not remember in detail the story because they are decades of having seen it on venevision haha but with the new film that came out, I want to see first the old and then the newly released to see if the execution fails or maybe I like haha
Muchachonaaaa hola 😃, justo estoy igual que tu para ver el remake, no recuerdo en detalle la historia porque son decadas de haberla visto en venevision jaja pero con el nuevo film que salio, quiero ver primero la de antaño y luego la recien estrenada para ver si falla la ejecución o quizá me agrade jaja
Hi, muchachón 🖤. Omg, you watched it on Venevisión hahahahaha I don't even remember where I saw it. But it is better to remember the first version to be able to have a well informed opinion. Besides, it is so good that it is worth watching it again. On the other hand, the remake... Well, it is not worth it 😅