RE: The Acolyte cancelled; it was the best thing ever

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The show was terrible and it crapped all over Star Wars lore and actual writings. This combined with them putting social-justice issues all throughout it was enough for most people to tune out... oh and the fact that the story made very little sense. I'm glad it was cancelled and I hope that maybe Disney is starting to learn that they can't just chug out any old crap, put Star Wars on it, and have people immediately flock towards it.


Because of comments like this, I know I am not the only one who did not like this series, if they wanted to tell a story set in the time of the High Republic they would have done something better, but with the tolerant and queer and woke agendas, what they have achieved is to screw it up and that Star Wars fans reject their crazy proposals.


well, we'll have to wait and see if Disney starts to get the message that we don't want current events and trends to invade our fictional world. I don't know anyone that liked this series and honestly, I haven't liked anything that Star Wars has produced since Rogue One.


Someone left a comment here saying that he liked the series... of the last creations the animated series the Clone Wars I like, The Mandalorian, The Book of Boba which is a little brought by the hairs, I do not understand well how he survived, they say because of his armor, but well, Asoka because they related it to Rebels the last trilogy, `passed (barely) the first film, but this last creation was a disaster just for that you mention the increasing effort to invade that imaginary world with current events and trends. I think they urgently need to listen to George Lucas.