The Acolyte cancelled; it was the best thing ever

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Almost three months ago I shared my first impressions of The Acolyte and there I expressed that even though in the first two chapters that they left us as an opener we saw potential, I had my doubts about the series, the truth with fan of this universe, it seemed to me that from the beginning, the interpretation of some jedi, the way they raised them for this moment within the timeline of the saga, was something rude for the fans, since we are used to another attitude on the part of these characters.

Despite not being convinced, I finished watching the first and only season of this series, I did it to know what they could offer us later, hoping that it would improve, but in fact I had no hurry to watch the chapters, it really did not catch me, many times when these things happen, I think I am an isolated case, but then I run into comments on networks regarding what I'm watching and in this case with respect to this series or the last trilogy of the universe, which is not to my complete liking and I realize that it's not just me.

Now while some actors did an excellent job and made the grade, sticking up for the series, for me Lee Jung-jae (Sol), Carrie-Anne Moss (Indara) and Manny Jacinto (Qimir), others left a lot to be desired or perhaps played roles that made the jedi look like complete insecure fools, in my eyes I had jedi that looked like they belonged to the crystal generation.



We can't deny that there were exciting moments like the battle against Qimir or discovering the truth that the jedi who were on the mission on the planet Brendok had decided to cover up, as well as seeing Darth Plagueis and Yoda appear briefly in the last episode, which I was glad to see, because I had hoped that the series could take another pace in the second season.

In general terms, I think that the decisions taken after the sale of LucasFilm to Disney have not been sufficiently successful in some of its proposals, and for example, Asoka and The Mandalorian.

So before a series that for me was quite cold, I was not surprised or alarmed at its cancellation, there will be some unfinished stories, which could be incorporated into other films or series, but basically I think that all of us who have loved Star Wars for years, felt that this series, rather than honor it or enrich it, was quite the opposite.



On the other hand, the numbers that are critical and taken very seriously to renew a series and these were terrible for The Acolyte, not to mention that many of the fans, who are much more acidic than I am, were very harsh about their opinion of the series and the criticism is also taken seriously.

On the other hand, by the end of this year another series of this universe will be released, titled Skeleton Crew, we are all waiting to see what it will bring and above all hoping that it will measure up, as we fans want to continue to see Star Wars as an inspiring fantasy universe full of admirable characters, accompanied by despicable ones and giving sometimes unexpected twists, but that are satisfying.

To see jedi who can perhaps be a bit ironic or with a bit dark and radical undertones, but people who handle themselves with propriety, self-assured, but humble, since that's what they've been groomed for since they entered the order.



In summary, I was not surprised that The Acolythe series was cancelled, the truth is that I got a chill and I am sure that Star Wars fans are attentive to what is to come, since George Lucas himself has expressed that the current owners of Lucasfilm do not understand what Star Wars is.


Hace casi tres meses compartí mis primeras impresiones de The Acolyte y allí expresé que aun cuando en los primeros dos capítulos que nos dejaron como abre boca se veía potencial, tenía mis dudas sobre la serie, la verdad con fan de este universo, me parecía que desde el inicio, la interpretación de algunos jedis, la manera como los plantearon para este momento dentro de la línea del tiempo de la saga, era algo grosero para la fanaticada, ya que estamos acostumbrados a otra actitud de parte de estos personajes.

A pesar de no estar convencida, termine de ver la primera y única temporada de esta serie, lo hice para saber que podrían ofrecernos más adelante, con la esperanza de que mejorara, pero de hecho no tenía apuro para ver los capítulos, realmente no me atrapo, muchas veces cuando estas cosas pasan, creo que soy un caso aislado, pero luego me topo con comentarios en redes respecto a lo que estoy viendo y en este caso con respecto a esta serie o a la última trilogía del universo, que tampoco es de mi completo agrado y me percato de que no soy solo yo.

Ahora bien, aunque algunos actores realizaron un excelente trabajo y dieron la talla, dando la cara por la serie, para mí Lee Jung-jae (Sol), Carrie-Anne Moss (Indara) y Manny Jacinto (Qimir), otros dejaron mucho que desear o tal vez interpretaron papeles que hacían parecer a los jedis como completos tontos inseguros, ante mis ojos tenía jedis que parecían pertenecer a la generación de cristal.

No podemos negar que hubo momentos emocionantes como la batalla contra Qimir o el descubrir la verdad que había decido encubrir los jedis que estuvieron en la misión en el planeta Brendok, como también el ver aparecer a Darth Plagueis y Yoda brevemente en el último capítulo, lo que me alegro, pues tuve la esperanza de que la serie podría tomar otro ritmo en la segunda temporada.

En líneas generales, creo que las decisiones tomadas tras la venta de LucasFilm a Disney no han sido lo suficiente acertadas en algunas de sus propuestas, y para muestra un botón, caso contrario el de Asoka y The Mandalorian.

Así que ante una serie que para mí estuvo bastante fría, no me sorprendí ni alarme ante su cancelación, quedaran algunas historias inconclusas, las cuales podrían incorporarse en otras películas o series, pero básicamente creo que todos los que amamos Star Wars desde hace años, sentimos que esta serie, más que hacerle honor a la misma o enriquecerla, era todo lo contrario.

Por otra parte, los números que son críticos y tomados muy en serio para renovar una serie y estos fueron terribles para The Acolyte, eso sin mencionar que muchos de los fans, que son mucho más ácidos que yo, fueron muy duros respecto a su opinión de la serie y la crítica también es tomada en serio.

Por otra parte, para finales de este año se estrenará otra serie de este universo, titulada Skeleton Crew, todos estamos a la espera de que traerá y sobre todo esperando que de la talla, ya que los fans deseamos seguir viendo a Star Wars como un universo de fantasía inspirador lleno de personajes admirables, acompañados de despreciables y dando a veces giros inesperados, pero que son satisfactorios.

Ver jedis que tal vez pueden ser un poco irónicos o con matices un poco oscuros y radicales, pero personas que se manejan con propiedad, seguros de sí, pero humildes, ya que para eso se han preparado desde que entraron a la orden.

En resumen, no me sorprendió que cancelaran la serie The Acolythe, la verdad me entró un fresco y estoy segura de que los fans de Star Wars estamos atentos a que vendrá, ya que el mismo George Lucas ha expresado que los actuales dueños de Lucasfilm no entienden lo que es Star Wars.

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Uuh bueno, a veces las cancelaciones son lo mejor cuando no están haciendo un buen trabajo, aunque debo confesar que me llamaba la atención y tenía ganas de verla, pero leyendo tu reseña creo que hice bien en esperar jajaja


Como mencione tiene sus momentos y personajes interesantes, así como actores que dieron la talla, pero era como una mezcla de Frozen con alguna película sangrienta en algunos momentos, hubieran podido crear algo mejor, no sé si has visto Asoka o la serie animada la Guerra de los clones, The mandalorian, esas si valen la pena, eso si, si vas a ver Asoka ve primero Rebels

As I mentioned it has its moments and interesting characters, as well as actors who gave the stature, but it was like a mixture of Frozen with some bloody movie at times, they could have created something better, I do not know if you have seen Asoka or the animated series the Clone Wars, The Mandalorian, those if worth, that if you are going to see Asoka see Rebels first.


The show was terrible and it crapped all over Star Wars lore and actual writings. This combined with them putting social-justice issues all throughout it was enough for most people to tune out... oh and the fact that the story made very little sense. I'm glad it was cancelled and I hope that maybe Disney is starting to learn that they can't just chug out any old crap, put Star Wars on it, and have people immediately flock towards it.


Because of comments like this, I know I am not the only one who did not like this series, if they wanted to tell a story set in the time of the High Republic they would have done something better, but with the tolerant and queer and woke agendas, what they have achieved is to screw it up and that Star Wars fans reject their crazy proposals.


well, we'll have to wait and see if Disney starts to get the message that we don't want current events and trends to invade our fictional world. I don't know anyone that liked this series and honestly, I haven't liked anything that Star Wars has produced since Rogue One.


Someone left a comment here saying that he liked the series... of the last creations the animated series the Clone Wars I like, The Mandalorian, The Book of Boba which is a little brought by the hairs, I do not understand well how he survived, they say because of his armor, but well, Asoka because they related it to Rebels the last trilogy, `passed (barely) the first film, but this last creation was a disaster just for that you mention the increasing effort to invade that imaginary world with current events and trends. I think they urgently need to listen to George Lucas.


I'm really cautious of starting new shows because of how quick streaming services are to cancel them these days. It's always really disappointing.


In this case, I think they did us a favor. Maybe a second season would have been better, just seeing Yoda on the scene or knowing more about Darth Plagueis, the wise man, a character of whom very little is known, like he was the master of Darth Sidius (Palpatine), but the attitude with which we were introduced to some Jedi was simply horrible, the plot was weak, it became slow and even boring, in some moments predictable.


Yeah I heard a lot of bad things. I've barely checked out most of the Star Wars series for the same reason. Disney seems to have no idea how to go about using the universe of Star Wars and it was clear from their reboots of the films.


Never watched this but I read lots of twitter talking about it. Sounded like it's fail to doom and I think the over-the-top social justice thing was also the cause, at least from what I read from twitter.


The bad plot, an insistence on woke and queer agendas, a character that for those of us who have been Star Wars fans for years was insulting, in short, a disaster. With other series they did better, here they completely messed it up.

PS: there are other series and movies in this universe that are much more decent.


se veía interesante pero bueno es bueno saber antes esto jeje porque verla o dejarla al final no vale la pena. excelente post!

it looked interesting but well it's good to know this before hehe because watching it or leaving it at the end is not worth it. excellent post!


Con sinceridad te digo que hay muchas otras series y películas de Star Wars que valen la pena ver y más de una vez ,esta se veía bien en el tráiler y parecía que iría bien, pero que va fue de mal en peor

With sincerity I tell you that there are many other Star Wars series and movies that are worth watching and more than once ,this one looked good in the trailer and seemed like it would go well, but that goes from bad to worse.


De manera general a mi me gustó,está muy bien creados los personajes desde un punto de vista sicológico.Es cierto que algunas partes te hacían pensar q no era Star wars pero creo que quisieron explorar un enfoque más humano y realista de los personajes que al final son personas igual.Pd :Mandalorian es de lo mejor de estas miniseries en mi opinión ,Obi wan q fue muy criticado es mi segunda favorita,saludos


Respeto tu opinión, pero no la comparto, presumo has visto la primera trilogía en la que Luke descubre que es un jedi, si vez al Luke en "Una nueva esperanza" y luego el de "El retorno del Jedi" son personas diferentes se nota que ha madurado y crecido y él no tuvo el entrenamiento que tuvieron los Jedis que vivieron el templo, así como no vez a Obi-wan Kenobi o a Mace Windu, entre otros, incluso Asoka siendo un Padawan, maneja sus dudas e inseguridades de otra forma,, por eso no cabe en mi cabeza ver a algunos jedis de los que aparecen en la serie, ser tan inseguros o poco entrenados.

I respect your opinion, but I do not share it, I presume you have seen the first trilogy in which Luke discovers he is a jedi, if you see the Luke in “A New Hope” and then the one in “Return of the Jedi” they are different people you can tell he has matured and grown up and he did not have the training that the Jedi who lived the temple had, Just as you do not see Obi-wan Kenobi or Mace Windu, among others, even Asoka being a Padawan, handles his doubts and insecurities in another way, that's why it does not fit in my head to see some of the Jedi that appear in the series, to be so insecure or poorly trained.