RE: AI Generated Content: The Future Is Coming Faster Than Most Think


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Ai is indeed revolutionary. By the time many average joes grasp it's whole functionality and usage. Hollywood and the likes of them in other industries would find it hard to beat them.


What if 20% of the attention shifts to some other form of entertainment creation?

How much of an impact does that have on revenues?


A huge one.

Sadly some are still looking at AI like it's going to bring about the end of the human race. I think we should let humans handle that. We've survived so far and if we are as knowledgeable as we think we are, surviving past any AI reckoning is reasonable.


There is the Terminator mindset around technology all the time. We as humans tend to go in that direction.

While there is a chance that something could go wrong, the likelihood of advancement is much greater. The risks are also diminished by using a directive such as designing the AI for a specific use case.