AI Generated Content: The Future Is Coming Faster Than Most Think


Here is an idea:

Why not become a top notch Movie creator?

This might seem like an absurd idea but is it really? We all have seen the videos on YouTube where people have created AI generated content. Certainly, nobody is going to claim this is feature film material. However, it does show the direction things are heading in.

What is starting on social video will eventually spread to long form content. If one can produce a 10-15 minute video using AI, then the possibility already exists for something longer. This might not be a smart option at the moment since we are still dealing with technology that is not exactly ideal.

This will not always be the case. Technology operates on a trend where it is pretty crappy (and usually expensive) early on, only to advance radically in the years that follow.

Hence, why not become a top notch movie creator.


AI Generated Content

Software is becoming ever more powerful. We see this everywhere we look.

Today, it is possible to come up with a topic and basically create a script for it. This can be done using the likes of ChatGPT. Again, we are not going to get a feature length script from it but a short video can be written in such a manner.

At the same time, there is software out there which is trained to generate scripts. How good they are at this moment is not within my body of knowledge. Nevertheless, this is showing us the direction things are heading.

Then we have the text to audio. Here we see where the script can be fed into a different piece of software and suddenly we have an audio file. We can even choose the voice that we want to utilize.

Bringing in imagery is not a major issue either. This is something that can be done today with the free software that is out there.

Hence, we have a short video that includes a voice, script, and images, all using AI.

Of course, this is not quite a film but it is a start.

Feature Films

I am convinced that, within a couple years, people will be creating feature films on their laptops. These will be completely driven by AI, with the entire process from script to video creation is done by software.

Once again, we see the progress being made with some video creation software. Text-to-video is something they are working on. How long until we can feed our script into a piece of software and it will generate video output that rivals what we see on our televisions?

My guess is we are going to realize this reality in the next couple years.

This means we will experience a massive explosion in the amount of content created. It is no different than what we already see on YouTube. The amount of AI generate videos is astounding. Many of these valuable for the information they provide. It is something that can make learning about a topic much easier.

It is important to notice the path all this is taking. We first saw very technical topics approached. AI did well with scientific stuff but fell short when it came to things such as news articles. Then we started to see the software grasp that. Now it deals with history and topics of this nature. At some point, it will get creativity down to the point where it is able to nuance human language.

We are seeing technical barriers being eradicated. My view is that Hollywood is going to suffer a huge hit due to software. The monopoly it enjoys is going to be wiped out as people start to watch alternative forms of entertainment. Do people really care if a character they are watching is being played by an actor or an AI generated rendering.

Ultimately, I do not believe they will.

AI generated content is the future and it is starting to take over. Give it another couple years and we will see tools for the average person uses which puts them on par with Hollywood film studios.

This is what technology does.

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Hollywood and the traditional movie model is going to continue to suffer. Just look at what Taylor Swift did by working directly with AMC and movie theaters. The only ones who did not rake in the dough on her deal was the traditional Hollywood studio model. Times are changing. Some folks are fast-tracking and others are lost amongst the tech and the modern AI times.


Yep. Businesses that supported, or perhaps depended, upon Hollywood are going to adapt. This is going to be coupled with the fact that people are beginning to be able to create stuff on their own.

Still early but we see it with social video.


That's a good pick up, content creation is going to be a lot easier for many and film production with AI and CGI effects will be done rapidly and easily at home on a desktop or laptop. Man social media has a lot coming. Hopefully that have a plan for the data side of things. It's all going to have to live somewhere or it will be like we are using dial up internet again.


It is a global headwind: how do we store all this data?

This is something that everyone faces. We are going to have to figure out answers.


Ai is indeed revolutionary. By the time many average joes grasp it's whole functionality and usage. Hollywood and the likes of them in other industries would find it hard to beat them.


What if 20% of the attention shifts to some other form of entertainment creation?

How much of an impact does that have on revenues?


A huge one.

Sadly some are still looking at AI like it's going to bring about the end of the human race. I think we should let humans handle that. We've survived so far and if we are as knowledgeable as we think we are, surviving past any AI reckoning is reasonable.


There is the Terminator mindset around technology all the time. We as humans tend to go in that direction.

While there is a chance that something could go wrong, the likelihood of advancement is much greater. The risks are also diminished by using a directive such as designing the AI for a specific use case.


Happy Sunday bro!. The truth is that reading your post I thought that when it comes to AI everything is fast and very good, indeed in the near future this will overcome the current reality, but I wonder if it's really people who make the creations, because we already know that from the script, through the characters and animation can be created with different software... It's interesting to think about that future, and I hope I'm still there to see it (I don't think it will be long) 😅


Each of those pieces of software will get better individually which will help the collective.

That is how technology works.


AI generated text has already been transitioned into some hollywood main stream movies I heard but cannot remember the name of the movie. But I guess as where things are headed may be in the near future we see a full feature length movie or a tv series made entirely with AI technology there seems to be a such a possibility and you know what I never would have had this idea in my mind if you would not have mentioned it in your post.


Certainly Hollywood studios are going to be able to use the same technology. However, think about years ago, the only ones who could conduct video interviews and broadcast them were major networks. They had the cameras and the distribution.

Now with social media, anyone can record an interview and broadcast it to potentially billions on YouTube.

We are going to see a major shift in the creation of movies in the future.