"The Zone of Interest" or banality of evil



It is the new movie released in 2023 (in 2024 here). I watched it yesterday, and it left a strong impression.

I could say that this is a movie about a family who 3 years ago was able to move to the place they dreamed of outside the town and start a new life for their family there. Build a beautiful house, arrange flower beds, gazebos, an orangery, and a pool. Their life is completely ordinary. In the morning, the children go to school, and the head of the family goes to work. The wife takes care of the house and babysits the youngest daughter. Family dinner, birthday celebration, bedtime story.

If it weren't for the fact that this is World War II. And behind their high fence is a concentration camp. And the head of the family is the commandant of this camp. And this camp is Auschwitz.

What impressed me most was not the scene where the landlady and the servants share the clothes of the Jews who have just been sent to be burned. It is not the moment when the commandant is fishing near the river, and the children are playing near the water when he suddenly realizes that the ashes with the remains of the bones have been thrown into the river from the concentration camp. And not even the moment when the commandant and his son are riding horses in nature, and in the background screams of the guards of the concentration camp and shots are heard, and at this time the father tells his son that this is how a heron screams.

The monologue of the commandant's wife, where she tells him that she will not leave their new home, impressed me the most. "Führer said: go east, populate the lands and live there, and we went! Our children are happy here. I will not leave. And after the war, when all this is over, we will build a farm here, as we always wanted."

Go East? Populate the lands? But the east is Poland. They killed those people, took their homes, land, furniture, linen and even their teeth. And now they like it here, and they are not going to return it.

The next moment I realized - this is Mariupol. I remembered how Russia brought Russians en masse to the houses where the people they killed lived until recently. They all act as if they didn't just kill those people, but as if those people never existed. They simply disappeared somewhere. Even feel a little sorry for them. I remembered a real video where a realtor shows a damaged apartment to a potential buyer and says how nice it will be here (and it was before you came!!!). They are building new housing for those who came from Russia, just on the graves of locals. By the way, there is exactly such a moment in the film, when the wife tells about a Jewish woman who is buried "somewhere here" (in the garden) and how she intercepted her beautiful curtains for sale. Very beautiful curtains.

It was late, but I needed a walk. So I was just strolling aimlessly around old streets in Podil, enjoying the light rain, night air, warm lights and darkness. It was as if I was trying to convince myself that darkness isn't always scary. The darkness can even be your friend, while the worst evil is in the light.













St Andrew's Church, Kyiv

It looks stunning from any angle.






All these pictures are taken with my smartphone - all I had with me. The last couple of street sellers were collecting their wares, and passers-by were hurrying to catch the last tram or subway to get home before the curfew.


I was surprised to see mulled wine sellers so late. These straw creatures caught my attention. The seller said: you need to drink. How did he know? I bought mulled wine and hurried home too.



Several silent shadows followed me with their gaze...


"The Zone of Interest is the best Holocaust movie I’ve witnessed since my own. It’s doing a lot of good work in raising awareness, especially about the banality of evil. "
Steven Spielberg


cover photo credit


Мені цікаво, як цей фільм зрезонує серед пересічних глядачів на Заході. Адже паралелі із днем нинішнім, якщо говорити про Україну, більш ніж очевидні (це при тому, що фільм було завершено ще до повномасштабного вторнення рф в Україну). Ваші паралелі з Маріуполем дуже влучні. І знаєте, коли я читала інтерв'ю з Джонатаном Ґлейзером, мене вразила одна його думка, коли він описує той заключний момент фільму, як Рудольф спускається сходами до пекла і його нудить, і з'являється таке собі "вікно у майбутнє". Чи відчуває він свою провину, будучи свідком руйнувань, спричинених ним самим? НІ, бо комендант Аушвіцу все одно йде і продовжує виконувати свою роботу: чинить геноцид, незважаючи ні на що. І от режисер підсумовує цей момент накшталт "ніколи знову": "Ніколи більше для когось взагалі чи ніколи більше для нас?" Мені здається, що це якраз те питання, яке ми маємо продовжувати ставити тим людям у світі, які досі воліють не помічати геноциду українського народу в ХХІ столітті. Бо, по суті, вони, фактично, перебувають по той бік паркану, де ростуть прекрасні квіти й органічні овочі в городі, і всі почуваються щасливими. А ми як та аудіальна складова фільму, до якої можна й не прислухатися.


100%... Ми це аудіоскладова цього фільму. Багато хто не прислухається. Навіть наші не всі чують. Це особиво боляче. І так, можна сказати, що війна торкнеться зрештою всіх, що всі міжнародні домовленості і запобіжники зламані (як ви цього не бачите??), але ... як є, так є. Таке враження, що ми всі котимось донизу у сповільненому кіно.


The film sounds very haunting (as does the reality of the situation you all are still living through). I think whenever we see leaders trying to dehumanize other groups of people it should be a warning sign that great evil is being done or about to be done. This is always the tactic they use to make the "ethnic cleansing" or "repopulation" palatable to the ordinary people. I wish humanity could learn from its mistakes more quickly. War never produces any net-positive and, sooner or later, always ends in some kind of peace negotiation. Stay strong my friend. Love your photography!


I agree with you. Dehumanize is always the first step. It is a modern marker for us as well.

I am holding up but there are days when it seems impossible 😒

Thank you for your words. Hugs and !LUV


You’re welcome. Please try to hang in there and take care of yourself. ❤️




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stunning night time photography, I get this weird sensation that the illegal invasion is just a bad dream as your city looks so normal.

Slava Ukraini


I remember I saw a film based on World War 2 and that was really heartbreaking. Also lately I read some articles based on World War 2 and Hitler's period and I was speechless. About Mariupol, when I saw the new residential development, I was shocked...

By the way, Kyiv looks nice at night... Stay safe dear...


You know, this movie is not heartbreaking, deslite of the subjecylt. There are no violance sceneries, no dead bodies, no even concentration camp prisoner in frame. The movie shows a daily life of the the family of an ordinary National Socialist. the father goes to work, the children go to school, everything is the same with us. If not for the circumstances in which it happens. An excellent director's achievement


After reading your post again and your comment, I went to see the trailer. I should have seen the trailer before to understand the depth of the movie. I am gonna watch this movie tonight because I really wanna see how they lived near the camp.


I should have seen the trailer before to understand the depth of the movie.

Always? I like to surprise myself sometimes ☺

I am gonna watch this movie tonight because I really wanna see how they lived near the camp.

I look forward to know opinion.


Always? I like to surprise myself sometimes

Yea always 😀, take care dear...


I went to Auschwitz a number of years ago and even then decades after the war I was struck by the eerie feeling the place had. Maybe it was just sense of history but it certainly felt much more physical.
It’s looks the film captured some of the feeling.
Amazing night time photos by the way.

Slava Ukraini


"The Zone of Interest" doesn't actually show Auschwitz. No prisoners or scenes of violence. It shows the peaceful routine life of the Auschwitz commandant's family who live right behind the high fence of Auschwitz. I have never gone to Auschwitz but I believe it's shocking.

Amazing night time photos by the way.

Thanks, dear @diveratt!



Я в захваті від неймовірної краси Київа! Особливо від Андріївського храму!!!


О так, за каденції Кличка (хоч його багато хто хейтить, і не завжди незаслужено...) на Подолі дуже гарно все облаштували. Доріжки, лавочки, підсвітка, справжня туристична міні-Європа )



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