Now's the time to start yer DETOX!

So it's three weeks into 2024 and I'm FINALLY back in some kind of self-discipline mode, or at least getting towards it!

I'm now on day THREE of no drinking and no fags, only the vape, albeit EATING whatever I want, a fair trade off, and making the most of the chocolate.

And I EVEN managed to get out of bed at 7.30 a.m. yesterday! That is when it gets light ATM, just around 35 minutes before sunrise.

I think very early Jan is a TERRIBLE time to start a detox, it's only around now, five weeks after the winter solstice that you can just about start to feel the light coming back, and there's the slightest sniff of spring in the air, or at least the promise of it.

As far as I'm concerned all those XMAS hunkering and binging type strategies should go on for a month, with XMAS being the start of it!

Now I'm in the mood for a bit of austerity.

I've also shelved the T.V. in the evening!

That had become a bit of a bad habit, so much shit on Flix. I had my first no T.V. night last night and actually got a lot of tidying the house type stuff done and sorted out a few chores, besides just sort of sitting there chillaxing, it was quite nice actually!


Next steps...


  1. Start meditating again the morning.
  2. Get up a little earlier with days getting lighter
  3. Switch my workouts to MORNINGS, this is just more practical.
  4. Gradually start doing more practical stuff with my evenings - from April my allotment will take over as it'll be light, that'll be a nice way to replace the T.V. I can be there until about 20.00 before it gets dark from that point.
  5. And get back into my evening YOGA, been a bit slack there recently!
  6. Back to IF - three small meals a day and maybe a protein shake if I've had two circuit days in a row.

It's onwards and upwards for 2024.


Got to focus on what you actually want/need to do rather than taking the easy options. I know how hard that is. I don't watch too much TV though.

Have a healthy new year.


It has become dry cold here, so I can't say about anything of spring. Hope in February :)


Vaping is also highly harmful to your health, so include it on your detox list.
You can do it! :)


Baby steps my friend, it is not easy to make a good habit, I used to huge sleep disorder due to been glue to the computer, it is something that I have changed although it cost me to get it done so simple but not so easy, now I rest better and I even feel that I am more productive


Sounds like a good plan. Good luck to you! And congrats on what you've already accomplished!

I think very early Jan is a TERRIBLE time to start a detox, it's only around now, five weeks after the winter solstice that you can just about start to feel the light coming back, and there's the slightest sniff of spring in the air, or at least the promise of it.

Completely agree. I think trying to "do resolutions" in early Jan is nuts anyway, 'cause it's such an "out of time" moment, you know? Most people have got some sort of free time from work, are hungover or still partying, it's just so far from the rest of the year's routine, it's got very little chance of working, even if you do manage to get a workout or whatever in on the 2nd, 3rd and so on..