The BBC Breakfast Formula...


Usually constants in life are a comfort, especially as there are fewer and fewer of them over the years.

But there is one constant that's a minor irritation: The BBC Breakfast formuala. More specifically the way it deals with personal tragedies.

I don't have a television at home, so I don't get to watch BBC Breakfast regularly, I mean it's not the kind of thing I'm going to choose to watch live on iPlayer, and I'm certainly NOT going to rewatch it!

I mean I COULD watch it live on the laptop, I could rewatch it, but I suggest if that's you, I suggest therapy is what you need.

No, the place for BBC breakfast is on a TV, in the background, while you potter around getting ready for your day.

I only get this when I'm staying in a hotel for work, which is actually more now than ever, so I've watched more maybe than I should have (I probably need therapy.

But anyways, what I've come to realise is that besides the 30 minute cycle: national news, local news, sport, weather, then a couple of interest items, then repeat, quite often ONE of those interest items will be a personal tragedy featuring the surviving relatives of someone who has died from a preventable cause.

For example, someone dies as a result of a drink driving accident, their wife and brother will be on the sofa giving their obviously understandably biased views on the matter...


The Formula...

  1. Summarise the relevant news link. In the example above the criminal is sentenced to a relatively short jail term and has his driving licence revoked for 20 years.
  2. Introduce two guests who 5-10 years ago had a close relative who was a victim of a similar crime.
  3. Two presenters are very sympathetic and must use the word 'unimagineable' to describe their loss at some point.
  4. The historic victims relatives talk about their case and are asked for their views on the punishments.
  5. The historic victims relatives always think harsher punishments are necessary, in this case a lifetime driving ban.
  6. Visitors are challenged at some point with the phrase 'some people might argue that... insert counter point view' probably the phrase 'fair enough' will be used to describe the actual punishment received in the case under discussion.
  7. The relatives will invariably be running some sort of charity or campaign group they talk about this.
  8. Thank the visitors.
    9, Cut back to lighter item or whatever else in the above cycle.

Pointless Journalism....?

I mean I should punish myself for watching this nonsense!

What is the point in having an entirely one-sided non-debate about criminal justice...?

No broader context, no objectivity, no input from the other side, it's just ultimately making the case for harsher punishments and giving the victims entirely what they want.

That's not necessarily the point of a justice system. I mean especially in the case of drink driving and death, no one INTENDS to kill anyone else when they get in a car and drive it drunk.

It's entirely the kind of topic that is worth debating, but not just 10 minutes from one side!

Maybe a plus side is the emotional appeal of the affect on victims, it might stop a few potential drink-drivers.

But the formula's not the problem!

However it's not so much the formula I have an issue with, it's the fact that it's INVARIABLE.

This is always the way BBC Breakfast does it, it's churnalism, lazy, the same old thing time and time again.

It's also easy, no conflict to deal with.

But it's dull, really, really dull!

Slapping myself now!

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I hardly ever watch breakfast TV. I just tend to stick Radio 2 on whilst I have breakfast, or 6 Music on weekends. It's just for some background music and a little news really and I may be reading one of the weekly papers we get. I'm generally either off to work or doing something else, so I don't want to get hooked into anything then. So I have little idea of their formulae. They have to fill air time with something I guess. Life is too short for dull, pointless TV.


I was thinking of making a 'Dull People Club' community here, similar to facebook's 'dull men's' and 'dull women's' clubs. This would fit right in!


That's why many people rarely watch TV on purpose anymore, except maybe with exceptions, like sports or movies or things like that. Seems like all TV shows are made with the cookie cutter, and they are mostly an insult to intelligence.


Agree, it's worth analysing, not watching for the most part.


The problem is, those tragedy clips get people watching. Here in Portugal you have a "news" channel that is complete garbage, and seems to have the ability to compile all possible disgraces and misfortunes and loop them... and it's one of the most viewed channels in the country! As long as there are audiences, there will be garbage!


It amazes me the amount of time people have to watch nonsense! Think what we could do if we could just channel all of that into positive stuff!


Absolutely! So much wasted time.