

I just wanted to give a quick update to everyone. We have been working hard on completing the first part of the film, bringing it to a finished stage where color correction, sound design is done and all animations added, while we are finalizing the script for the rest of Freechain. There still might be minor changes done but that first part of the film, I would say is 90%-95% as it will be in the final state.

In the following days what will happen is the following:

  • We will have a private screening for this part of the film with a number of community leaders and individuals that have been filmed for the interviews. This is a smaller amount of viewers, no more then 10. We wont be sharing the video (15-18 minutes) with the rest of the community so for any "unbiased" opinion of the film, you will have to talk to the people that have seen it. They will have free reigns to discuss it, criticize it, praise it.
    As I think Freechain is the best crypto documentary I have personally ever watched, im confident the criticism will be on the low side. 😇

  • Once the private screening is complete the community will get a chance to see an excerpt from the film of a few seconds, showcasing more of the narrator and the animation. Probably a part of the interviews as well. We still havent decided which part of the film it will be but once the post production is done we will have a better idea for it.

  • In the coming weeks, I will be sharing more screen captures and assets from the film while the film is being finalized. This will include new sketches, finished art from the film, some interview closeups, film editors workstations, sound design audio clips, etc.

  • I would also like to announce that we have a strong plan on delivering the finished film by the time for HiveFest. At Hivefest we plan to have a private screening for the whole film in finished form while we are in the process of submitting it to film festivals.
    We still dont know the dates for Hivefest but if prior years are a pointer and it happens between September and December we are confident we will have the film finished by then.
    Everyone at Hivefest will be able to watch it so if you needed any more encouragement to grab a ticket and meet us there, hopefully this will be a strong incentive.
    I havent talked details with @roelandp yet, and I hope he will ok this idea, but we wont be able to show the live feed of the film online. This relates to film festival rules and further distribution potential.
    You will have to be there in person!
    Also, anyone attempting to record the film with their phones will be beaten with wooden sticks.

As we come closer to Hivefest, more info will be going out and we will slowly start ramping up the promotion within the Hive community primarily with calls to action towards external social media to develop a solid footing.
Exciting days ahead.


Man, I'm so excited about this movie idea. I can't wait to see it. I don't know if I'll be able to attend Hivefest, but if it happens in a country not too far from me, I would love to attend it and see this movie.


After Hivefest we intend to enter many festivals so hopefully one will be closer to you.


This is great, I hope one will be in Turkey and I can participate.


Thanks for the update! Glad things are progressing. Looking forward to more. This will be an excellent addition to HiveFest.


Also, anyone attempting to record the film with their phones will be beaten with wooden sticks.

I have to wear my iron man sute 😅.

!giphy this is good



The beatings will take place using a 20 elected individuals plus one backup should someone get tired.


😂😂, i have to keep my backup ready too then. Thanks for the update ☺️


Good luck and congratulations on your success. I hope he will okay with your idea


Thanks for the update lord-adult-caterpillar!

I cant imagine the weight you have on your shoulders in attempting to market hive..
Thank you so much for all your hard work! cant wait to watch this doc!


I have broad shoulders ill be fine. 😂

Cant wait to show it to you guys and Hivefest is the best place to do it.


this is the first real attempt that has any chance to transform Hive into a well known crypto project and drag it from its current obscurity. And after 7 years it's about dang time :) You give this old and cynical clown hope, and that's the highest praise you can get :P


I say its really good. In a few days others will be able to say their piece.
When it comes to getting this seen after its done, if you see a guy dressed in pink digging through film distributor CEOs trash cans to find something on them that can be leveraged for favors, its not me.


Looks I need to try and get to the next Hivefest! I look forward to seeing what you've created.


If you dont make it to Hivefest. When it comes to the film I say:"Dont listen to me, im biased". Ask the people that will see this part.


The way you are saying that you have worked hard and when a person works so hard, he is bound to get success. We're looking forward to when it's finished and we'll all see it and then let you know how we like it.


Thanks for the update, Good job 👏


Thanks for the update, I can’t wait!


My best question and that of other lay people who have just arrived and randomly entered the conversation, but what is this movie? Someone send me an initial intro link or something like that please.


Thanks for the update. I'm excited about the film and I believe most Hiveians are as well.

No extra incentives are needed for those who attended previous HiveFests but this is a HUGE incentive!

(Wooden sticks are too soft for those attempting such heresy)


Can't wait for Freechain, for real! Need to figure out wen Hivefest, book them tickets and watch it with all of ya!


tres excitiano.
if its as good as you say it is.... this documentary could be massive!


We still dont know the dates for Hivefest but if prior years are a pointer and it happens between September and December we are confident we will have the film finished by then.

Congratulations 🙌 Thanks so much for doing this for Hive :)

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