Hefroms for HiveBeeCon


On 7 October there will be a @HiveBeeCon in the @krolestwo. On this occasion, I plan to organise a workshop where you can paint small hefrom figures. Hefroms are creatures that I "invented" a few months ago. They are made of clay. I have already managed to create two series. You can get them for RCRT tokens (here and here).

Below are images of the third (largest) series. Today I took them to be fired. They should be ready by the middle of next week. Just before the event. I'm not going to paint them so everyone can do it themselves during HiveBeeCon.

@HiveBeeCon już 7 października. Oczywiście w @krolestwo. Z tej okazji planuję warsztaty malowania hefromów. Zrobione są z gliny. Akryl dobrze na nich leży. Do tej pory udało mi się stworzyć dwie serie. Można je dostać za RCRT na @rynek.

Powyżej zdjęcia trzeciej serii hefromów, która liczy aż 30 figurek. Zrobiłem je na początku września. Dzisiaj zabrałem je do wypalenia. Powinny być gotowe w połowie przyszłego tygodnia. Na razie nie mam zamiaru ich malować, tak by każdy mógł to zrobić sam podczas HiveBeeConu.


Oh my, this is so cute!!!
This will be an interesting workshop 🙌


Hahaha perrrrrfect!
I bet these little creatures look nicer in real life. Soon some of us will know.


I bet these little creatures look nicer in real life.

They look even nicer in Iceland ;)


PS. Photo by @wadera. You can find more here and here.


they look indeed already nice in the photo, must be super cool in real life.
ok ok ok 🙃 let's go to Iceland instead next weekend 😂
owww we can always make a new alternative HIVE weekend in let's say spring 2024. We can bring our work along as well. Iceland, here we come! 😉


Hmmm... So, when the workshop ends, we will have dozens of unique figures... That reminds me of NFTs... 😃 Maybe we could take photos of them and create digital NFTs from them?

Just an idea... Btw. I suck in art... lol...


I already have something similar :) Look here and here. I use the NFT for my ceramics as proof of purchase and a certificate of originality.


There you go... We think similar... 😃


They look even nicer in Iceland ;)

Oh, 😍 My goodness what a beautiful thing this is.