GPT-4o vibe: The movie "her" (2013) that predicted relationships with LLMs, AI pins and generative AI. Have you seen it?


Der Film, der Beziehungen zu LLMs, AI Pins und generative KI vorhergesagt hat. Aus dem Jahr 2013. her.

Bei der Präsentation von GPT-4o haben Einige Erinnerungen an den Film "her" bekommen.

In "her" verliebt sich ein einsamer Schriftsteller in eine Sprach-KI, die verblüffende Ähnlichkeiten mit GPT-4o hat.

Die kokette KI, in die sich der Protagonist verliebt, heißt Samantha ("Operating System 1"), kommuniziert wird mit der KI via Earbuds und einem "AI Pin", ein Smartphone-ähnliches Gerät mit Mikrofon, Display und Kamera, das man am Körper tragen kann.

Ein ähnliches, reales Gerät ist übrigens vor Kurzem gefloppt, da heutzutage sowieso jeder ein Smartphone mit KI-Funktionalität bei sich hat.

Jedenfalls hat Samantha im Film auch Emotionen, antwortet kokett wie GPT-4o und kann auch Bilder und Lieder generieren.

Insgesamt ist der Film eher unangenehm anzuschauen, war eher ein Problemfilm über menschliche Beziehungen, Black-Mirror-Vibe, melancholisch, aber hat jetzt mit der Erfindung von GPT eine neue Dimension und Aktualität bekommen.

Was sagt ihr dazu? Hat jemand "her" gesehen?

Movie her (2013)

Video credit: Warner Bros



The movie that predicted relationships with LLMs, AI pins and generative AI. From 2013. her.

At the presentation of GPT-4o, some got vibes of the movie "her".

In "her," a lonely writer falls in love with a voice AI that bears striking similarities to GPT-4o.

The flirtatious AI that the protagonist falls in love with is called Samantha ("Operating System 1") and communicates with the AI using earbuds and an "AI Pin", a smartphone-like device with a microphone, display and camera that can be worn on the body.

Incidentally, a similar, real-life device recently flopped, as nowadays everyone carries a smartphone with AI functionality anyway.

In any case, Samantha also has emotions in the movie, responds flirtatiously like GPT-4o and can also generate images and songs.

Overall, the movie is rather unpleasant to watch, was more of a problem movie about human relationships, Black Mirror vibe, melancholic, has now taken on a new dimension and relevance with the invention of GPT.

What do you think? Has anyone seen "her"?

Live your Secrets and Hive Prosper 🍯

xx Viki @vikisecrets


Falling in love with an AI is crazy😅


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Almost some Simpsons level of predictions xD


The movie is written by an intelligent writer who thinks about the future but the movie seems very serious as it matches with GPT-4O.


This movie is similar to a thai movie titled "AI love you". The only difference is that the AI guy became human at the end of the movie.


AL will just keep amazing us


It's interesting, I haven't seen it. But productions with this plot are very entertaining.


No I haven't watched the movie but from your POV, it was a flop.


I haven't watched it and I don't really think I would watch it after your review. I think AI is on the rage but it's a subject that has appeared in movies/shows for a while already.


It's a crazy idea to fall in love with AI, but there indeed seem to be a lot of similarities with the advancement of AI nowadays.


This is one of my favorite movies ever! A dehumanized humanity that places its desire to feel in AI, a love story, Phoenix and Johansson (and Wilde and Mara)... flawless movie.