Reminiscing into 80s and 90s TV Shows

Hello Everyone, Namaste πŸ™πŸ˜Š


How are you doing? When we talk of 80s and 90s era one thing that redefined and had a revolutionary impact on our lives were the greatness of art and cinema. Music and theatre with retro and vintage style grooved the masses and hada strong influence on our lives. The music and cinema of 90s definitely bring the birth of appreciation and acceptance of craft, behind the scenes experience were celebrated and we had seen a new wave of fan followings. I am such most of us here had definitely started our journey into entertainment with the retro classics of 90s and 80s.

Friends (1994-2004) the best comedy television show is had ever seen. It's not just a show for me, it is not less than a threpy for me. I had seen this show Consists of 10 seasons so many times and a still continue watching it again and again after some break. It's my best free time entertainment. The comedy, humour, emotions, dialogues, star cast makes this show evergreen. Although i had first came across this show during my college days back in 2016. I wish I had known about it back then. I regret not being a live watcher of this show when it aired back from 1994 to 2004. This feeling can come only from the brilliance of the show. The characters Joey, Chandler, Monica, Rachel, Ross and Pheebe are so personal and we can feel a magical connect with them, their friendship, the friends in general. Such shows should never have an ending.


Another sitcom of this which changed the comedy genre, humour and given a new face to comedy that is Mr Bean. Originally released in 1990 with just 15 episodes starring Rowan Atkinson was just best critically acclaimed success for any comic character since Charlie Chaplin. I can still remember going crazy over Mr Bean episodes, the acting and facial expressions of Rowan Atkinson was just amazing, we used to watch the same episode back and again. I wonder why we don't have such shows nowadays.


In India we had witnessed epic television shows which not only showcased Indian art and culture but also divine in nature. Mahabharat - the show premiered on national television from 1988 to 1990. It has been premiered on various tv channels since then and still is as popular as back then. Religious shows like this make a great impact on indian audience. The show was brilliant in its execution, story line, character building, Set and costume design were all so good. To be honest it was not positive to achieve such artistic feat for any Television Show in India. The terrific performance by star cast has been celebrated even today. Indian audience very religiously follow the cultural and religious shows and they also respect the artists at a divine level.


Another such Indian show is Ramayan which is also a important part of Indian culture, the story of Lorm Rama, the story of victory of Good over the evil. Ramayan aired on national television in back then in 1987 and same as Mahabharat this show also being aired continuously till date due to its religious and devotional genre also it is still loved, watched and admired by audience. Both Mahabharat and Ramayan are also a important part of Indian Theatre. There is high demand and appreciation of theatrical performance of these two epic tales from Indian Hindu philosophy. For a theatre artist, performing a role in these stories is no less than a blessing, as they are admired so my the audience.

No doubt those old days were definitely the golden days of cinema, theatre and music. We have only few impactful show nowadays which we could cherish and watch even after three decades. May be this is because of the rapid growth of cinema industry and now we have abundance of shows and series.

This post is in response to today's Inleo writing prompt. If you are looking for topics to write on, do checkout the post for April month prompt here:

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I totally loved friends and Mr Bean.
Prime comedy from the 90sπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


Yeah, nothing can much the awesomeness of this two. Big Bang Theory and How I met your mother are also great sitcoms to consider. Have a good day friend. !LUV !PIZZA


I watched that too!!!

Loved How I met your mother, didn't complete the big bang theory though