Disobedience, seven years after its premiere
In the beginning, the Lord created three kinds of creatures: The Angels, The Beast and human beings...
The first scene of this film, in which you will see a rabbi delivering a speech beginning with the above words, speaks of freedom. Near the end of the film, another speech at that podium confirms it.
I am not here to tell you any more, it is not pleasant, nor prudent. I just want to share with you some of my thoughts about a film that I revisited just a few hours ago and that I consider a masterpiece.

Romance. Drama | A woman who grew up in an orthodox Jewish family returns home on the occasion of the death of her father, a rabbi. Controversy soon ensues when she begins to show interest in an old childhood friend. (FILMAFFINITY)
I remember that the first time I watched Disobedience, I was prompted to do so by the participation of one of my favourite actresses, Rachel Weisz, winner of several awards for her performance in The Constant Gardener (2005), including an Oscar and a Golden Globe for Best Supporting Actress. This time, what a coincidence, Galenkp recommended me to see The Light Between The Oceans (2016) and she was part of the cast, which brought me joy, and at the same time brought me back to Disobedience. Why? maybe because it's one of those films that reminds you of who you are and why you are the way you are. And maybe also because I was left wanting to see Weisz acting. She is one of those women of the seventh art who needs no words, one of those actresses with a deep gaze, one of those contained beings who make you lose control.
And here I open a parenthesis to talk about a sensation that this film can provoke when you start watching it: slowness, weariness, restraint.
I can assure you that quite a few people gave up before the film - shall we say - took off, before so much silence and mystery began to unravel about something that happened in the past and which is the main thread of the plot. In this group, I count those who, of course, landed on it without any contact with a critic or review or perhaps the simple recommendation of someone else, motivated by the sex scene. It's a very well-conceived and very well-done sex scene, I'm not going to lie to you.
But beyond this forceful proclamation through sex, there is a reality that many of us could be living now, and that is the feeling that we don't belong to a particular site, despite all the efforts we make to accept what we have to live with.
That's how strong it is. That is how heartbreaking this film will be for those who dare to watch it.

This is the reality of the character played by the Canadian Rachel McAdams, who you will see at first distance, accepting the bars of her cage, but not with enough determination to do so, and that is why there will come a scene of liberation so powerful, from which you will notice a radical change that as a viewer - I know - you will enjoy very much.
Precisely this is another great performance in Disobedience. You can witness that magical moment when the chains fall off with a simple action and reaction, by evoking memories this girl's psychology moves forward. Far from remaining in the stagnation that is presented from the beginning of the film, she grows and you will see it in her eyes, in the brightness of her eyes, in her gestures, in a projection on stage that says a lot, if you feel identified with this reality or a similar one.
Other successes that I consider plausible are the music, by Mathew Herbert, and the photography by Danny Cohen. The soundtrack is important in a film and this one intermingles very well with each moment and even speaks where the script, with great skill, lets silence run. The close-up photography, however, gives a lot of strength to the plot, as it exploits the inner dialogue of contrasts and repressed desires that Disobedience seeks at all costs to turn into a cry for liberation.
The film touches on the edges of love in all its manifestations, which I also consider to be very positive and speaks to us with great depth about the renunciations precisely because of love.
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Screenshots of three scenes from the movie
Overall, the performances of both the main and supporting characters are good and balanced, something that gratifies and adds a lot to this co-production between the United Kingdom, the United States and Ireland.
Interestingly its director is a Chilean, Sebastián Lelio. Reviewing his filmography I found that I might also like to watch for the themes addressed by A Fantastic Woman (2017), The Wonder (2022) and Voyagers (2024). I'll let you know.
I'm not a film expert. I also don't have a lot of time to spare and when I go to see a film I make sure it's not a waste for me. So this is my modest opinion about Disobedience and I hope that in my words you can recognise some of its values and I encourage you to spend 114 minutes of your life enjoying it and reflecting.
I would love to read you in the comments. I welcome your feedback about this film if you have already had the opportunity to watch it or if you want to tell me about this actress that I like so much or if you know the work of this film director.
I'll see you! I thank you infinitely for making it this far.
Original content by @nanixxx. All rights reserved ©, 2024.
No la he visto pero ya la anoto para buscarla. Encontrar algo valioso, que enrriquezca nuestros sentidos a través de las emociones que provoca el arte, es difícil hoy día dentro del marasmo de baratija comercial que nos rodea.
La buscaré 👍... Tu reseña me ha llegado y logro palpar los valores que me cuentas, solo queda disfrutarla.
Pues aquí te espero, si te animas a darme tu criterio, luego de verla. Muchas gracias por leer mi opinión al respecto. 🤗
I haven't seen it, but it seems like something I would watch, I love dramas and seeing people fighting for love. I also love Rachel McAdams' movies, I guess I know the other Rachel from "The Mummy" movies. Thanks for this recommendation, it's going on my list 👍🏻✌🏻
Two Rachel, an explosive combination. Hahaha... I'm glad my post encouraged you to watch this movie.
You haven't seen The Constant Gardener. Well, don't miss that one either. 😉
I'll try to look for it too 🤗
😁 You leave with two proposals from here hahaha... have a nice evening.
I've seen this movie! Unfortunately I think I watched it at a time when there was a lot of turmoil in my life and I don't remember it very well. That's not to say it's not memorable, just to say I need to go back and watch it again. Best part is I can't remember the ending, so it will be almost like new.
Thanks for the reminder!
I had also seen it years ago and I didn't remember some parts of it either, but I did have the feeling that I liked it a lot. Now when I saw it again it provoked other emotions.
It has been a pleasure to remind you of it. If you watch it and feel like telling me about it, I'll be waiting for you here. 😉
Adoro esta película, me encantó todo en ella. Es genial leerte y ver el reconocimiento a la actuación de Weisz. Yo llegué bastante tarde a ver esta peli, creo que fue el año pasado apenas y me sorprendía darme cuenta que se me había escapado, siendo que ambas protagonistas me parecen grandiosas actrices.
Además me impresionó mucho el trabajo de investigación y la intención que está detrás de la película. Recuerdo haber visto alguna entrevista en la que Weisz hablaba de lo mucho que la marcó el libro y todo lo que hizo para llevar ese proyecto a cabo con Lelio en particular, por la forma en que muestra a las mujeres.
Por lo que me sorprende mucho que conozcas a personas que desistieron pronto de verla, a mí no me pareció lenta, sino prudente, dejando a la hermosa fotografía con la que cuenta que complete las emociones. Ah e intensa en todo momento jajaja.
Es una peli a la que vuelvo con gusto y comodidad, creo que es sutilmente muy cruda y me parece genial que lleven al cine historias en donde se muestre la diversidad de la feminidad. Una de las mejores pelis que he visto en los últimos años.
Hola @ninaeatshere, quizás lenta no era la mejor palabra, densa... Es una sensación. Creo que es el modo en que se va presentando todo esto de la religión y esa comunidad judía ortodoxa. En cuanto a lo que mencionas de la investigación, verdaderamente es muy significativo y se ve a lo largo de la película el cuidado de los detalles.
Me alegra mucho verte por acá y tu comentario aporta mucho a este post.
¡Gracias Nina!
Me gusto mucho la reseña que hiciste sobre esta película . Por lo que cuentas es una buena película de la cual seguro no me quiero perder.
Gracias @heidy08. Espero que la disfrutes tanto como yo. 🎬
This woman is a great actress, there are many good movies she has made, I have not seen this one, but it looks interesting, I will keep it in mind to see it, good review, greetings.
Yes, she is a very good actress. She is also a producer of this film.
Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed my opinion about the film.
Hija,vi en Youtube una sinopcis de la película, muy fuerte en si el tema pero la actuación de ellas fue brillante. Y tu descripción muy buena. Excelente propuesta. Gracias.🌹🥰
Mamani, te la guardo para que la veas. Despreocupa. Un Besito.
Rachel Weitz, I didn't need anything else to add this movie to my to-do list. But your complete review adds interest, because I like the movies that touch on an uncommon subject, that make me ask myself questions. Thank you! 🙏🤗❤️
Thank you @palomap3, I'm very happy for your visit 🙂 and also that my words have added interest to put this film on your to-do list. It's comforting to be helpful, really.
I haven't seen this movie, but you described it so interestingly that I wanted to see it. Thanks for the recommendation.
😁 You have been captured or captivated... joke.
Believe me yes, you won't regret watching it.
Hola @nanixxx.
No he visto la película pero leyendo tu análisis ya quiero hacerlo. Me ha gustado mucho la interpretación de Rachel Weisz en otras películas ademas de las que menciónaste. Es una actriz que transmite mucho con la mirada y puede ser dramática y graciosa.
Voy a buscar la película para verla aunque sea en mi teléfono y luego te comento que me pareció.
Un abrazo y que tengas una feliz noche
👍 sí, coincidimos en eso.
Gracias por leer. Traté de no hacer spoiler y al mismo tiempo explicar un poco acerca de la película de manera que llegara a los lectores y causara curiosidad, porque ciertamente, soy de la opinión de que es interesante y en medio de tantas cosas hoy banales, Disobedience alienta la reflexión además de que es de calidad en el sentido de su guion y realización.
Abrazo de vuelta y feliz noche para ti también.
I must take a time yo wach that movie. You have pick up My curiosity about it. It seems to be so much force and determination in the characters to face the stablishment order.
Can You explain me why the photography many times makes a great diference in a movie Quality?
The answer in spanish, please 🙏
Bueno porque la película es imagen + sonido + silencios + trama y si esta imagen es de calidad y además logra transmitir estados de ánimo, o refuerza la escena, o de alguna manera te hace sentir dentro de lo que está pasando, o converge perfectamente con el sonido y el silencio y la trama, pues claro que hará la diferencia. No sé qué más decir. ¿Esto es una prueba de aptitud? 🤣
I am left with something pending: to see the movie. There is an interesting question in this review of this movie: the pacing. The faster a movie is the less it connects with our deepest emotions. At least I think so. And we live in an age where noise is preferred to the quiet of solitude. A hug
Well it is also the tempo of this genre. 😃 But yes, I agree and I understand what you mean. A hug.
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To support your work, I also upvoted your post!
One more, the best thing is that we have enough space to store them!
And thanks for your support 😅
You're welcome @nanixxx! Have a nice day 😊👍
Nice day to you too ;)
No spoilers.
I'm totally gonna watch this one. It sounds like there's some interesting social dialogue and questiony questions in there. I'm in
Thanks for the heads up and I'll come and read the rest of this post and to let you know my opinionated opinions when I've watched it :D
You were right not to read until you've seen the film, although I didn't review it. I just let a few thoughts run through.
then... I'll wait for you. 🤗
Well the Xbox will be hogged by the young human for the next couple of weeks so it'll have to wait. I'll make a note of it :)
Added to my watch list, thanks. Just skimmed your post so as not to spoil the plot.
enjoy it...😅 well, I didn't tell about it hahaha... I just talked about the performances and stuff like that.