Movies & TV Shows Community Highlight #971
Hello! As part of our ongoing efforts to improve both interaction and curation in the Movies and TV Shows Community, this post is one of many to highlight and boost members of the past week that have posted what we believe is exceptional content.
The Details
Each week, our Moderators will monitor the posts within the Movies and TV Shows Community and handpick the ones that are believed to stand out under numerous factors: post quality, length, and subject.
There are no entry requirements, and this is not a contest, but simply a roundup intended to provide additional exposure to all of you for your efforts. Just have fun posting in the Movies & TV Shows Community and five or more posts will be chosen frequently.
Author: @cristiancaicedo

So far so good, it's a romantic comedy that - as always - must have its moments of difficulty and/or sadness. Now, I feel that the film has some not very convincing details. Andrew and Florence are two great actors, they never do a bad role and I think they reflect very well on screen what the director asked of them, but Tobias and Almut's relationship is not the most romantic or the most memorable. It's true that it's more realistic, that because they are young adults they don't have that adolescent effusiveness of other on-screen romances and that - perhaps because they are English - their relationship is quite serious. I'm not saying there isn't love, funny quips or laughter. There are. But I felt that it lacked a little bit of spark, of passion (?), I don't know, the relationship seemed very serene to me in general. And the other thing I had mixed feelings about was the editing of the film. We Live in Time is told in non-linear time, but not due to the necessity of the plot but rather at the whim of the director. Films like Arrival, Memento or Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind need that non-linear, fragmented narrative that goes back and forth in time, but not this story that - I think - would have impacted the emotional part of the viewers even more if it had been told in chronological order. Perhaps with some flashblacks, but not in the almost random way in which it was decided to be told and which - in my opinion - prevents one from fully immersing oneself in the emotion of certain moments, the story of Tobias and Almut would have seemed more memorable to me.
Author: @abenad

Oh and one thing about me is that I hate suspense so when I’m watching suspenseful movies, I forward them. Guess what happened this time? I didn’t even touch my screen till the movie ended. The suspense was too much but it was kind of sweet. I thought they were only playing mind games which I could deal with but after every scene, I found myself at the edge of my seat, waiting to see what would happen next.
Author: @erigm

It's funny because I didn't like the young version of Logan very much, I think he had a rather immature and selfish attitude in his youth with Avery just before breaking their relationship by not wanting her to go to study in the city, but in his adult version he makes himself loved. In contrast, I think Avery is a character without much nuance, I didn't see a big change in her. Undoubtedly, my favorite character this time was the mother-in-law, a worthy villain of this Christmas story, I think it was a character with nuances that knew how to win the audience without much effort, she played very well her role of unbearable mother-in-law.
Author: @killerwot

All of these mysteries and many more left me - at times - feeling a bit fatigued. Not because it was so overwhelmingly brilliant that it was hard to keep up with, but instead, because nothing seemed to really get answers, and any time there was an answer to something it seemed to take a long time for the reveal, and by time one thing was revealed there was one, two or sometimes even more mysteries in its stead.

This season I honestly expected it to be a little more direct in order to solve all the mysteries that are there because yes, this series has several edges, several open roads that should be closing. FROM is one of the series that most intrigues me because of all this, that each character is living a different mystery and at the same time is looking to solve it explodes my mind because there are so many loose ends it is very difficult to understand everything. This season three began at the gates of the closing of the second which was very powerful but throughout the 10 chapters that mystery was not solved, on the contrary, a few more were added. I think that in terms of story this season stagnated, it was not bad by any means, but the background of the story entered a quicksand.
Author: @jessuses1381

Trish has a rather bright personality, unlike Jessica, and her determination to become someone better is always perfectly balanced with our protagonist's latent darkness. One of the things that surprised me the most was how well the series integrates psychological depth with action and suspense.. instead of big fight scenes, this series focuses mostly on smaller, more personal confrontations.. there's one specific episode where Jessica tries to lure the villain into a trap, and the tension is really crazy.
Author: @generp

What is this movie about? Our little secret show us the break-up story of our main characters and how after 10 years life get them together unexpectedly. After all this time, they ended up dating people of the same family circle and this forced them to spent holidays together and thanks to this a lot of funny situations started to happen in order to help each other to fit in this family without let them know they met before and why.
Author: @lililuki

I liked how the story was developed, despite using a technique that many may be confused or not like personally I love it, for those who have seen it will understand that I mean the times in which it takes place, at a time we can see the present and then we can see the past or even what will happen in the future, no warning or anything, but immediately deduce in what period is the relationship. I loved the acting of both characters, I loved the chemistry of both actors, I loved how 2 people with very different visions managed to combine and reach the goal they had from the beginning. Visually it's very nice, it's not great, but it's ok, as well as the soundtrack. The plot for me personally is a little repetitive, I've seen it a lot in other movies, but I liked the way they developed it.
Author: @naath

The first thing to know is that Arcane is a series of animation genre which was produced by Riot Games in conjunction with Fortiche Productions and is based on a very popular game called "League of Legends", also was released on Netflix and are nine episodes of 40 minutes each where we will know more of a fairly strong story marked by the social division due to the power between "rich and poor", the pain due to the separation between siblings and more than all the resentment that somehow several characters carry due to traumatic experiences, there is also a bit of scientific experiments, a lot of action and some romance although it is not the main theme but it is touched in a superficial way.
Author: @netflixr

"Cousin Greg" started out as a side character, a charity project of sorts, that didn't have much to do with the main story at all. He just seemed to be someone that would get abused by everyone and they didn't really understand why he was included at all. He has too much of a "moral compass" to be a real Roy, but these sensitivities of his actually work to his benefit as the show progresses. I have gone to great lengths to not spoil what happens in this show in the next 11 episodes, but I foresee Greg playing a pivotal role.
Congratulations to everyone that was chosen, and thank you to everyone posting in Movies and TV Shows! We look forward to the next report and highlighting even more of you.
Thank you so much for always supporting my post 🧡
Thank you so much for the support.
Thank u so much for the support🩷
Congratulations to the content creators who were selected in the best of the day, more than deserved, very good work from each one.
Best regards.
Thank you for the support!