Movies & TV Shows Community Highlight #925


Hello! As part of our ongoing efforts to improve both interaction and curation in the Movies and TV Shows Community, this post is one of many to highlight and boost members of the past week that have posted what we believe is exceptional content.

The Details

Each week, our Moderators will monitor the posts within the Movies and TV Shows Community and handpick the ones that are believed to stand out under numerous factors: post quality, length, and subject.

There are no entry requirements, and this is not a contest, but simply a roundup intended to provide additional exposure to all of you for your efforts. Just have fun posting in the Movies & TV Shows Community and five or more posts will be chosen frequently.


Author: @elizabeths14

Orgullo y Prejuicio: Opinión

I think I identify a lot with Lizzie, because if I had lived in a time like that, I would be like her hahaha, that rebellious girl, who doesn't shut up in front of those who think they can judge and humiliate others, the one who is enlightened and responds with education, firmness, but also with clarity about what she wants in life and that is just the opposite of what many want. And the best of all in this film is that Lizzie has the support of someone very important and it is not a woman.


Author: @cristiancaicedo

Holy Spider (2023): killing in the name of God | matar en nombre de Dios

Two of the things I liked about this film were, first, that the identity of the killer was not a mystery. From the beginning we see him, we know who he is and our concern is whether they will manage to catch him. The second is that the film does not end with the capture of the killer, but tells a little more and that allows us to focus on the social and theological context in which the criminal is being judged. Iran is a deeply religious country and respects its creed, but Islam is a patriarchal structure. We have seen time and time again how in Middle Eastern countries, women's voices are silenced, their faces are covered, their rights annihilated, all with the excuse of a divine will or a religious purpose, but which in essence is nothing more than backwardness and misogyny. Rahimi, the reporter, experiences this discrimination when she realises that, just because she is a woman, simple tasks such as renting a hotel room are made more difficult for her, or she realises that because of her gender the police or the people she interviews don't tell her all the things that they do tell their male counterparts. Not to mention how ordinary people begin to support the murderer, claiming that what he does is a form of social cleansing because prostitutes attack morality and live in sin. What's more, many of the murderer's followers believe that they are sin itself and that killing them is both a social service and a holy war that should not only not be condemned but should be rewarded. For some, the murderer is a hero.


Author: @kiutvariedades

📷💖 Mi Opinión Sobre: De Vuelta a los 15 (Temporada 3) ⏳🎬 || 📷💖 My Opinion About: Back to 15 (Season 3) ⏳🎬

The series in general has several flaws, some of them I mentioned in the previous review, for me one of the most important is the lack of presence of adults, and that somehow is repeated again in this season, because although now everyone is of age, to me it seems unreal that only show us two teachers in the whole season 🤣, or even worse that they only attend about three times to class when they are supposed to be at university 🤣🤣, and here the truth is that I do not know how are the universities in Brazil, but I feel that they tried to replicate what is usually shown of American universities, which in the end is not what at least I want to see from a Brazilian production. Another, not so favorable aspect that did not go unnoticed for me, is that there were many things that felt very modern for 2009, and considering the care they had taken in season 1 and 2 to make it really look like 2006, I'm a little disappointed that here they did not have the same detail 🤷🏻‍♀️.


Author: @teknon

In The Shadows Of The Moon(2019)

The cast on the other hand, particularly Holbrook and Coleman(the mysterious time traveler), delivered strong performances. Thomas's dedication to solving the mystery despite being warned severally by a superior to drop the case is worth commending. If there were Police officers like Thomas in our world today, I don't think we'd have as many unsolved crimes as we do today.


Author: @promete0sz

ALIEN ROMULUS The Xenomorph Rises from the Ashes

In my case what I enjoyed the most were those Alien Prometheus and Alien Covenant moments because those two films go beyond the xenomorph story and try to take it to another level, it is not at its fullness because I will always want to see the complete story of those films but I enjoy and celebrate the fact that what was seen in those films stands out in Romulus.



Batman: Caped Crusader - Serie Review!

The plot at first seems to be a little messy but there is a common thread, I say this because here we will see the most memorable characters of this universe. Each chapter is dedicated to them but without leaving the stories of the main characters aside. With respect to the characters there is something that has to be said. If you are one of those people who are annoyed by everything you see nowadays because of the forced inclusion, I tell you not to watch this. Why? - Because for example the penguin is a woman, Commissioner Gordon is black and we see romantic relationships between two women. Honestly none of this bothered and look I have been quite critical with this issue, I think the characters are super well developed, in fact the penguin woman is spectacular, her level of evil is high which makes it more interesting.


Author: @maitt87

Deadpool 3

As for the lead actors, Ryan Reynolds continues to be the heart and soul of the franchise. I love how he manages to integrate Marvel elements with real-life references, making everything flow organically. His irreverence contrasts perfectly with a Hugh Jackman who, as Wolverine, continues to deserve standing ovations. Jackman, who now holds the record as the actor who has played a comic book character the longest, shows here the same intensity, if not more, than in his previous performances. This duo is on fire.


Author: @davidpena21

El arca de Noé | Review

One of the things that I liked and was impressed is the level that the animals have to sing and always with the best aptitude to give their best, where many of these songs have great lyrics and fit perfectly in the film, despite not recognizing any of the songs they sing, they sound good. In addition, place this film in animated form and recreates all the construction of that ark, at a certain point give to understand that fragment of the bible and why it is so important, being a good cause the construction.



Congratulations to everyone that was chosen, and thank you to everyone posting in Movies and TV Shows! We look forward to the next report and highlighting even more of you.

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I'm glad my post made it here again. Thank you so much.


Congratulations to the creators selected as the best of the day. Also always value and highlight the work of the community team.

A pleasure to share in this space.



Thanks for the mention muchachones of movies 😀