Movies & TV Shows Community Highlight #922

Authored by @namiks


Hello! As part of our ongoing efforts to improve both interaction and curation in the Movies and TV Shows Community, this post is one of many to highlight and boost members of the past week that have posted what we believe is exceptional content.

The Details

Each week, our Moderators will monitor the posts within the Movies and TV Shows Community and handpick the ones that are believed to stand out under numerous factors: post quality, length, and subject.

There are no entry requirements, and this is not a contest, but simply a roundup intended to provide additional exposure to all of you for your efforts. Just have fun posting in the Movies & TV Shows Community and five or more posts will be chosen frequently.


Author: @neruel

Wonderland – Facing Death: Artificial Intelligence?

An even more appealing aspect is that the film does not focus on artificial intelligence as a threat to humanity like thousands of recent productions; rather, director Kim Tae Yong focused on highlighting the reflection of the meaning of death and the value of human life through emotions such as grief. That grief is evidenced by the loss of a loved one.


Author: @richardalexis

Batman Caped Crusader is amazing.

The Caped Crusader is an optimal version of the character, where his detective side coexists with his physical abilities but both are presented in a relatively realistic and human way, a breath of fresh air that other adaptations like The Batman have known how to take advantage of and that represents a fair and necessary paradigm shift compared to other versions that presented him as a quasi-deity.


Author: @josemalavem

Alejandro González Iñárritu: la agudeza del cine contemporáneo

Like the previous two, this one also had the contribution of the scriptwriter Guillermo Arriaga and first-class performances, which give a particular force to the drama it presents, as well as dazzling photography (especially its landscapes), soundtrack (the composer Gustavo Santaolalla was awarded) and the indispensable editing game, due to the narrative complexity.


Author: @pannavi

The Boys: ¿Qué Superpoder te Gustaría Tener? - Review

Now, returning to the subject of the series itself and coming back to the ground, I admit that I loved this series from the beginning until its last chapter in the 4th season. I am very much looking forward to the 5th, as I have no idea what these protagonists will be able to do, and because of how it ended, I don't know what solution they will apply to solve it. 🤔


Author: @lauracraft

La vida de la nadadora que rompió estereotipos cruzando el canal de la Mancha / La Joven y el mar /

The most emotional moments of the film, is when Trudy struggles with each of her feelings, since training and facing other competitors who are not from her own country, led her to an abyss of despair and disillusionment, because when she realized that there are women much more capable and with more training than her, it depressed her to the point of throwing everything away, until she began to notice that she is an example to follow for many women in her country, It depressed her to the point of throwing it all away, until she began to realize that she is the example to follow for many women in her country, so she regained her sanity and continued training to be the best not only in her country, but in the world.


Author: @josehany

Eve K-drama Review

Now talking about this series. I really liked it and enjoyed it, it went beyond the conventional, here things weren't so innocent and this leads me to comment that it's not for children, it's a series for people over 16 years old. I feel like it has everything I like, although I would have liked it to be a bit cold without involving romance but it couldn't be, in the end there was romance, however the ending is not as we assume, which left me a little dissatisfied but at the same time I liked it because not everything can be like a fairy tale.


Author: @jcrodriguez

Special Ops: Lioness | Serie Review

Laysla de Olivera on the other hand is little known, I remember her fleetingly from a film that was an adaptation of Stephen King, but I hadn't seen any of her other work. A good discovery. She convinced me as a Marine determined to change her life and prove to herself how strong she is. What she didn't count on was that this powerful force of love would be an obstacle to her goal.


Author: @kiutvariedades

🎥🐶 Mi Opinión Sobre: Amor Perruno 🐕💕 || 🎥🐶 My Opinion About: Puppy Love 🐕💕

The film is quite light and without much of a plot, the most interesting thing is the addition of the pets and some other elements, the story is set in 2023 so I found it peculiar that it was set in the post Covid desk, being this an important aspect because it explains a bit the way Max now leads his life, however this will be something I'll talk about later. Focusing on the characters first, I found it very funny that they are painted as two polar opposites, literally while Max keeps everything neat and tidy, Nicole lives in a flat that is not very different from the dump where she found her dog 🤦🏻‍♀️, even I got something when I saw it. Which led me to empathise much more with Max's character than with Nicole.



Congratulations to everyone that was chosen, and thank you to everyone posting in Movies and TV Shows! We look forward to the next report and highlighting even more of you.

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Thank you very much!! 😊💞


Good to see you still around from time to time!


Thank you, what an honor, I am very pleased.😊💞


Hello friends. Great to be here, thanks for the mention and appreciation of my content.

Grateful to the team, I hope you can enjoy this film. It is interesting.



Congratulations to all the team that make up the community and to those selected for the day.

Best regards.