The Purge - Crazy Idea but Not Far From Reality

The first time I heard about the movie The Purge I thought it was just a normal horror movie but after watching it I discovered that it is much deeper than that The idea simply talks about one day in a year when all crimes are permitted there are no police no laws and everyone is free to do whatever they want The idea itself is very terrifying but at the same time it makes one think I wonder what would happen if this was real.

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I think one of the things that made the movie successful is that it is not just a horror movie but it discusses dangerous societal ideas I mean if there was a purge in this way would people really act in a brutal way Or is the law the only thing that prevents chaos The movie makes you think about human nature and that there are people who can take advantage of any opportunity to bring out the worst in themselves.

Another thing I liked about the movie is that it is unconventional there are no monsters or strange creatures the horror here comes from humans themselves and that is what makes the movie terrifying in a different way and The idea that the enemies are not imaginary creatures but your neighbors or colleagues at work makes the subject more scary and makes you ask yourself I wonder if there was a day like this who would you be able to trust.

I hope that the upcoming movies in the series continue in the same style because honestly it is one of the most successful movies that was able to combine horror with social criticism in a good way The idea may be crazy but unfortunately the world we live in makes me feel that there are societies that can really think about things like this.

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Creo que al verla, la mayoría o "todos" pensamos en cómo sería si llegase a suceder, creo que sería algo así, la gente está muy loca...