🎬 📹 Endings (OST) in anime 🎬 📹



Some time ago I talked about the openings in the anime and someone made a comment about the endings, something saying that the endings are as important as the openings or something like that, and the truth is that this comment could not be more right; not only the endings are as important as the openings but also, from my point of view, they are better. I like the endings better and I see them more than a letter of introduction, a love letter to those who are really anime fans. I don't want to talk too much about endings because it's almost the same as with the openings, they reflect the quality of the anime and how involved the people are in the project, and to repeat this kind of things, it's better to go through the post of the openings, however,I can't stay without talking about the endings, so better, I'll make a small tribute to some animes that have excellent endings.

Hace un tiempo hablé sobre los openings en los animes y alguien hizo un comentario sobre los endings, algo diciendo que los endings son tan importantes como los openings o algo parecido, y la verdad es que más razón no pudo tener ese comentario; no solo los endings son tan importantes como los openings sino que además, desde mi punto de vista, son mejores. Me gustan más los endings y los veo más que una carta de presentación, una carta de amor a quienes son realmente los fanáticos del anime. No quiero meterme mucho a hablar de endings porque pasa casi lo mismo que con los openings, estos reflejan la calidad del anime y lo metida que esta la gente en el proyecto, y para redundar con ese tipo de cosas, pues mejor se pasan por el post de los openings, sin embargo, no puedo quedarme sin hablar de los endings, así que mejor, haré un pequeño homenaje a algunos animes que tienen excelentes endings


Lets start with Jujutsu Kaisen, everyone knows the first ending of Jujutsu Kaisen. In fact, if I remember well, when the anime came out the most interesting and most talked about on the internet was the ending, one so funny that it made the whole internet anime community dance. However, I'm really still in love with its second ending, one that in music is very interesting, but in visuals is completely crazy, not because it has a spectacular animation or anything like that, but because it emulates the vacation of the protagonist trio from the view of Itadori's phone. An idea that took me by surprise and gave me both peace of mind and happiness, because if there is a way to create empathy in your characters, it is by making them real, and there is nothing more real than a person who loves his friends recording them all the time while they go on vacation.

Vamos a comenzar con Jujutsu Kaisen, pues todo el mundo conoce el primer ending de Jujutsu Kaisen. Es más, si recuerdo bien, cuándo salió el anime lo más interesante y de lo que más se hablaba en internet era del ending, uno tan divertido que puso a toda la comunidad de anime de internet a bailar. Sin embargo, realmente yo sigo enamorado con su segundo ending, uno que en música es muy interesante, pero en visuales es una completa locura, no por tener una animación espectacular o algo parecido, sino porque emula las vacaciones del trio protagonista desde la vista del teléfono de Itadori. Una idea que me tomó por sorpresa y me dio tanta tranquilidad como felicidad, porque si hay una forma de crear empatía en tus personajes, es haciéndolos reales, y no hay nada más real que una persona que ama a sus amigos grabándolos todo el tiempo mientras salen de vacaciones.


And continue with Jojos, because Jojos does a lot of things, and if you haven't seen the anime yet, let me tell you that he does ALL of them well. And yes, it's obvious that I love Jojos, but that doesn't mean I'm exaggerating when I say that his endings are a clear example of how they are a love letter to the fans, since from the first ending they give us real songs (since Araki is a music fan) and every time they announce a new season the fans start to speculate what the new ending might be. Not counting Roundabout, which is mythical, my favorite ending is freak n you, from the fifth part.

Continuando con Jojos, Porque Jojos hace muchas cosas, y si aún no has visto el anime, déjame decirte que TODAS las hace bien. Y si, es obvio que me encanta Jojos, pero eso no quiere decir que este exagerando cuándo digo que sus endings son un claro ejemplo de cómo estos son una carta de amor para los fans, ya que desde el primer ending nos dan canciones reales (ya que Araki es fanático de la música) y cada que anuncian una temporada nueva los fanáticos empiezan a especular cual puede ser el nuevo ending. Sin contar Roundabout, que es mitica, mi ending favorito es freak n you, de la quinta parte.



And Finishing with Evangelion, just in the same post of the openings someone mentioned the opening of Evangelion and I couldn't believe I overlooked it. So, to give it a second chance, here I mention what is also one of the most recognizable endings in the whole anime world. Fly me to the moon is one of the best songs in history and using a cover for an anime, with such a calm visual in one of the most historically important anime in the culture, is not only an interesting decision, but also a winning one.

Y terminando con Evangelion, justo en el mismo post de los openings alguien mencionó el opening de evangelion y no pude creer que se me pasó por alto. Por eso, para darle una segunda oportunidad, aquí si menciono lo que es, también, uno de los endings más reconocibles de todo el mundo del anime. Fly me to the moon es una de las mejores canciones de la historia y utilizar un cover para un anime, con esa visual tan tranquila en uno de los animes históricamente más importantes en la cultura, es una decisión no solo interesante, sino también ganadora.




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I must say that I am one of those who listens much more opening, but there are many worthwhile endings. As for the ones you mention here, the ending 1 and 2 of Jujutsu Kaisen are something else, I think these are spectacular.

Thanks for sharing with the community.


The first jujutsu one was a blast but the second one honestly made me fall in love with it. I appreciate the endings much more, to be honest, but the openings are always the catchiest.

Thanks for reading and commenting🤠


That comment was absolutely right, the EDs are also part of the whole and in fact they are usually better than the OPs, it fascinates me that some anime start with a super powerful and energizing OP and end with a moving and calm ED hehe they are beautiful indeed 😍


Hola la verdad que no los conozco a esos personajes porque mi campo no se veía ni televisión pero se ven divertidos


algunos los he visto y son realmente buenos, excelente post!

some of them I have seen and they are really good, excellent post!