Breath Of Life.

Real-life lessons aren't taught within the four walls of a classroom, and there are so many things happening around us that arecapable of making us acquire a deep understanding of life. In the world today, technology has made a lot of things easy, and learning about life isn't exempt.

You will agree with me that before advanced technology came into the picture, humans understanding about life was restricted to the things happening around them, but it's completely different now since we can learn from things happening beyond our environment. It's convenient these days that we learn from movies, music, books, and even TV shows.

I admire a lot of content creators across the world who put in effort to pass a message across with their content. Many of them might not know how impactful their contents are, but they are helping us understand life from different perspectives.

I am not someone who enjoys spending so much time watching TV. I get bored watching TV for too long, especially when it's not football, but with the little time I have spent watching TV with my loved ones, I have seen contents that are worth putting out there for the world to see and also learn from, just like I did.

Sometimes ago, my woman insisted that we see a movie together. It was titled "BREATH OF LIFE, and even though I wasn't very interested, the title got me curious. I went to check the story and people's reviews because I know how disappointing Nollywod can be.

People's reviews of the movie were superb, and I couldn't resist watching. I got hooked on the movie from the beginning to the very end and learned so many life-applicable lessons.

The movie started with the introduction of a young man who had an extra ability to hold his breath for a long time. He was a graduate of Cambridge and a successful man in his endeavors.

He moved to Nigeria to start missionary work. Timi was determined to liberate people, but he ended up in a bondage that lasted for decades.

An ugly incident happened in his presence, and he decided to testify against the culprit who was terrorizing the village then. Unfortunately for Timi, testifying against the criminal cost the wife of his wife and little girl, they were killed in a terrible way.

Timi sought revenge against the criminal and avenged his family's death, but his life was never the same anymore. He cut ties with the world and God, and he blamed God for not helping when it was necessary.

He lived in the dark, even though he was wealthy and successful, until Elijah came into his life. Young Elijah applied to replace Timi's deceased butler, and a lot happened after.

The breath of life has a lot of lessons packed in it, and I will love to share a few of them.

Letting go is something many humans find very difficult to do. We bury ourselves in hate, and it slowly tears us apart, just like it did to Timi. In the movie, Elijah came to help Timi experience a new life, but in reality, that might not be the case.

The chances of someone coming to help you experience love again might be slim, and it's important that we always let go of the pain or hate that holds us back from living as we should. Holding on to things we shouldn't is capable of making life miserable, and in many instances, it doesn't just end with the people who refuse to let go. They affect others, and many people find life difficult.

Giving up on life shouldn't be an option for anyone who wants to be successful in life. Successful doesn't have to mean wealthy, and there are numerous ways in which we can chase success.

Elijah in the movie faced lots of challenges, from getting the job to keeping his love and church as well. It was so difficult, but he never gave up, and things worked out well for him in the end.

That's not the end, and I would encourage you to see the movie as well if you haven't. The movie bagged some awards, and I wasn't expecting anything less because of how educational it was. I have it stored on my flash just to see it whenever I feel like it, and I hope to make my children watch it in the future.

Images are screenshot from the movie


Congratulations on the beautiful post! 🎉👏

We love seeing this kind of content, which not only inspires us but also enriches our community. It's wonderful to follow your activities and see the positive impact you're making. Keep it up, we look forward to seeing more!

Thank you for sharing and contributing with your creativity and enthusiasm. Your work is truly appreciated by all of us!


Looks like this movie is going to be very interesting.

Sometimes we can’t control what happens in our lives. Everything is a test from God and even if we don’t like how things go, we should learn to have faith in him.


I agree with you @nhaji, there are lots of things beyond our control and we just have to accept, heal and move on when the unexpected happens.


Interesting. These slice of life movies are good for the soul sometimes to see the struggles of real people and how they persisted and prevailed.


I agree with you on that, sir. I enjoy watching movies that is directly passing a message and lesson that can be applied in reality. I wish you could see the movie, you will be blessed watching it.


I shall search for it on the internet. Lol


I have heard of this movie but i haven't watched the movie. With this your review i believe this movie will be interesting


Honestly, you should see the movie because it's a really good one and there are a lot you can learn from it.


I have watched the movie twice and both times, I was really touched. The movie has a lot of lessons and it's a no dull moment.


We are on the same boat, Becky. I have seen the movie more than twice and every time I watch, there is always something different to learn

It's indeed a cool movie...


Let go hmmmm it takes God's grace and mercy to practice this. What a lesson and thanks for sharing


Yes, it requires grace and we must be intentional about it. The movie is a good one and you will love it.


This looks like a very inspiring movie! Great lessons in there.


It's a really good one, you can check it out on Netflix.


This man is too harsh in this movie due to the way they killed his wife and child, I pity for this guy that worked as his cook but he later loved the guy because he donated his kidney for him.


Timi character was really harsh and I had a negative feeling towards him until I put myself in his shoes. Acting or feeling that way was inevitable because of everything he went through but Elijah came into the picture and everything changed.


Many movie's are letting us learn life in different perspectives and from movies, we get to know how the next person's thinks, Timi had happiness again, nice, that he wasn't sad to the end of the movie.


Yeah, Timi found happiness again with the help Elijah and somehow, God has been preparing Timi for the growth of Elijah.