Age Gaps and Bad Movies



Hollywood’s Obsession with Youth

I think Hollywood has an issue with getting older. Too many people get plastic surgery or Botox, and there is an obsession with staying young. It’s not surprising that older actors and actresses are paired with younger love interests to show that even as people age, they still want love and a beautiful partner.

Recent Movies with Age Gap Themes

I’ve seen three movies with this theme recently:

  • “The Idea of You”: Anne Hathaway plays a 40-year-old who falls for a 24-year-old musician.

  • “Man Up”: Simon Pegg plays a 40-year-old divorcee who is matched with a 24-year-old but ends up with a 34-year-old.

  • “A Family Affair”: Nicole Kidman, 57, falls for Zac Efron, 36.

My Thoughts on These Movies

I enjoyed “The Idea of You” because it showed the real problems facing a couple with a big age difference. “Man Up” was enjoyable because it showed how the 40-year-old had nothing in common with the beautiful 24-year-old and found happiness with someone closer to his age. “A Family Affair” I didn’t enjoy. The age difference is huge at 21 years, the premise is weak, and the story wasn’t interesting.

Why Watch These Movies?

Why would anyone watch this movie? The reason is obvious. Nicole Kidman is a star. She is a beautiful actress who is very good in many movies. When I see a star that big in a movie, I want to see it. Zac Efron is also good in movies. I loved him in “18 Again!” When I can watch a movie with big names like that for free on Netflix, of course, I’m going to watch. Many people have, and I’m sure many have been disappointed.

The Characters and Plot

Without giving too many spoilers, Zac Efron plays an actor who desperately needs a friend. Nicole Kidman plays an aging widow who desperately needs love and companionship. They find each other, but much of the movie shows how shallow Zac’s character is. The rest of the movie is about how much the daughter hates the thought of her mom with a younger man. Kathy Bates plays the mother/grandmother who cheers on her daughter’s fling with a younger man, but it doesn’t play out well.

Final Thoughts

Both Zac Efron and Nicole Kidman have a commanding presence in this movie. It’s wonderful seeing how well Nicole Kidman has aged and her familiar charm and grace, albeit dimmed with age. I wish the story was more interesting. With a different script, I think I would have enjoyed seeing the banter between them. In this story, it just comes off flat. The movie doesn’t show any of the real issues associated with dating someone with a large age gap, like health issues, fertility issues, wisdom differences, or the inability to relate due to different time frames of reference. So much potential wasted in a movie with no substance.


Watch it if you must, but before you do, think of your age as 40+. Now subtract 21 years. Would someone that age truly be a good match? Would they even be out of diapers? I wish this movie showed people finding love despite the odds, like a hero (or heroine) defying the odds to find true love. However, this was more about two desperate people willing to settle.

Of course, feel free to leave a comment with a different opinion.

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WOW 😲. I can see how the age gap is too much for a 40 years who will soon clock 50 and then 60. By the time that of 21 gets to 40 to 50 years, it will not balance. I believe in love, but not this kind of love with much age difference.
Thanks for sharing


I believe in love. Age is just a number, as long as both individuals are adults.


My grandfather remarried when he was 60 to a lady who was 44. I also have good friends with similarly large age gaps. Age is a number but there ARE hurdles to overcome. Anyone who doesn't acknowledge that is bound for disaster.


Thank you for your feedback. I understand the challenges posed by an age gap, but as long as both individuals are adults and love each other, I support the relationship.


When I saw the title of your post, the first movie that came to my mind was The Idea of You, and truth be told I am currently watching Family Affair. I guess I will have to skip Man Up since it seems the storyline is quite similar.

I do not have much to say about Family Affair because I am yet to finish it but the few scenes I have seen felt like they were trying to portray the struggles of a good writer who hasn't written for a few years.

And I was hoping the trailer I saw about their relationship would turn out to be that Nicole Kidman was able to find her writing spirit again by writing about her adventure with Zac Efron. Judging from your review I am guessing that wasn't the case


they were trying to portray the struggles of a good writer who hasn't written for a few years

I once suffered from writer’s block, but once it was over, writing became easier again. It lasted for a few months. I hope you never face writer’s block in your life; it’s a difficult phase. I ended up deleting most of my drafts without publishing them.


I've seen the movie myself. Well, most of it, I left in the last 10 minutes. The writing thing seems to be secondary to the writer finding a life and companionship again while the actor finds someone to fill a void in his life. The bad script in need of a good writer seems secondary to the plot.