Missing Everything - Hive, HPUD...

I miss you like crazy...

Yesterday it happened. I missed the HIvePUD Day! Everybody was powering up Hive. I wasn't.

I seem to miss a lot lately. My Monthly Author Badge, the Weekend Engagement, my 6 Month on the blockchain, HivePUD day.

I may even miss out on awesome financial deals, tokens of some sort, trading and all that stuff that make people rich.

What does that tell about me?

That I wasn't there!...But that's about it.

I was working the construction site yesterday.

Again. I scratched latex paint from the walls and ceilings, hammered and chiseled, and dragged 5 tons of rubble out of the old, winding house that isn't mine.

That's why I missed everything.

And now? Who cares?

Well not much people I would think. But I feel like making up to it by setting my posts on 100% Power Up now.

Do you think I will remember that for a whole month?
Do you think I will have more HP powered up by the end of June than I would have had yesterday on the HivePUD day?

Now listen up people and join the #hivepum. The Hive Power Up Month.

Every time I will post in June, via PEAKD btw, I will switch the Payout of the post to 100% Hive Power!

I am going to keep track on the HP so by the end of the month I will know if it was worth doing it or not. We all know that Powering up is always worth something, because it means staking and gaining...Pooooweeeerrrrr.

I'm all for power.

Power in my arms Baby 💪!

Because I'm going to chisel another room in 20 minutes.

This may not be the dream post but I thought I let everybody know. I will stake all the Leo and POB tokens as well. Not that I have a lot because me writing about financials?....BIIIIGGGGG laughter on my side.

But maybe between all the great advise you get everywhere from everyone you find this post of mine rather refreshing. Something different you can smile about. You might follow me after reading this revealing post. You might join the #hpum or #hivepum.

You can even call it POBPUM or LEOPUM or LOTUSPUM...going to stake them as well. From the NaturalMedicine Community ;)

And with this information I release you into your day. Remember to upvote this post and every following of mine...you know, Poweeeerrrrr ;)

Thanks for reading and using your brain for 3 minutes. I used mine writing this one and now I'm using it to do some good and help people.

Dust lung...I'm coming!



Hehehe. I like how you express yourself in this post.
And trust me i know that feeling of missing out on everything.
This happened to me too and even till now but I am seeing what i can do to make up for it.
And yes, i know 100% power up of your earning will be great and that is because I did the same thing few months ago when I joined the Hive platform.
I am so in for the staking too, I like power up and everything.
The joy of having more power and stake is second to none for me lol.
So I think its a great idea.
About your work, do you need some help with that? I don't mind lending a hand :)

Posted via proofofbrain.io


Thanks for stoping by my little informational post...yes we could use some more hands lol...stop by in Germany ;).


Hahahha. Oops, that might take like a month trek to Germany 😂
But would have really love to help


It's the thought that counts 😄


Hehehehe. I guess you are right lol. Are you taking a break? This one you are here instead of chiseling


I'm done for today with the chiseling, going over to help some neighbors cleaning and the it is just me and Joy, my dog chilling out. :)


Yesterday it happened. I missed the HivePUD Day! Everybody was powering up Hive. I wasn't.

Don't worry, I powered up enough for both of us. Lol.

I scratched latex paint from the walls and ceilings, hammered and chiseled, and dragged 5 tons of rubble out of the old, winding house that isn't mine.


This may not be the dream post but I thought I let everybody know.

Yeah, not a dream post, but so close the difference doesn't matter. 🤣

Now...Get your ass working!


LISTEN PPL...Galen powered up enough for the both of us!!!!!!...I'm good to go 😁.

🤔btw isn't every post of mine a dream post? 🤣

I'm back from the destruction site and now off to my neighbors. The husband is not looking good...might be towards the...you know. Do some housecleaning and then chill my day lol.

Hope you had a great day 😊.


All your posts are dream ones Anna. It is known.

Sounds like your neighbour isn't going so good but nice of you to help out and show some generosity...And after all that construction site stuff too. You must be tired.


The neighbour needs help 24/7 now.

They just asked if I could help out every day. It's crazy right now. The government wants me to do a job for 2bucks an hour. WTF? Are you kidding me? That's called slavery or exploitation...crazy shit. Not doing it but I might lose social care because of it. Ahhh I just wished I could earn money by helping out. Complicated country Germany...listen ppl it's not all good here lol.

Wanna hire me? 😂


You saw my #whatsupwednesday post right? I've been interviewing candidates. Maybe you should apply ss $25/hour (15E) seems better than $2.

Seriously though, there's lots of stress-factors around the world, so many issues. It makes me wonder when things will simply breakdown altogether.


Where do I sign? Lol.

Yah, it is boiling and boiling. I predict a bigger bang within the next 5 years. It is inevitable. Unless there is a miracle coming upon us.


If you worked at my office I'd delegate all my work to you and I'd get paid to do nothing. Just calling it how it is. 🤣

I agree, it's on the boil...Best that one sees and acknowledges it, prepares. But most will not.


How to prepare is the question. Preparing is a luxury as well. I hope I'm proven wrong, could easily live with that.

Now to our work relationship....aaaaalllll the work? Hmmmmm depends on the job but yah I'm used to do ALL the work 😂 .


All the work yes.

I'll be busy having long breakfast meetings, delegating work to you, long lunches, making sure you're working hard, preparing to go home and actually going home (early). Phew, it's a busy day for me, but with you there I should be able to manage.

Exactly, how to prepare. That's the question.


Lol, how about sharing the work and then both off to home (early). Maybe with a stop at the range for a shootout who's gonna pay for lunch.

Creative me and see how I think for the better of the both of us ;)...employee of da month is all I'm sayin ;)


Hey you stuck to it, and didn't forget. Better late than never - plus, that still looks like A LOT of work. My back is hurting from just seeing the photos...I hope the house renovation is coming along yet?


We still have A LOT of work left...cry...why did I helped 😂. My arms feel like rubber 😅. Oh well, slowly making progress hahahahahahahahahaha....It needs to become livable within 3 weeks. I was for tearing down and rebuild 😄


Well, it looks like you are definitely helping out with a heck of a project - that's always cool, regardless of getting a dust lung(s)!


Don't worry, I powered up enough for both of us. Lol.

a good joke.

I had spare 10 hive left from the process, could powerup it for you as well. but i wasnt informed. let me just say -- I feel like we are in the same boat, I have same feelings of missing everywhere - but probably due to different reasons.


What's your reason? I'm not really missing out, it is still my choice lol. And I take it as it comes, sort of. Yesterday I forgot that it was the 1st 😂.


I didnt forgot about yesterday and p'up and posted
and I also spend an hour creating /designing a special cover for that post of the month

actually my engagement into posting becomes less and less, monthly rewards for may is less then april, and april is less than march. maybe i've accumulated some frustration, idk.

unwilling to write a long intresting posts -- cause they obviously find not much appreciation. sometimes I dont want to post anything at all. (tho I have tonns of intresting photos, places visited, stories, etc)

Maybe the reason is tha i've got a decent job finally, and become more and more engaged into it. and winter almost 100% changed to summertime - time to be spent with baby, not with compi...

And I take it as it comes, sort of.



I hear you on the job thing...and the other things. So maybe you should not stress out about it. When you feel like writing write and if not the world will keep spinning :)



the world keep spinning :) while we enjoy !PIZZA, icecream, reading and playing videogames... and more :P


We miss(ed) you too ;<)

I'm all for power.

Power in my arms Baby 💪!
Because I'm going to chisel another room in 20 minutes.

This made me laugh!

No matter how you feel, you always manage to make me laugh with your writing.

Thank you for that.


You are the second today, @steevc said the same 😊

I'm glad I make you all smile, that makes me smile 🙃


That idea of powering up all your post for a month is gigalactic 👽🚀
Do you mind if we borrow the idea to create a new badge?


Heyyyyyyyyyyyyy , no of course I wouldn't mind.

Make a Badge out of it 👍😃

Whouhooooooo #hivepum #hpum 🥳


Deal! Let's go for it 👷🏗️🥇
Hopefully you will get the first one


Awesome, let me know when it's on and I will make sure I'm not missing out on it. Hihi I'm a little bit proud of it 😁


Sure thing, we will let you know when baked 🤠📣


If you missed it, I probably missed it too. 😣

Dust Lung.. Oh man does it appear that way. Lot's of layers in that old home. Kind of neat, unless one has to do what you're doing.. dig through them. uggggg.

I didn't know you could 100% power up. Now I do. Cool!! 😊


How come you didn't know lol but I'm happy to help out ;).