The Raid [2011]



Hello friends, I'm here with interesting movie title The Raid and I would like to share you with here.

The movie is about After getting trapped in a 30-storey safe house belonging to a drug lord, Tama, a group of police officers must do everything to survive and take him down.

It begins when Rama, a rookie MBC officer, joins a 20-man squad led by Sgt. Jaka and Lt. Wahyu for a raid on an apartment block with the intent of arresting Tama Riyadi, a crime lord.

Together with his lieutenants Andi and Mad Dog, Tama runs the block and allows criminals and addicts to rent rooms under his protection.

Arriving undetected, the team sweeps the first floor and subdues various tenants; they also meet a law-abiding tenant Gofar delivering medicine to his sick wife.

Meanwhile, continuing to the sixth floor, the team is spotted by two young lookouts, one of whom raises the alarm after the other is shot.

Tama calls in reinforcements, including a pair of snipers, who pick off the officers guarding the block's exterior and a group of gunmen, who destroy their SWAT vehicle.

Taking advantage of the chaos outside, Tama's men set themselves free and regain control of the first five floors.

Meanwhile, Tama cuts the lights and announces over the PA system that the rest of the officers are on the sixth-floor stairwell and that he will grant permanent residence to those who kill them.

Wahyu confesses to Jaka that he staged the mission to eliminate Tama, who is allied corrupt police officials, including himself; the mission is not officially sanctioned by the police command and there will be no reinforcements.

The remaining team members are ambushed by gunmen from above and almost completely wiped out.

Furthermore, the remaining officers – Rama, Bowo, Jaka, Wahyu, Dagu, Alee, Hanggi and another officer – retreat to an empty apartment and are cornered by more armed thugs.

Rama uses an axe to create a hole in the floor so the team can descend to the lower level. Dropping to the room below, the team struggles to fend off Tama's thugs; Alee, Hanggi, and the unnamed officer are killed and Bowo is gravely wounded.

Moreover, Rama uses a propane tank and a refrigerator to construct an improvised explosive device that kills the invading henchmen.

With more of Tama's reinforcements approaching, the team splits into two groups: Jaka, Dagu and Wahyu retreat to the fifth floor, while Rama and Bowo ascend.

After fighting a group of assassins, Rama and Bowo locate Gofar's apartment, and Gofar reluctantly hides the officers inside.

The gangs, wielding machetes, search the apartment, but cannot find them. After tending to Bowo's wounds, Rama leaves to search for Jaka's group.

Meanwhile, Rama encounters the machete gang and defeats them in a long fight, tackling their leader through a window and plummeting onto a fire escape below.

On the sixth floor, Rama finds Andi, who has murdered two of Tama's men. Andi is revealed to be Rama's estranged brother.

Furthermore, Rama actually signed up for the mission to search for Andi, at the urging of their father. Rama refuses to leave the building without his comrades, and Andi refuses to abandon his criminal life.

Rama parts ways with his brother to search for his surviving colleagues.

Mad Dog discovers Jaka and his group on the fourth floor. Wahyu runs off and Jaka instructs Dagu to protect him. Mad Dog challenges Jaka to hand-to-hand combat.

Unfortunately, Mad Dog ultimately gains the upper hand and kills Jaka by breaking his neck. He then meets with Andi to report back to Tama.

Tama, having learned of Andi's treachery through his surveillance cameras, attacks and incapacitates Andi.

Meanwhile, Rama regroups with Dagu and Wahyu and they head for Tama on the 15th floor, fighting through a narcotic's lab along the way.

Rama separates from Dagu and Wahyu when he discovers Mad Dog torturing Andi. Mad Dog lets Rama free Andi and fights them. After a brutal fight, Rama and Andi kill Mad Dog.

Find out what happened next after a brutal fight, Rama and Andi kill Mad Dog as it gets more interesting.

Thanks for reading my content.


It's one on those movies I once wanted to watch as it really got good reviews across the board but never did and it got off my radar until now. Thanks for reminding me of this one!