Landman - Oil, Blood, and Business [ENG/SPA]


Despite not being entirely satisfied with the ending of Yellowstone, I started watching this other Taylor Sheridan production. Despite what he did with the story and not reaching an agreement with Kevin Costner, the amount of content he's putting out through Paramount just doesn't stop. Because of this, it gives the impression that the quality of his productions has declined, but with Landman, it wasn't quite like that. It's a series with an interesting theme that seems to blend fiction and reality very well.

Landman - Petróleo, sangre y negocios

A pesar de no quedar tan satisfecho con el final de Yellowstone, comencé a ver esta otra producción de Taylor Sheridan, pese a lo que hizo con la historia y no conseguir ponerse de acuerdo con Kevin Costner, la cantidad de contenido que está sacando a través de Paramount no para, debido a eso da la impresión que la calidad de sus producciones decayó, pero con Landman no fue del todo así, es una serie con un tema interesante que parece mezclar muy bien la ficción y la realidad.

landman_Mesa de trabajo 1.jpg

The series tells the story of Tommy Norrys, played by the award-winning Billy Bob Thornton, an executive at an oil company operating in Texas. He knows the business so well that he has full operational authority, reporting directly to the company's owner, the billionaire Monty Miller, played by Jon Hamm, whom we remember from Mad Men. Tommy handles all kinds of matters to keep the company going in the midst of the oil boom, including having to deal with drug cartels.

La serie cuenta la historia de Tommy Norrys interpretado por el galardonado Billy Bob Thornton, un ejecutivo de una empresa petrolera que opera en Texas, el conoce tan bien el negocio, que tiene toda autoridad operativa reportando directamente al dueño de la compañía el multimillonario Monty Miller protagonizado por Jon Hamm a quien recordamos por Mad men. Tommy atiende todo tipo de asuntos para llevar la empresa adelante en medio del auge petrolero, incluso tener que tratar con los carteles de la droga.


The plot unfolds amidst the conflicts that occur in the day-to-day operations of the oil fields. Chapter after chapter, we see Tommy going from one place to another, always dealing with a problem, from the death of a crew operating in one of the wells to the threats of a cartel for losing its merchandise in the middle of the oil fields. Adding to all this mess is Angela (Ali Larter), Tommy's ex-wife, who wants to get back with him, which gives his life a new meaning.

La historia se desarrolla en medio de los conflictos que ocurren en el dia a dia en los pozos petroleros, capitulo tras capitulo vemos a Tommy ir de un lado a otro atendiendo siempre un problema, desde la muerte de un equipo que opera en uno de los pozos, hasta las amenazas de un cartel por perder su mercancía en medio de los pozos petroleros. A todo este desmadre se suma Angela (Ali Larter) la ex esposa de Tommy que quiere volver con él, lo que le da un nuevo sentido a su vida.


Landman has all the details we're used to seeing when the story is centered in places like Texas and Mexico: the sepia tone of the shots, the arid landscapes, the men with a cowboy look, the problems of a border, all mixed now with the theme of the oil business or how dark it can be, with all sorts of actions that ensure the continuity of the business, so that not even the death of its workers threatens to stop making money.

Landman tiene todos los detalles que estamos acostumbrados a ver cuando la historia se centra en lugares como Texas y México, el color sepia de las tomas, los paisajes áridos, los hombres con apariencia de vaqueros, los problemas de una frontera, todo mezclado ahora con el tema del negocio petrolero o lo sombrío que puede ser, con todo tipo de acciones que aseguren la continuidad del negocio, que ni la muerte de sus trabajadores amenace el seguir haciendo dinero.


The character of Tommy is the best thing about the series. Billy Bob, as always, does a great job. Here, it doesn't matter if the script has deficiencies in some scenes, or there's filler with situations that weren't necessary to reach the 10 episodes, because when it comes to his performance, you can see how well he transforms to play a Texan expert in the oil business. His interaction with the other characters is very good; the chemistry with Ali Larter in her role as the typical superficial American woman is fantastic.

El personaje de Tommy es lo mejor de la serie, Billy Bob como siempre hace un gran trabajo, acá no importa si el guión tiene deficiencias en algunas escenas, o hay relleno de situaciones que no eran necesarias para alcanzar los 10 capítulos, porque cuando se trata de su participación, puede notar lo bien que se transforma para hacer la de un texanos experto en el negocio del petróleo. Su interacción con los demás personajes es muy buena, la química con Ali Larter con su papel de la típica mujer americana superficial, es fantástica.

Images from


Se ve interesante la serie abordaron el tema del petroleo en texas la ficción tal vez no esta tan lejos de la realidad jejejje la buscaré gracias por la recomendación saludos


Si quizás esté lejos de la realidad pero puede que no, sabemos que por el dinero las personas están dispuestas hacer lo que sea, la historia lo ha demostrado.


I hated this series. I started watching with my husband and could barely control my displeasure. I didn't want to ruin it for him so I was going to wait until the first episode was over, then I was going to politely say I wasn't interested in watching more. My husband is a dear heart. Three quarters of the way through he said, "This isn't your kind of show." We stopped watching on the spot.

How did he know it wasn't my kind of show?

It was crude. Badly written one-liners with characters that were 1/2 an inch thick. They were cliches. Billy Bob Thornton is a great actor, but what could he do with such unimaginative dialog?

And the women? Please. Do all women in Texas have three-inch nails, wear bra tops, have long, dye-blonde hair and sachet around flirtatiously? The scenes with Billy Bob's daughter were disgusting. She was supposed to be 17, but was highly sexualized. This was especially objectionable in scenes played with her father.

I didn't stay around long enough to appreciate your summary. It sounds like you enjoyed the series, but did not see what I saw. That's what makes life interesting. We are all different :)