"I can't remember your face. My head hurts trying to. So, please, come back home."

Imagine your child uttering those words on a pre-recorded video, which is the only means for her to communicate with you, being that you are locked up in prison. How those words cut like a knife on your already bleeding heart. How they break your heart. Your heart that has been shattered over and over. All because you put your trust on the wrong people.

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My name is Jeongyoon. I was happily living with my husband and my only child. We are not rich people. We have an ordinary, normal life. My husband, Jongbae, and I manage our own small business which is a car body repair shop. I am a simple woman who loves my husband and child more than anything in this world. My only wish is to spend my life with both of them. I never asked for anything that is beyond what my husband could offer. It never crossed my mind that one honest mistake could turn my life upside down. That it would lead to catastrophic events that almost successfully divide the only precious thing I cherish in this world, my family.

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I, Jongbae, a loving father to my daughter. A faithful husband to my wife, Jeongyoon. I woud like to say that I am a responsible man. A man who works hard to give the best to my family. I wanted to give my all so they could live comfortably. I love my wife. But my loyalty to her was tested when I made a decision to help a friend without her knowledge. A decision that lead to disastrous mistake that drove a wedge to our relationship. Yes, I am a responsible husband. I am responsible for the suffering of my wife.

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I am guilty of causing pain and shame to her. It's because of me that my daughter will not grow up beside her mother. I am to be blamed for every tears that roll down my little girl's innocent face.

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And now, I am racing with time to save my wife. I have lost faith with those people in authorities. They only acted in selfishness.

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I began to despise being poor and powerless. Where is the silver lining hiding in these thick, dark clouds?

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Way Back Home is an intriguing tale of a simple South Korean family. It is a story about responsibility to ones family, guilt, friendship, hope, poverty, politics, and justice. It also tackles a very sensitive issue about drugs smuggling across another country. It also serves as an awareness to those people who are being taken advantage of by drug runners in hopes of earning a meager amount of money for their day to day living. They brave crossing the globe and hold on to deceitful words that they would return safely back to their home.

It's a movie that would show how the government failed to protect its people. How easy it is for them to neglect the welfare of their citizen because they lack empathy.

I could not help but to shed tears to the injustice that the main character, Jeongyoon (portrayed by Jeon Do-Yeon) endured. I felt her pain, being that I also exeriençed unjustness. Well, I guess we all do, once upon a time. It takes more than just courage to withstand such aggravation. It's inconceivable, how she was incapable of defending herself to the court. How can she have a proper trial when her and her husband's plea for aid was deliberately ignored? Every heart-rending scene would also make you doubt the system. Forgive me if I am so caught up with the story. I just hate being helpless. I mean, who would want to be reduced in such circumstance, right?

While watching this film, I thought of one of the short stories I love. If you know Leo Tolstoy, you must have known one of his masterpieces, God Sees the Truth but Waits. The story also revolves around unfairness. But in the end, justice and truth prevails.

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I cannot go more into details for fear of giving away too much juicy details. It would be better if you watch the movie yourself. Come on! I should not be the only one spilling some tears here. I promise you. This underrated movie is worth your time.

Disclaimer: All images are properly cited.


I like Korean drama and this kind of plot. noted for weekend entertainment. Thanks for sharing.


Same here. I'm always on the lookout for good movies and series. Enjoy!


Very nice, I must say. This writing made me add the movie in to watch list. Thank you.