Weekend Experiences - Work and Play for a Great Weekend!

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I love a good #WeekendExperiences (founded by @galenkp,) #SublimeSunday (inspired by @c0ff33a) and #BeautifulSunday (initiated by @ace108) 3-fer reason to post a story about how the week ended!

When you work all Saturday, Sunday is time for a little languishing.


First things first! The Prompt!

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"Men, do you feel you're a gentleman or chivalrous and if so why?" is one of the choices on https://hive.blog/hive-168869/@galenkp/weekend-engagement-topics-week-224
I believe chivalry is under attack in these times. Back in my day, not that much removed from this day, chivalry meant something like being courteous to women, giving the respect that should always have been there as a fellow human, and representing our gender as magnanimous and happily charged with the burden of misdoings done well before we were carrying the male torch. It has become much more complicated than that since, but I stay the course. I will open the door, study the challenges so that I will not be among them, and do what I can to make misogyny as obsolete as it should already be. I hope I am as chivalrous as I intend to be!


Work on Saturday?


Ever have those ends of the week that leaves you with work to do on the weekend? You might be a business owner if the answer was yes and this was one of those weeks for me. Without going into too much detail, I was left with an extra 2 hours of local news distribution detail on Saturday morning. I grabbed a coffee early and hit the road to get the last of the local news out to the public.


While on my rounds in the community, I stumbled upon a craft and local maker sale in one of the court yards of a local market. There is something purely local about the creative people gathering to sell the labours of their love together on a weekend. Such a great use for the space that might otherwise go unused on a weekend when people can come out to support each other.


After that, the bat signal went up as a friend was a little short staffed and needed help working a wedding at Revival House Such an epic venue for a big day and these folks seemed as happy as can be to help the couple tie the knot.


Besides that, the food was fantastic. Here we have a tray of hors d'oeuvres headed out from the kitchen with a server happy to be delivering them.


A little later on, I flipped into social media manager mode and snapped a few pics of the dessert which some might recognize as crème brûlée. I did have a chance to sample the tenderloin and one of these babies which made an extra shift of work on a weekend worth it.

The Real Weekend!


By the time Sunday morning rolled around, I had really earned a weekend seeing as half of it was spent working. Time to sleep in, get caught up on the blog and hit the dog park! It was an overcast day but still 26 Celsius with a slight breeze and considerably fewer mosquitos. Pretty much the perfect beginning to September and a day I might look back on when here in February.


Despite the uncharacteristically warm September days, the leaves are changing colour and ushering us into autumn. The mapels are the best with their vibrant red and purely Canadian brand.


the leaves are not the only thing celebrating the change of seasons with a little flare. When you pause to enjoy the little shows of fireworks in the autumn, the change of the season is less of a loss of summer and more of a welcome transition to a spicy and vibrant transition period.


With the cooler nights upon us, I figured tonight was as good as any to have a camp fire in the back yard. I remember living in the big city being concerned that a camp fire might be taboo and an invitation for the authorities to come and heavily shut down the party. In this smaller town, it is almost a right to enjoy a fire in the yard and we have never been interrupted when we pretend we are camping 1 more weekend.



I capped the weekend off with a nice DDH IPA from a craft brewery I visited a week ago as I brought some home for the fridge. I would encourage you to check out #beersaturday and more beery adventures with me weekly. This week I revisit another craft brewery visit and a couple IPAs if this is too small a taste for you.


The decreasingly warm late evening sun still holds warmth for us here! What a weekend as the sun goes down!

All Hail the Weekend Warriors!




Work AND play for a god weekend?


You know what the weekend was missing? Some golf.. ⛳️


Totally true.

Though, I like my golf on the weekdays because all the wage slaves cram themselves in on the weekend and I prefer business pays my green fees.


This place I've been going is Hella cheap.. like $40 with a cart.. cause fuck that walking shit


That crème brûlée looks great. 26 degrees is good enough for me to be out. A few degrees cooler will be good but we don't get before 24 much.


September can be a mixed bag here but we have been mid 20s with no rain the last 2 full weeks and about as perfect as it gets. Check back with me in a month where it is gray and cool to damp and cold.

Memories of these past couple weeks will warm me in the long winter months.


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