Animation In Production



As a teenager , the concept of animation is still something I enjoy so much, I have had adventures with so many animated movies ,The dragon ball series, the famous tom and jerry cartoon series and disney movies are examples of movie franchises that I enjoy very much. But as many of my mates would agree to,while growing up as little kids we always argued if movies were animated or were acted, and that made me start to think today about how this animations are actually made, to that I made some research and I I’ll like to share my findings.
Lets get started!!

The first step in creating an animation is “idea generation”


that is coming up with a concept or idea , this can be done from a lot of ways as one can get the ideas from comic books, real life happenings, as soon as the concept has been chosen the next step is to create a script, the script describes the story, actions, and dialogues of the characters, and trust me this is not as easy as it seems in theory ,it takes time and effort. As this would provide the blueprint for the ensuing production process.

For some , the next step is what we’ll call “design bible” given the nature of animation as a visual medium, the look of your animation is very much important, the design bible informs the staff of what the project is supposed to look like.This includes reference images, sample assets, inspiration notes, and anything else needed to keep everyone on the same page throughout development. And when adjustments are made it has to fit into the frames of the design bible.

After this and the script has been finalized, the next step is storyboarding, here this is a simple representation of your animation in comic book style, that is series of drawings that visually represent each shot in the film,it helps to determine the pacing and composition of each scene.this keeps everyone on the same page, so they know what target the studio has in mind, this step is taken serious as it helps to ensure the smooth and efficient communication of the film theme.


Next is animatics : think of this as the rough draft of your animation , here the key frames are created and the basic motions are applied to major scenes, This serves as a transition phase between the static story board and the lively digital world about to be realized in the next step.

Once the storyboards have been approved, the next step is to create the characters and backgrounds for the film. This involves designing the appearance of each character, as well as creating the settings and environments in which the story takes place. This step is where the visual style of the film begins to take shape, as artists work to bring the world of the film to life.

With the characters and backgrounds in place, the next step is to animate the film. This involves bringing the characters to life through movement and expression, using a combination of traditional hand-drawn animation or computer-generated imagery (CGI). Animators work tirelessly to create fluid and realistic movements for the characters, breathing life into the world of the film.

Now we come to PRODUCTION, here the proper animation comes together , the frames are polished and the details in between are completed ,the more detail between each key frame the smoother each motion will be. The main goal in production is to make every motion in the animation as appealing as possible. Each scene is a testament to the power of hardwork and cooperation between the hardworking animators.

In addition to animation, the film needs sound design and music. Sound designers work to create the soundscape of the film. Such as dialogue, sound effects and music.this is crucial in enhancing the emotional Impact of the movie, thus immersing the audience into the story.



With all the changes finalized, the complete version of the film can be rendered. Rendering which is the process of completing each digital scene and compiling them into one giant file for distribution. Is now carried out. The animation becomes a tangible product for theaters and streaming sites.

This is my contribution to #marchinleo which is Currently ongoing, and this is a very nice opportunity to get your posts curated, so why not join?

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