

I am a fan of movies, wait, wait, wait, wait... I'm not sure you got what I just said, let me repeat it very well...
I said I am a fan of MOVIES! Now did you hear me well? No? Okay okay, let me explain very well now so we'd be on the same page.

Prepare to go in to fantasy with me soon
(This is not the fantasy yet)
So let's imagine that there was nothing like me having to wake up very early in the morning by one stupid alarm, looking like I had to fight a lion in my dream with my eyes still disagreeing with my brains to open up so I don't hit my head on the wall and then it affects the brain again, and then after my eyes finally agrees with my brains and opens up, I have to go and wash up and dress up and go for one kind of stupid work so that man will see what to eat, and still have some change to take care of some needs sha. And then comes back home in the evening after a very tiring and frustrating day, the next thing Is to take my bath again and look for what to eat, so that hunger no go kill man...
And then I'd go back to sleep after eating, and then continue that same routine over and over again, what an annoying routine you know...

(Now the fancy begins)
So instead of doing all those things stated above, imagine being in a world where I could open my eyes with a smile, and then look at the time, it's almost 12pm, remembering that want made me to wake that late was because I watched a movie last night till very late, and then I'd stretch and then go and open the fridge, take a fruit, eat, and then open the pot, and see any kind of food I want to eat, and eat, while eating, I'd continue the movie from where I stopped last night, so the food will be happy entering inside of me, the food won't be boring, and then watch till like around 5-6pm, and then remember that I haven't taken my bath, then run to take it, while playing musiyso loud so that I can hear it in the bathroom and sing along, (you know that feeling yeah?) And so I don't have to go out, unless it's for a very important reason like my daddy is calling me or so sha...
Now this is what I want! 😁

Well let's wake up!! It's only a fantasy...

I live watching movies so much that I can do what I just assumed, or should I say I used to do what was stated above sometimes, I'd sleep so late at night cause I'm watching a movie, and wake up to continue from where I stopped, forgetting I haven't taken by bath, or just too lazy to take it; that's how much I love it...

Well I've watched 2 kind of movies this week, cause I was busy and was out of movies...
So the last movie I watched was titled SCREEM VI, and the I'm watching right now is in series, a Korean movie titled DUTY AFTER SCHOOL. I'm not done with it, in fact, I just started it, so I won't say about it,I'd be talking briefly about SCREEM VI.

SCREEM VI is a Hollywood horror movie talking about a movie.
The movie is a movie that the characters of the movies are actually acting a movie.

What's this movie all about?


It's about a girl named Samantha, her father was a serial killer, and so he got killed in the past SCREEM movies, and so the killing spirit of her father wants to influence her but she said no to it, but the world already took her as a killer and framed her for killing some people.

She has a junior sister which she is trying to protect, but that one feels like there's no need for protection, and so she believes that she wants to just have a normal life like the rest, believing what happened last year won't happen again.

What makes this movie unique is that every killer in this movie puts on a particular Halloween costume, the death costume, and so the then three killer kills a person, he drops it's mask, the mask of a ghost face,I think you should have an idea of what I'm talking about...

About last year in the movie, Samantha and her sister with her other friends were attacked, a lot of them died, but just 4 survived, so this year, they called themselves the core four.

Now this year, the core four has 2 extra friends which their father was a cop, but the core four still didn't trust the new friends because the last killer was also a friend, in fact, there were 2 killers the last time, and it was a friend and Samantha's boyfriend, and now she can't trust anyone, just the core four.

Another thing that makes it interesting is that you can't know who to suspect who the killer is, everything was just going so crazy and smooth.

At the end of the movie, we got to see that the 2 new friends and their father were the killer, and so they wanted to kill Samantha and everyone close to Samantha because Samantha killed her boyfriend, not knowing that her boyfriend was related to her new friends and the cop.

At the end, they all got stabbed, but the core four still survived again.
I can't wait for the next SCREEM movie.

The uniqueness of their killing is that the killers only stab you to death...

PS: if you do not have the mind to watch this movie, I do not recommend it for you, cause a lot if things will irritate you, and if you want to start serial killers, please do not watch this movie cause it will motivate you to do what you won't like...

PS this post is dedicated to the Hivelearners Weekly Featured contest Week 60 edition 3


Horror movies? Count me out. The last time I watched one was about 5 yrs ago. Since then never. Don't like them at all


Why don't you like them? Are you scared?

What was the last horror movie you watched


I love love horror movies.. I was just looking for one to watch... I'm definitely seeing Screem

I loved your fantasy though 😂😂
It's everyone's dream, for me it's not a dumb job though, it's the annoying classes I have to wake up and attend everyday but oh well. If only we could livre in a fantasy world.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'll like to go and download it 😂


Don't worry, let's work hard,one day, we'd take one month and recreat that fantasy to reality...

You would love it...

Pls drop a comment when you've watched it.


I talked about another movie.

Duty after school.

You should also check it out, it's more like like an alien horror movie, you'd also enjoy it.
It's a Korean movie tho...