I do not sleep


I do not sleep
One of the films that I used to feel confused and surprised every time I watched it from my childhood until I learned and studied different things about the conscious and subconscious mind and the psychological dimension that explains our daily behavior.

The first thing that messed me up
He is the character of Faten Hamama (Nadia), who has a dreamy, angelic face and a demon behind him planning to destroy.

Maybe because I used to see Faten Hamama, the gentle, helpless girl, in all of her films that I watched before this one. Faten Hamama became the model for Snow White of the Arab screen.

The basic question that keeps weighing on my mind
“Why, Nadia, do you do this to your father’s good wife, Safia, she treats you well and looks like your father in her eyes and is beautiful and gentle. Why, my daughter, is this evil inside you?”

When I grew up a little, I understood that the film deals with a psychological complex about the daughter’s relationship with her father, “the Electra complex.”

But after I understood and studied how our conscious and subconscious minds deal with our feelings and thoughts and are reflected in our behavior.

When I watched the movie again, I noticed the following:

Nadia was trying hard to talk to her father and uncle and express her feelings and jealousy for her father to them, but unfortunately no one was listening to her.

  • The adults in the film, her father, her uncle, and her stepmother, were dealing with the idea of ​​“it’s all under control.”
    Everything and everyone is ok

But Nadia was aware but did not understand that it was not OK

She kept hoarding and magnifying the false negative thoughts that were inside her, just to overcome the positive reality that everyone saw.
Until the idea of ​​revenge took control of her and turned into an act and behavior that destroyed the family and its stable condition.

This is what many of us are like in our upbringing with our families, and many of us repeat it with our children because we lie to ourselves and say
"We're fine"
We close the door to discussion with our children if they suggest, “We are not okay.”

We have not learned to listen without judging
We have not learned to listen without interrupting and discussing
We learned that every word must have a stronger response
We learned that dialogue must be in the interest of the largest, because it is the wisest and strongest.
What is logical and reasonable to us may be absurd and the height of madness for the people closest to us and vice versa

Very often, our children have feelings inside them like the ones inside us when we were young... it doesn’t matter whether they are right or wrong.
Because feelings are not measured by logic, nor by negative and positive feelings.

Feelings are a sincere feeling that exists and cannot be ignored, but we can set a framework and limits for it.


Nadia, if she had found someone to listen to her
He appreciates the feeling of her jealousy for her father
And he makes her accept the idea that she is Not Ok yet
With the idea of ​​her father's marriage and the presence of a new female in his life.

All these black dramatic events would not have happened, and she would have been able to gradually get closer to Safia, and they would have been as we say, “they kept ghee on white honey with cream” from the beginning of the movie.
