Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san ING-ESP


A series you must see / Una serie que deven ver



Hello friends, today I'm here to talk to you about an anime that I really liked when it was on air in mid-2021 called Ijiranaide Nagatoro San. It's about Naoto, a quiet and shy second-year loser who enjoys spending his free time in his school's art room. Everything would change the day he meets the new underclassman named Nagatoro, who begins to tease and annoy Naoto along with her other 3 friends.

Hola amigos hoy les vengo a hablar sobre un anime que me gustó mucho cuando estaba en emisión a mediados del 2021 llamado Ijiranaide Nagatoro San. Se trata sobre Naoto, un perdedor tranquilo y tímido de segundo año que disfruta pasar su tiempo libre en la sala de arte de su escuela. Todo cambiaría el día que conoce a la nueva alumna de clase inferior llamada Nagatoro, quien comienza a burlarse y molestar de Naoto de junto a sus otras 3 amigas.



Little by little their relationship becomes more romantic, leading to both of them falling in love with each other. On the one hand, Nagatoro refuses to accept her feelings for her Senpai, even getting jealous of her friends and any girl who approaches Naoto. And Naoto, being so shy, can't process it either. Although on several occasions they were seen having calm conversations showing their feelings.

Poco a poco su relación se vuelve más romántica, llegando así a que ambos se enamoren uno del otro. Por un lado Nagatoro se niega a aceptar sus sentimientos hacia su Senpai, a pesar de incluso llegar a ponerse celosa de sus amigas y de cualquier chica que se acerque a Naoto. Y Naoto al ser tan tímido tampoco lo puede procesar. Aunque en diversas ocasiones se les vió tener unas pláticas tranquilas mostrando sus sentimientos.



This anime makes me very nostalgic because it reminds me of 2021 when every weekend I waited for a new episode. I had a lot of fun and laughed with this series, although there are some people who hated it because of Nagatoro's personality, I really loved it. It's one of those romantic comedy series where they show you all the evolution that the couple has and all the obstacles they have to overcome.

Me da mucha nostalgia éste anime porque me recuerda al 2021 cuando todos los fines de semana esperaba un nuevo episodio. Me divertí y reí mucho con ésta serie, aunque hay algunas personas que la odiaron por la forma de ser de Nagatoro yo la verdad si la amé. Es una de esas series de comedia romántica dónde te muestran toda la evolución que tiene la pareja y sobre todos los obstáculos que deben pasar.



I really recommend it, and the long-awaited second season came out recently. The first opening left a deep impression on me because it's very catchy and I love the art as well as the ending. The music for the second season was also good, but I prefer the previous ones. Have you seen this series yet?

Verdaderamente yo la recomiendo además de que hace poco salió su esperada 2da temporada. El primer opening me marcó muchísimo porque es muy pegajoso y me encanta el arte que tiene al igual que el ending, la música de la segunda temporada también estuvo buena pero prefiero las anteriores. ¿Tu ya has visto ésta serie?

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NameIjiranaide, Nagatoro-san
Directed byHirokazu Hanai
Music byGin
Produced byHiroshi Kamei and Yutaka Suwa

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

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Thank you for sharing this post with the community and for preferring us, it is a pleasure for us to have you here.

We hope to see you soon. Best regards!


Thank you for sharing this post with the community and for preferring us, it is a pleasure for us to have you here.

We hope to see you soon. Best regards!

Thank you very much, I hope to continue sharing with this community and contribute my grain of sand


This anime has become very popular since then due to how controversial the character of Nagatoro became. While the first season featured a lot of fanservice, it is known that almost all RomCom anime do this as a means to attract the attention of a certain audience. However, apart from this and the bad jokes and double meanings, the misunderstandings and the heavy games, the way in which they develop the characters is... amusing(?).

Good review.