Dororo (2019)


Greetings @theanimerealm community, today I want to share my review and opinion of an anime that I loved and that I can not stop recommending, although there are plenty of reviews of it, the opinions and point of view are different, so I want to express mine about it, because it is a gem of anime that really attracts the plot, wrapping you in the story of its characters and with an animation that is worth appreciating. It is not only an adaptation of a manga, but also of the anime that was released in the 60's, which, in my opinion, honored its predecessor.



  • Title: どろろ
  • Romanji: Hepburn: Dororo
  • Maker: Osamu Tezuka
  • Source: Manga
  • Animation studio: MAPPA
    Tezuka Productions.
  • Director: Gisaburō Sugii
  • Genre: Fantasía oscura, histórico, sobrenatural
  • Demographics: Shonen
  • Premiere: January 7, 2019
  • Completion: June 24, 2019
  • Openings. 1- Kaen (火炎) performed by Ziyoou-vachi y el 2- Dororo
  • Endings: 1- Sayonara Gokko performed by amazarashi y el 2- Yamiyo
    performed by Eve


(Contains some spoilers)


The story introduces us to one of its main characters Hyakkimaru, a child born in the Sengoku period (the feudal era) without his organs, deformed, not even his skin, born alive thanks to the Goddess of Mercy and the prayers of his mother. However, this happens to him because of a pact made by his parents to 48 demons, where each one took a part of his body.

The father, instead of being worried about his son, ends up rejoicing for what happened, because it meant that they accepted the payment and that the town was going to prosper; he snatches him from the arms of his mother, who loved him despite his appearance, and sends them to get rid of the child, since he would not survive on his own. But, as fate would have it, a doctor, who made prostheses for those who had lost a limb during the war, took him in when he saw that the little boy was clinging to life.

He makes him a wooden body and teaches him how to fight with a sword in order to defend himself and recover his real body. On his way, he meets a little orphan and thief girl, called Dororo, who not only ends up joining him, but also, little by little, teaches him what it is to be human, forming a very nice relationship where they will learn which is the path they should follow.


Personal opinion


Dororo is undoubtedly an anime with a splendid narrative, where the dark, mysterious tones and intense actions, conjugate very well with the developed story. Approached from a complicated context, touching quite deep themes, such as revenge, redemption, morality, among others, makes it really captivating.

If we analyze a little deeper, this story is similar to Pinocchio, of course, much darker and heartbreaking, which shows more deeply, the cruel nature of human beings. A child who seeks to be real and in his path has someone who guides him along the right path and teaches him human values.

Maybe Hyakkimaru's father committed such an act against his son to save an entire village, however, a "prosperity" forged through a sacrifice is a false prosperity, in my opinion, the boy had every right to recover what was originally his, even if, in the end, I am bringing famine and misfortune to the village, you have the opportunity to grow without resorting to cruel pacts, you can work hard to achieve progress.


I must say, that both the character of Hyakkimaru's mother and his adoptive father, without leaving aside our little Dororo, were crucial for him not to become a demon, a being without feelings and emotions; although the cost of his body was high, it could be said that it was the best way, somehow.

As for the comparisons between the 1969 anime and this one, the difference between times, scenarios and emotions that surrounds each one is clearly noticeable; there were 50 years of difference and, therefore, the story is transmitted differently, here we even see the introduction of other characters, which give more dynamism to the series and a better story. The 2019 one does not fall into that intense dramatic tone, but wraps everything that is being addressed in a fluid way, resorting to a more realistic narrative, however, it cannot be denied that the '69 one also has its touch.

Finally, the openings and endings fit completely with the plot, with colors and shades that introduce you to what the plot is about, but my favorite is still the first one; from my point of view, both have the MAPPA seal.

Fan Art made by me

Images captured from the page IMDb
Translated using DeepL

Thank you for reading my post. I hope you liked it. I will be attentive to answer your comments. You can visit my blog, follow my content and social networks.



Saludos comunidad de @theanimerealm, hoy les quiero compartir mi reseña y opinión de un anime que me encantó y que no lo puedo dejar de recomendar, aunque exista infinidad de reseñas del mismo, las opiniones y punto de vista son diferentes, por lo que deseo expresar las mías al respecto, pues siendo una joya de anime que de verdad atrae la trama, envolviéndote en la historia de sus personajes y con una animación que vale la pena apreciarla. No solo es una adaptación de un manga, también del anime que se estrenó para la década de los 60, lo cual, al mi parecer, le hizo bastante honor a su antecesora.



  • Título: どろろ
  • Romanji: Hepburn: Dororo
  • Creador: Osamu Tezuka
  • Fuente: Manga
  • Estudio de animación: MAPPA
    Tezuka Productions.
  • Director: Gisaburō Sugii
  • Género: Fantasía oscura, histórico, sobrenatural
  • Demografía: Shonen
  • Estreno: 7 de enero, 2019
  • Finalización: 24 de junio, 2019
  • Openings. 1- Kaen (火炎) interpretado por Ziyoou-vachi y el 2- Dororo
    intepretado por ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION
  • Endings: 1- Sayonara Gokko interpretado por amazarashi y el 2- Yamiyo
    interpretado por Eve


(Contiene algunos spoilers)


La historia nos introduce a unos de sus personajes principales Hyakkimaru, un niño que nace en el periodo sengoku (la era feudal) sin sus órganos, deforme, ni siquiera su piel, nace vivo gracias a la Diosa de la Misericordia y a los rezos de su madre. No obstante, le sucede esto por un pacto que hizo sus padres a 48 demonios, donde cada uno tomó una parte de su cuerpo.

El padre, en vez de estar preocupado por su hijo, termina alegrándose por lo acontecido, pues significaba que aceptaron el pago y que el pueblo iba a prosperar; él, se lo arrebata de los brazos de la madre, quien lo amaba a pesar de su apariencia, y manda a que se deshagan del pequeño, ya que solo, no sobreviviría. Pero, por cosas del destino, un doctor, quien elaboraba prótesis para aquellas personas que perdieron alguna extremidad durante la guerra, lo acoge al ver que el pequeño se aferraba a la vida.

Él, le elabora un cuerpo de madera y lo instruye a la pelea de espada, para así lograr defenderse y recuperar su cuerpo de verdad. En su trayectoria, se consigue a una pequeña niña huérfana y ladrona, llamada Dororo, quien no solo se le termina uniendo, a su vez y poco a poco, le va enseñando lo que es ser humano, formando una relación muy bonita y donde aprenderán cual es el camino que deben seguir.


Opinión personal


Dororo sin duda alguna, es un anime con una narrativa espléndida, donde los tonos oscuros, misteriosos y de acciones intensas, conjugan muy bien con la historia desarrollada. Abordado desde un contexto complicado, tocando temas bastantes profundos, como la venganza, la redención, la moralidad, entre otras, la vuelve realmente cautivadora.

Si analizamos un poco más profundo, esta historia guarda semejanza con Pinocho, claro está, mucha más oscura y desgarradora, que muestra más a fondo, la naturaleza cruel del ser humano. Un niño que busca ser de verdad y en su trayectoria tiene a alguien que lo guía por el buen camino y le va enseñando los valores humanos.

Puede que el padre de Hyakkimaru cometió tal acto contra su hijo por salvar a todo un pueblo, no obstante, una “prosperidad” forjada a través de un sacrificio, es una prosperidad falsa, desde mi criterio, el chico tenía todo el derecho de recuperar lo que era suyo originalmente, aunque, al final, estoy traiga hambruna y desgracias al pueblo, se tiene la oportunidad de crecer sin recurrir a pactos crueles, se puede trabajar duro para conseguir progresar.


Debo decir, que tanto el personaje de la madre de Hyakkimaru como su padre adoptivo, sin dejar a un lado nuestra pequeña Dororo, fueron cruciales para que él, no se convirtiera en un demonio, un ser sin sentimientos y emociones; aunque el costo de su cuerpo fue alto, se podría decir que fue el mejor camino, de alguna forma.

En cuanto a las comparaciones entre el anime de 1969 y este, claramente se nota la diferencia entre épocas, los escenarios y las emociones que envuelve a cada uno; fueron 50 años de diferencia y, por ende, la historia se transmite de manera distinta, aquí vemos incluso introducción de otros personajes, que le otorgan un dinamismo más a la serie y un mejor relato. La del 2019 no cae en ese tono dramático intenso, sino que envuelve todo lo que se está abordando de forma fluida, acudiendo a una narrativa más realista, sin embargo, no se puede negar que la del 69 también tiene su toque.

Por últimos, los openings y endings encajaron completamente con la trama, con unos colores y matices que te van introduciendo a lo que se trata la misma, pero mi favorito sigue siendo el primero; desde mi punto, ambos tienen como el sello de MAPPA.

Fan Art hecho por mi persona

Imágenes capturadas de la página IMDb

Gracias por leer mi post. Espero que les haya gustado. Estaré atenta a responder sus comentarios. Pueden visitar mi blog, seguir mis contenidos y redes sociales



Arranque a verlo sin esperar nada, y termino siendo un anime de la ostia. La criatura, su historia de ir juntando sus extremidades es genial. Buen post, saludos


Si, me paso lo mismo. Realmente no esperaba una historia muy buena, con personajes que te llegan. Muchas gracias. Saludos 🤗

Yes, the same thing happened to me. I really wasn't expecting a very good story, with characters that get to you. Thank you very much. Regards 🤗


This is one sad anime seriously, I couldn't finish it though as, it is too dark for me. The kind of darkness that is kinda depressive. But it is no doubt a good anime. I'll rewatch this again once I am ready to watch it again ಥ‿ಥ


It is worthwhile, painful in many scenes, but worth seeing. Regards 😊

Vale la pena, es dolorosa en muchas escenas, pero merece ser vista. Saludos 😊




Thank you! 🤗

¡Muchas gracias! 🤗


Estoy realizando un programa de conociendo hivers, te gustaria participar


¡Hola! ¿de qué se trata?😊


Por cual medio puedo contactarte para darte mas detalles?


si quieres me escribes por mi instagram @yaslenysofiaart


This is undoubtedly an anime with very deep and meaningful messages, I particularly liked it a lot.

Thank you for sharing with us once again. Hope to see you soon!


It is an incredible story. Thank you very much. Regards 🤗

Es una historia increible. Muchas gracias. Saludos 🤗


I will put it on my list of anime to watch in 2024! thank you so much for your recommendation!

Definitivamente la voy a meter en mi lista de animé para ver en el 2024! muchisimas gracias por tu recomendación!


Espero te guste cuando lo veas, de verdad vale la pena apreciar esta historia. Saludos 😊

I hope you like it when you see it, this story is really worth appreciating. Regards😊


I've wanted to watch this anime for a long time but always forget, thanks to your post I'm even more enthusiastic about watching Dororo :) Thank you, this post is very helpful.


¡Muchas Gracias! Si, es una hermosa y triste historia. Saludos 🤗

Thank you so much! Yes, it is a beautiful and sad story. Regards🤗


This is a good review. I’m seeing anime on my watch list and I’m happy I put them there. Than you for this lovely write up.


Muchas gracias 😊. Espero te guste. Saludos 🤗

Thank you very much 😊. I hope you like it. Regards 🤗


this anime is very intense, with a lot of drama and battles.

I like that it has a ninja scroll style of fighting, (well this anime is a remake of a retro black and white anime series), so the essence is kept pretty much the same.

The conclusion is that before (if there were good scriptwriters, that's why the works are very full of detail and emotion). Nowadays the genre is Isekai, a Japanese that goes to a world of a medieval video game with super power from the beginning," that's why the classic is better".


Si, claro, lo que pasa es que es también es depende del público dirigido, a muchos les interesa más la animación que la historia, mientras que otros es más el guion bien estructurado y pueden pasar por delante una animación a medias. Y están otros que si están ambas aspectos, será un anime bastante bueno. Todo depende de la perspectiva de las personas. Muchas gracias por leer mi post. Saludos 🤗

Yes, of course, what happens is that it also depends on the target audience, many are more interested in the animation than the story, while others are more interested in the well-structured script and can pass by a half-hearted animation. And there are others that if both aspects are there, it will be a pretty good anime. It all depends on people's perspective. Thank you very much for reading my post. Regards 🤗