RE: Abigail Film Review: Pfff...


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After this movie was recommended to me by different people over a thousand times, I decided to see the trailer and if I'm being honest, I wasn't so thrilled. This could be due to the fact that I'm a horror movie fanatic and I've seen better horror movies.

Nonetheless, the plot is a somewhat refreshing one as not many kids play the roles of the tormentor in horror movies.

Still, I can't get myself to see the movie as I feel it would be a waste of resources, sadly.

On the flip side, this is a magnificent review Jay ✨


You might see something in it. Dunno. But since you already don't like it from the trailer, I guess it's lost a true horror fan. Bummer.

What else are you watching next?

And, yes...

On the flip side, this is a magnificent review Jay ✨

Thank you, Wongi McSpending


I'm planning to see "boy kills world". It's a movie that comes in highly recommended.

And you are most welcome ✨.