The 8 Show: Making any act to Earn Additional Time Episodes 3 & 4 ~ Series Review

I have reviewed two episodes last week and today I am going to review another two episodes of this Korean movie series. You can see on this article on the first and second episodes of this Limited series of Korean drama. I haven't posted in a while about movie series because I'm too busy with something else and I will going to review the episodes 3 and episode 4 of this Korean Drama.

So let's start, on the last episode which they discover another trick on how to get additional time to get them stayed in the game and to continue playing the game, it's by entertaining the audience from the cctv that the hosts install before they started the game, they more they entertained from the participants, the more they add time from the screen.

Devising a plan on making them (the hosts and the audience) entertained, the participants from 1st floor to 8th floor make a talent show for themselves to add more time and not wasted time on running up and down from the stairs. Each of the designated floor will do their best from the talent show and if they did, they time will continue increasing but depending on the performance of each floors and if the hosts will be satisfied, the more time that will add up.

8th floor became mad after she got 4 votes on who will take the trash and because 8th floor has the power of controlling the food and other things, the other floors from 1st to 7th floor got starved for many days and the 8th floor can't accept from that set-up. She has the power of every thing. It's like, when you were at the top, no one can touch you and in this case, that's true because she can control below her.

The other lower floors cannot do anything to 8th floor and the 3rd floor, which is our protagonist, came to his senses that if they can't eat, they will starve to death because there's no water nor food and 8th floor soloed the meals for every one. He suggested to be the bathroom and the trash will be put by his floor using the mini elevator.

Then, they played another game which is King Game, a king game is like doing anything that the king would say and if they can't do it, then they will have a punishment which is being tased by a taser gun. There were 8 balls in total, then each floors will pick one ball from the box to know what number are they or if they are king.


In these two episodes, what I want to highlight is the 8th floor where she can do anything she wants. Even if most of the other floors will agree and she can't, then, she will do anything to suffer from below. Just like when she was chosen as a bathroom floor or the trash floor, she didn't agree and instead, she made all of the lower floors suffer by not giving them any food or water.

I can see that the game is similar to a real one that if one can be richer, they can do anything that they can do, even if the other will suffer, they will not care. The only thing that they care for is their satisfaction. For the two episodes, I can slowly see that the rich will be richer and the poor will be poorer.

I am entertained by the movie series and It's like racing to get more time and the contestants will do anything to get more time and while doing that , they will make a game to entertain the audience and the hosts.

Note: The first photo was edited by myself using Canva

The photos were taken using my phone in my Netflix account




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