(Re)watching 1980s Comedies for some much needed laughter and political incorrectness


As some of you might now, I am a kid from the 1980s, in fact, I was born in 1981. Therefore, it probably doesn't come as a surprise to you that I have a sweet spot for movies from the 1980s as well as for music from the 1980s.

Now, in all honesty, if you've got a little bit of taste ( and knowledge of music history ), you will know that there's quite a lot of quality music from the 1980s.
And, if you know anything about film history ( or you are as old or older than me ), you will be aware of the fact that there's a lot of pretty good ( or at least pretty fun ) movies made in those 3650 or so days.

Looking back, it seems like people were still having a laugh/ having fun, back in those days ( and I'm not just saying that because I am growing old(er). Humor wasn't censored back then.

So, in the last handful of days, I watched three different 1980s comedies, namely: Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, Tootsie and UHF, of which I had only seen the second one, Tootsie, before, decades ago.

Let's start off with:


I must say that I enjoyed D.R.S.. It kind of reminded me of the fact that Steve Martin was actually a pretty fun actor ( although I would understand why some people dislike this kind of acting ) and even Michael Caine ( who is usually seen as a pretty good actor but I've never been a fan of his ), played a pretty strong part. Let's say that they were a strong team, re-acting pretty well to each other.

And, for those interested in this, there's actually a strong female lead in it too, although the plot is kind of mis(s)leading ;<)

I am not gonna go into the story. Suffice to say that if you haven't seen this and feel like a laugh and you aren't necessarily looking for politically correct behavior and wokeness but, instead, want to see a film of its time, the 1980s, a movie that is kind of forgettable but entertaining all at once, you will probably like this movie.

Not convinced yet. Here's the trailer:


Second on the list was the Dustin Hoffman vehicle Tootsie ( 1982 )

I wonder what people would think of this theme, these days? or even of the poster ( and the words used on it ), you find it above this write up. I am sure a lot of peepz would not be able to enjoy this, nowadays.

I do ( and did ).

It does not make me cringe. Then again, I studied film history and I lived through the 1980s and it's a comedy with one of my favorite actors - a great one - in the lead and a film about film making/ the movie industry.

Here's a link to its trailer:


Also, while watching this I was reminded of a movie with a somewhat similar theme, starring the late Robin Williams, a flick that came out about a decade later. I am referring to Mrs. Doubtfire (1993 ). I remember really enjoying that one as a kid and watching it a number of times on TV or VHS. I will probably give it another watch one of these days.

Third and definitely least funny was The Weird Al Yankovic flick UHF that I had never heard of before. It popped up in a list of 150 greatest comedies.

I sure wouldn't put it in there. Perhaps in a list of 'weirdest' comedy movies, trying too hard, but 'funniest' or 'greatest', big NOPE.

I don't feel like getting into this movie, aside from describing what was probably the highlight and the actor who stole the show, played by Michael Richards - an actor who, in that same year ( 1989 ), started his notorious role as Cosmo 'Kramer', in the super successful and - in my opinion - pretty damn funny - Seinfeld ( 1998 ).

In UHF plays a clumsy and seemingly brainless janitor, who turns into a successful TV show personality ( nice metaphor ), pretty much over night.

I think it was pretty much this side character that made me sit through this entire film ( spread out over two nights ).

I think it's fair to say that the 1980s was kind of a hit or miss decade, when it comes to comedies, but - nevertheless - many of my favorite comedies come from that decade, inlcuding those in the horror genre ( think Gremlins ). Whether it's due to being born in 1981 or not, if I have to pick a comedy to enjoy, I usually select one from the 80s.

What about you? Do you like 1980s comedies?

Image source(s): Tootsie, Dirty Rotten Scoundrels


The 1980s they tried all kinds of movies. There were blockbusters and flops.
Unlike today where they just remake shit.

Have you watched Canonball Run?
It is some good humor with a lot of good actors

This opening will get your blood pumping.

Another good comedy, with REALLY good actors is
Ruthless People.
Where you can watch a big little actor convince you he's crying.

UHF is really my kind of humor

"Hey J.P."...........


The 1980s they tried all kinds of movies. There were blockbusters and flops.
Unlike today where they just remake shit.

That about summarizes it haha!

I am pretty sure I've watched Cannonball Run but it's a long time ago and I've probably watched about 5000 movies so I remember little of it.

I might give it ( another ) watch tonight.

Cheers for the recommendation!

P.S. I do remember enjoying Ruthless People and Danny de Vito, back in the days.


I'm a fan of comedy movies too! First time hearing of these three comedies. Thank you for not spoiling a lot hahaha. 1980s hits really different.


You're welcome. Yeah, I write movie reviews without talking much about the plot and not necessarily to not spoil but basically because you find the plot everywhere. I prefer to watch something over reading it all.


I dont think I ever watched Tootsie. Will have to give it a try. I loved Dirty Rotten Scoundrels. Steve M was great in those days before he mellowed a bit. He was like Jim Carey before there was a Jim Carey


Wait! You, as a kid from the 1970s, never watched Tootsie? I think you might enjoy it.
Jim Carrey before Jim Carrey, I like that. I was a serious fan of his, back in the mid 90s. From Ace Ventura to Dumb and Dumber up to The Mask. Good ol' times!


I don't think I did. I remember all the hoohaa about it but don't think I watched it!

Jim Varsha stuff was fantastic. It gets you laughing till it hurts


For a moment I thought Jim Varsha was a comedian/ actor that I'd never heard of haha!
Are you already on the strong stuff? ;<)


Lol. My damn autocorrect. It's my own fault, I should read what I type!!


Haha! For a moment I thought this was an Indian brother from another mother of Jim C.


Dirty Rotten Scoundrels is such a great film. I love how the female lead has been playing them from the start, but the film doesn't pat itself on the back for it or virtue signal like media does now.

The 80's were indeed great for film and music. Nowadays, creators are put into a box before they've had a chance to write a single line.



love how the female lead has been playing them from the start, but the film doesn't pat itself on the back for it or virtue signal like media does now.

Nicely put. Exactly that. It's a breath of fresh ( old ) air ;<)

The 80's were indeed great for film and music. Nowadays, creators are put into a box before they've had a chance to write a single line.

Yes. Perhaps that's why AI is trying to take over ;<)

Cheers for the thoughtful comment!


You just made me remember Mr Bean but I don't think he's a 90s comedian. I used to watch him around early 2000s
Comedies are lovely!


I double checked it and Mr Bean started in 1990. I thought it was even from the (mid to late )80s, as I feel I grew up with this comedy.
Apparently there's only 15 episodes of the original show and I have seen many of them multiple times. Timeless and unique humor!


YOu are 11 year older than me. NO doubt movies in the past were more interesting and had some massage for all of us to learn. comedy was also great. Old is gold .


NO doubt movies in the past were more interesting and had some massage for all of us to learn

A 'massage' would be extra nice ;<)

Movie plus massage.

Not everything was great but there sure was more uniqueness and creativity, back in those days :<)

P.S. Does that mean you were born in the year of the legendary Jurassic Park?


Hay muchas películas de la década de los 80 que son muy buenas. Te confieso que nunca vi una película donde trabajara Steve Martin. De las tres solo sé de Tootsie, la han dado varias veces aunque no la he visto, jeje, allí Dustin Hoffman, nos muestra otra faceta de su carrera actoral. Me trajiste recuerdos con Mrs. Doubtfire, la traducen como "Papá por siempre", muy divertida pero con un gran mensaje, la familia y lo que hace un padre para estar con sus hijos. Excelente resumen.


Oh wow the 80s, so many great movies E.T, Ferris Bueller, Beetlejuice, The Goonies, Stand By Me, Heathers. I could go on and on.
The Goonies was the first movie I saw in the cinema.
I've never seen UHF.
Oh and The Lost Boys, how could I forget that xxxxx