On Changing Seasons plus bonus Feel Good Movie Recommendation


Weather has changed here, recently, in the Portuguese countryside.
For those who had some doubts, seasons still exist.

Plenty of rain, paired with colder nights and mornings, are turning the landscape even greener than it already was.

One of my favorite colors is replacing the remaining yellow and orange, day by day.

The fresher air and increased coolness makes my daily walks even more enjoyable.

If it weren't for the increase in flies, life would be beautiful ;<)

We could really use more birds and other fly-eating creatures.

As soon as I open one of my apartment's windows, flies come dripping in, like water from a leaking tap...

The good news is that they seem to have replaced the ant(agonist)s, that have finally given up, after over a month of me making life hard for them, in here.
It seems like 'as formigas' have gotten the message, at last, and migrated to greener pastures ( hopefully outside, in nature, where they belong ).

Good riddance!

On my walk, I awoke from my meditative, daydreaming state, several times, by the movements, bleating and little metal neck bells of sheep and lambs.

Cute creatures.
They always make me smile :<)

And now on to today's movie recommendation...

Yesterday night. I felt like watching a good = actually 'funny' comedy.

I stumbled upon a clip of 20 of the 'best' comedies from this century.

I think I had seen most of them and some were indeed quite fun. but there was one that I had never even heard of, the 2007 Hot Rod.

I decided to give that one a chance.

I must admit that I enjoyed it quite a lot, but the stream kept breaking up and 20 minutes before the end of the film I almost fell asleep.

This afternoon, I decided to watch the grand finale.

And then, at the very end, the second before the credits started rolling, something happened that hardly ever is the case with me ( and yes, I do have a sense of humor )...

...I laughed out loud!
at the very end of the film.

It made me feel really good, briefly,
made me all warm and fuzzy.

Yes, Hot Rod is the type of feel good movie/ comedy that actually makes me feel good.

It's fair to say that I have a weak spot for films about losers trying to become winners.

Think Napoleon Dynamite ( another favorite of mine that could also be found in the top 20 of best live action comedies of this century, in that video I watched yesterday night ).

Here's a trailer of Hot Rod, an enjoyable comedy that I highly recommend:

Source Rotten Tomatoes YouTube

Goodbye for now, wherever you are, and let me know, in the comments, if you've seen this film and how the weather is wherever you live on this planet :<)


hahaha! I love Napoleon Dynamite!

Thank you for the tip :)


Seems like you have a good taste in comedy movies ;<)

You're welcome, Shani!


I don't think I have seen hot rod, will have to check it!

Your weather looks like our weather at the moment although no doubt much warmer!


I think you will enjoy it :<)

Yeah, it's pretty wet but kind of tropical in between the rainy spells.
Also, warmer weather will, once again, return.

Usually, the actual 'colder' weather only starts around November here.


Judging by the trailer I think I will too 😀

Our cooker weather started last week. Brrrrr!!!


'Cooker' weather doesn't sound too bad ;<)

Let me know if you've watched it.


It's still quite warm here, hoping it would rain some more though. Been two weeks since the last decent down pour.
I've noticed an increase in flies over here too.
Thanks for the movie recommendation, I love a good comedy.
Lots lof love to you Vincent xxxx


Have you experienced any rain in the last week or so? Here the weather is extremely random, it's warming up, once again and we still have flies. I can hardly keep a window open.

Much love! xx


here in pakistan weather is still hot at night it cools down a bit during the day it's very hot it's good that the weather has turned nice towards you it feels so good in such beautiful weather When it's cloudy it's raining and the way you've recommended comedy I'll definitely watch it.


The climate where you're at sounds pretty extreme. Have you had any rain recently? Watching a good comedy is never a bad thing. Laughter is free therapy ;<)


Even here in Multan it has rained a little, it was not heavy.


We could really use more birds and other fly-eating creatures.

In abundance, please!!

I am still waiting for that shift, when the smell becomes suddenly autumn. I can feel it coming, but it's not here yet:)
Enjoy those walks!!


Has the weather shifted already, wherever you are? :<)


I went in the mountains and it got cold, but now I escaped it again:) ...so it still feels like summer😄


Nice! Are you still cycling?
I love to hear how much you move around :<)