Blu-Ray sales halved the last 5 years while Streaming more than doubled


Habe eine interessante Statistik zu den globalen Umsätzen der US-Film/Entertainment-Industrie gefunden.

Der Umsatz von physischen Medien (DVDs & Blu-Rays) hat sich die letzten Jahre dramatisch dezimiert, beträgt aber immer noch mehrere Milliarden US-Dollar im Jahr.

Auch das Kino ist vermutlich Lockdown-bedingt vor allem 2020 komplett eingebrochen.

Der absolute Gewinner ist Streaming. Online-Umsätze haben sich mehr als verdoppelt. Überrascht mich nicht, da Netflix & Co. sehr bequem und auch vergleichsweise günstig sind.

Was sagt ihr dazu? Geht ihr noch ins Kino oder sammelt ihr Blu-Rays? Denkt ihr, dass sich das Kino 2022/23 wieder erholt hat?

Motion Pictures Association: Global Theatrical & Home/Mobile Entertainment Market (in US$ Billions) 2017-2021



Blu-Rays (physical media) vs. Streaming




Found an interesting statistic on the global sales of the US film/entertainment industry.

Sales of physical media (dvds and blu-rays) have decimated dramatically in recent years, but still amount to several billion US dollars a year.

Movie theaters, too, have probably completely collapsed due to lockdowns, especially in 2020.

The absolute winner is streaming. Online revenues have more than doubled. I'm not surprised, since Netflix & Co. are very convenient and also comparatively cheap.

What do you think? Do you still go to the movies or do you collect Blu-Rays? Do you think movie theaters will have recovered by 2022/23?

Live your Secrets and Hive Prosper 🍯

xx Viki @vikisecrets


I don't think so MOvie theaters are going to recover. Streaming media has taken their place, I don't even remember when the last time I have watched movie in the cinema.


I also don't think so that movie theaters will recover because lock down has influences them so much badly. Peoples are also not so interested in watching movies in cinemas.


Tatsächlich schaue ich noch viel DVD. Kino hat auch noch seinen Charme, dennoch muss man mittlerweile 15€ für nen Kinogang einplanen, pro Person. Da ist Bier und Popcorn noch gar nicht drin.

Wie groß ist denn der CO2-Fussabdruck beim Streaming pro Film? Größer oder kleiner als im Kino/DVD?


If you want to own a copy of a movie you have to buy the Blu-Ray. So called "owning through Amazon is nothing but an extended lease that they can cancel by just cancelling your account. While streaming is inexpensive if there is a particular movie I love I buy the physical copy, but still stream a lot of content because it's cheap and fun.


I think digital copies should be permanent in my opinion or at least without DRM so that customers can download the purchased movies / series. Extended lease and fragmentation is a no-go and will harm the option to buy digital movies instead of just streaming/renting them on Netflix. Hollywood is lagging behind adopting digital and streaming in my opinion. They still don't have a compelling offer for people who would like to stream or buy their movies digitally.


Movie theaters will always be there for romantic nights for some people who love to tow that route. Apart from that, we will be seeing more declines as most of the films we watched in the past and need to watch in the present are available on Netflix


I still go to the movies but more for the overall experience than really to see a movie.


I haven bought any movie in cd or blue ray since 5 years ago.... i mostly see the movie in stream or cine


As we all know that the world has progressed a lot and we don't see that era coming back anymore, people are now watching movies etc mostly on their mobiles. And now the cinemas for watching movies have also been made more beautiful.


I watch everything digitally now. I am used to the comfort of my own home and I also save time because I don't have to travel anywhere to get anything.


it will be unprofitable.and eventually disappear