Una noche de cine inolvidable | Por fin se nos dio esta salida! [ESP-ENG] 🎥

Una noche de cine inolvidable (1).png

¡Feliz inicio de fin de semana queridos amigos!

Hace una semana me dio una gripe que no me dejaba hacer nada, pasé un tiempo bastante aburrido en mi casa, hasta el domingo que por fin me sentí mucho mejor, por suerte días antes había planeado una salida al cine con unas compañeras de clases y aprovechando que me había mejorado, decidimos ir el lunes a ver una película de terror. Cuando llegó el lunes una de mis amigas que sería la que nos llevaría no pudo hacerlo ya que el carro de su papá se había dañado, imagínense nuestra desilusión ya que estábamos bastante emocionados por esta salida, pero en vez de sufrir empezamos a buscar soluciones y luego de horas de búsqueda conseguimos un taxi que nos llevaría.

Happy beginning of the weekend dear friends!

A week ago I got a flu that didn't let me do anything, I spent a pretty boring time at home, until Sunday when I finally felt much better, luckily days before I had planned a trip to the movies with some classmates and taking advantage of the fact that I got better, we decided to go on Monday to see a horror movie. When Monday arrived one of my friends who would be the one to take us could not make it because her dad's car had been damaged, imagine our disappointment since we were quite excited about this outing, but instead of suffering we began to look for solutions and after hours of searching we got a cab to take us.

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Como la función empezaba a las 8:50 p.m. intentamos irnos temprano para llegar allá a tiempo, salimos a eso de las 7 p.m. y llegamos como a las 7:30, como ven, tendríamos un tiempo libre antes de entrar a la función, así que decidimos comprar los boletos rápido para poder hacer algo divertido antes de ver la película, elegimos una de terror llamada “comunión con el diablo”, desde un principio habíamos decidido ver una de terror para que nos diera miedo (spoiler: no daba ni un poquito de miedo) después de elegir nuestros asientos y comprarnos nuestras entradas aun nos quedaba como 1 hora, así que decidimos comernos unos helados.

As the show started at 8:50 p.m. we tried to leave early to get there on time, we left at about 7 p.m. and arrived at about 7:30, as you can see, we would have some free time before entering the show, so we decided to buy the tickets quickly so we could do something fun before watching the movie. and we arrived at about 7:30, as you can see, we would have some free time before going to the show, so we decided to buy the tickets fast so we could do something fun before watching the movie, we chose a horror movie called "communion with the devil", from the beginning we had decided to watch a horror movie to make it scary (spoiler: it wasn't even a little bit scary) after choosing our seats and buying our tickets we still had about 1 hour left, so we decided to eat some ice cream.

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La verdad es que ni me acuerdo del sabor que elegí en el momento, pero si sé que estaban muy ricos jajaja, pedí uno de dos porciones que pensé que no podría comer porque era mucho, lo gracioso es que lo terminé súper rápido, mientras me lo comía me sentía un poco culpable porque acababa de salir de una gripe y lo último que debía hacer era comer algo muy frío, pero, me hice el loco y me disfruté mi helado jajajaja. Quisimos comer algo ligero antes de entrar porque al momento de ver la película sabíamos que comeríamos tanto que explotaríamos, así que era mejor asegurarse de dejar espacio para rato.

The truth is that I don't even remember the flavor I chose at the moment, but I do know that they were very rich hahaha, I ordered one of two portions that I thought I couldn't eat because it was too much, the funny thing is that I finished it super fast, while I was eating it I felt a little guilty because I had just come out of a flu and the last thing I should do was to eat something very cold, but, I played crazy and enjoyed my ice cream hahahaha. We wanted to eat something light before going in because by the time we saw the movie we knew we would eat so much that we would explode, so it was better to make sure to leave room for a while.

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Luego de comer helado y pasear un poco se nos hizo por fin la hora de entrada, lo primero de lo que nos dimos cuenta era de que la película era española, la verdad no me lo esperaba pero sabía que la disfrutaría, ya que me gustan mucho las producciones españolas! Fue bastante entretenida de ver aunque carecía de ese factor de miedo que estábamos buscando, igual nos divertimos mucho viéndola y riéndonos de la escenas que eran un tanto absurdas. Comimos mucho mientras la veíamos, nos aseguramos desde un principio de llevar mucha comida porque ver una película mientras comes es lo mejor del universo, ¿están de acuerdo?

After eating ice cream and walking around a bit it was finally time to go in, the first thing we realized was that the movie was Spanish, I didn't really expect it but I knew I would enjoy it, since I really like Spanish productions! It was quite entertaining to watch although it lacked that scare factor we were looking for, we still had a lot of fun watching it and laughing at the scenes that were a bit absurd. We ate a lot while watching it, we made sure from the beginning to bring a lot of food because watching a movie while eating is the best thing in the universe, do you agree?


La peli terminó relativamente rápido, salimos de sala como a las 10:30, el taxi nos buscaría en media hora así que aprovechamos de tomarnos las últimas fotos de la noche. Definitivamente todo fue perfecto, bastante íntimo y agradable, lo único que falto fue la presencia de nuestra amiga Omarlys la cual no pudo asistir, pero como esta vez no pudo tenemos una excusa perfecta para ir de nuevo pronto jeje. Esta salida me hizo muy feliz ya que después de pasar tantos días encerrado con gripe me sentí al fin vivo jajaja, de verdad que estar rodeado de mis amigos de siente terapéutico. Mi noche concluyó genial, terminé contento de haber creado recuerdos maravillosos de este día.

The movie ended relatively quickly, we left the theater around 10:30, the cab would pick us up in half an hour so we took the last pictures of the night. Definitely everything was perfect, quite intimate and nice, the only thing missing was the presence of our friend Omarlys who could not attend, but as this time she could not we have a perfect excuse to go again soon hehe. This outing made me very happy because after spending so many days cooped up with the flu I finally felt alive hahaha, really being surrounded by my friends felt therapeutic. My night ended great, I ended up happy to have created wonderful memories of this day.

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📌 Créditos/Credits:

Las fotos utilizadas fueron tomadas con mi celular, el primer gif fue extraído de Tenor, su respectivo link está dentro del post, el banner fue hecho en Canva.

The photos used were taken with my cell phone, the first gif was extracted from Tenor, its respective link is inside the post, the banner was made in Canva.


I love the thrill that comes when I want to see a movie, especially with friends. I am sure you must have really enjoyed yourself. The Horror movies they do now, cannot be compared of the old ones that can be very scary. Although I can't say so much because I don't watch horror movies again. My preference is more for Action Comedy movies.

This post has been selected to be curated by lazy-panda of the Hive Learners Community.


Definitely watching movies with friends makes the experience so much more fun! In our case we chose the horror one to get out of the conventional, but I think that next time we will look for something more fun.

Thanks for the support! 😀😺