Reseña del film "Red, White and Royal Blue" (2023) [ESP / ENG]


Nota de la autora / Author's note: Puede contener spoilers. La traducción al inglés fue elaborada con la ayuda de / It may contain spoilers. The English translation was made with the aid of Deepl Translate.

Fuente de la imagen / Source of the image: Wikipedia


Acompañado de su amiga Nora Holleran, Alex Claremont-Díaz, hijo de la presidenta estadounidense Ellen Claremont, acude a la boda del príncipe Phillip de Reino Unido en representación de su país. Durante la recepción, Alex se encuentra con Henry, hermano menor del heredero al trono y con quien tiene una suerte de rivalidad pública. Enojado por el irrespeto de Henry hacia él en años previos, Alex se emborracha e intercambia un par de palabras con el príncipe, quien intenta ignorarlo; lamentablemente la cosa no termina bien: En los torpes movimientos de Alex, el pastel de bodas cae encima de ellos... Y tensan las relaciones diplomáticas entre ambos países, en cara a las elecciones estadounidenses.

Basado en el libro homónimo de Casey McQuinston, y protagonizado por Taylor Zakhar Perez, Nicholas Galitzine, Stephen Fry y Uma Thurman, Red, White and Royal Blue nos presenta una historia divertida donde dos jóvenes rivales de mundos completamente diferentes empiezan a convivir de forma forzosa en aras de salvar las relaciones diplomáticas de sus respectivos países. No obstante, nadie vería venir que aquella (nueva) amistad daría pie a algo más profundo: el amor genuino de pareja entre dos personas del mismo sexo.

La historia es entretenida y fresca de principio a fin, llena de humor, drama y romance. En cierto modo los personajes de Alex y Henry me recordaron a los personajes principales de la icónica novela de Jane Austen, Orgullo y Prejuicio, a razón de sus personalidades. La gran diferencia entre ambas parejas es que Alex y Henry empiezan a dialogar cuando los dos se encuentran dentro del armario del conserje de una escuela.

Las actuaciones de Taylor Zakhar Perez (Alex) y Nicholas Galitzine (Henry) me parecieron magistrales; los dos supieron imprimir en sus personajes un poco de sus propias personalidades, dando como resultado a que el espectador termine por encariñarse con la pareja. Y ni que decir de Uma Thurman (la presidenta Claremont) y Stephen Fry (el rey James III), quienes interpretaron a sus personajes con asombrosa naturalidad.

Si estás buscando alguna película de romance que te pueda sacar una sonrisa, sin duda alguna este film es un must en la lista.


With his friend Nora Holleran as his companion, Alex Claremont-Díaz, son of the American president Ellen Claremont, attends the wedding of Prince Phillip of the United Kingdom on behalf of his country. During the reception, Alex meets Henry, younger brother of the heir to the throne and with whom he has a sort of public rivalry. Angered by Henry's disrespect towards him on past years, Alex gets drunk and exchanges a couple of words with the prince, who tries to ignore him; unfortunately things don't end well: Alex's clumsy movements cause the wedding cake to fall on top of them... And strain diplomatic relations between the two countries, in the face of the American elections.

Based on the book of the same name by Casey McQuinston, and starred by Taylor Zakhar Perez, Nicholas Galitzine, Stephen Fry y Uma Thurman, Red, White and Royal Blue presents us with an amusing story where two young rivals from completely different worlds begin to get together in a forced way in order to save the diplomatic relations of their respective countries. However, no one would see that this (new) friendship would lead to something deeper: a genuine love between two people of the same sex.

The story is entertaining and fresh from beginning to end, full of humor, drama and romance. In some ways the characters of Alex and Henry reminded me of the main characters in Jane Austen's iconic novel, Pride and Prejudice, because of their personalities. The big difference between the two couples is that Alex and Henry begin their dialogue when they both find themselves inside a school janitor's closet.

The performances of Taylor Zakhar Perez (Alex) and Nicholas Galitzine (Henry) were masterful; they both knew how to imprint a bit of their own personalities on their characters, resulting in the viewer becoming very fond to the couple. Not to mention Uma Thurman (President Claremont) and Stephen Fry (King James III), who played their characters with amazing naturalness.

If you're looking for some romance movie that would made you smile, this movie is a must in the list without a doubt.
