Damsel In Distress (Movie Review) | The Dragon Fight

I finally get to download and watch this particular movie after all the hype and interesting update I saw on my whatsap contact status who I do tag movie spoilers. Even though the movie title is Damsel, I think using Damsel in distress would fit perfectly, I'm a fan of sword based movies especially when I can see those blood oozing out and also whenever I sight any dragon based movies, I'm always motivated to watch, more reason I love movies like merlin, Game of thrones among others. I actually watch this movie trailer on youtubes and 2 things caught my attention, the dragon was the first part and Millie Bobby Brown who is one of the lead character in stranger things series.


The first scene in the movie gave me this stupid act reaction because I can't imagine how someone will underestimate a whole dragon with burning fire and think of killing it with mere swords, mission impossible. Apparently, the king (royal family) went with his soldiers into the dragon dungeon which they met on the area they built their kingdom with the aim of killing it but they killed his 3 new baby dragon which just hatched, the dragon was furious killed them but spare the king who made a vow to bring their princesses as sacrifice or should I say atonement for their sins. I figured out it was a generational punishment since they sacrifice lot of girls to the dragon but instead of them to bring princess of pure royal blood, they trick the dragon by bringing innocent girls from other kingdom through fake marriage, make a hand cut ritual between the innocent girl and a royal blood (blood mixture) then throw the girl into the dragon pit.

Well it got to Elodie turn, she was skeptical at first but for the love of her people she accepted the marriage proposal and also found herself in the dragon pit but instead of giving up, she decided to fit and survive. Dragon fire do burn people into ashes in split seconds because it is the same with a lava but she manage to escape the fire and hide but sustain some burnt which she later heal with some mystic creatures in the same cave. Well it is true there are always treasures where dragons live, all those golds and jewelries was entering my eyes.


She manage to escape when her dad came to rescue her but got killed in the process, she escaped and hid really well but that wasn't the of her plight, her younger sister was thrown into the pit to replace her but the dragon kept the sister with the hope that elodie will come to her rescue then kill both but she came prepared, fought and injured the dragon and at the last part which I really love, she trick the dragon in a way that the dragon fire bounce back and burnt the dragon. I have seen it in many dragon movies, dragon always die from its own fire especially it is severe burn and the same thing happened here, but instead of ending it all by killing the dragon, she told the dragon the truth and also heal it by using the mystic creatures then both went to punished the whole royal families.

I will rate it 10/10 times 10 movies, it wasn't that long and they really deliver, it is an amazing movie to watch actually.


It looks interesting, it's with the protagonist of "stranger things"


I was expectantly impressed with this movie. Well done all around, and I especially liked the ending. I was expecting the heroine to make popular bad decisions for the ending, but instead she surprised everyone by making good ones, which is rare in movies nowadays.