"Aus rechtlichen Gründen kann dieser Beitrag bur in Deutschland gezeigt werden." What to do with this error message?

Would you like to access the live stream of ZDF, but you see an error message instead telling you that you are not allowed to watch the live stream or program you are interested in because you are outside Germany? What can you do if you want to watch ZDF outside Germany? Is there a way to make this error message telling you that you cannot watch ZDF abroad go away? This article is about to make you happy, because in 5 minutes, you can watch ZDF worldwide, meaning you do not have to travel to Germany to watch your favorite program on ZDF.

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"Aus rechtlichen Gründen kann dieser Beitrag bur in Deutschland gezeigt werden."

The first question you may ask is how ZDF knows that you are outside Germany? It is simple! Everyone on the Internet has a digital ID, a digital footprint, and it is connected to your IP address. All devices on the Internet has an IP address that gives websites, forums, games, and applications information about where you are. It will not tell other people your exact location (address), but it reveals information about which country you are in and approximately where you are located in that country (name of the city/area). As you enter a website, behind the scenes, the website does a background check on you, and based on your location, they might filter what you see and what you get access to. And that is exactly what is happening when you visit the ZDF website to stream your favorite programs on German television.

What can you do about this? You could travel to Germany as that would give you a German IP address, but that is complicated, time-consuming, and expensive. Instead, you can buy a subscription to a so-called VPN service. A VPN is there to protect you online and encrypt your data. When you use a VPN, all your data is sent through an encryption tunnel, and all websites, forums, games, and apps believe you are located at the end of the tunnel, that is, the server you are connected to. What will happen if you purchase a VPN subscription to PureVPN and connect to a server in Germany? You will get a German IP address, and all websites you visit will believe you are in Germany, including the ZDF website.

It might sound complicated, but it is easier than using Netflix. All you need is to visit the website above, purchase a subscription, and download the application and install it on your telephone, tablet, computer, or TV (or all of them). You can then start the application and find Germany in the list of countries in which PureVPN has servers. As you double-click the server in Germany, you will immediately connect to the server and a few seconds later you will have a German IP address.

Now you can restart your browser or your ZDF application, and as you try again, you have access to all the content on the ZDF website, both live streams and programs available in the big ZDF library.

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The error message is gone and I can now watch ZDF abroad.

That wasn't hard, was it? With your German IP address you can also watch other TV networks and services in Germany (DasErste & RTL), and you can also access popular streaming services with the local German content.

If you are in a hurry, this is brilliant! Has the football match on ZDF already started, or maybe some other sports event? Follow the instructions and you can be ready to watch the excitement in a few minutes.

As you finish streaming whatever you want to on ZDF, it is time to discover all the other opportunities provided by your PureVPN subscription. You can use the same VPN service to get an IP address in more than 80 other countries, giving you the chance to access streaming services and TV networks in all of those countries. A few days ago I used the service to watch a football match on TV in Azerbaijan. But, I use it way more frequently to watch ITV and BBC iPlayer in the UK, Paramount+ and PeacockTV in the United States, and other popular and well-known services.

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