The Emperor's New Groove, Review [ENG | ESP]


How does the story go? | ¿Cómo va la historia?

This movie is about Emperor Kuzco who is arrogant and does not appreciate everything he has...


then Yzma, her advisor wants to take the throne (It must also be emphasized that she is a Sorceress),
for that she asks her partner Kronk for help. (which is the comic relief of the movie) so that he can give him a potion that kills him.... but Kronk takes the wrong potion and gives him one that turns him into a flame and thus begins the story of Emperor Kuzco to try. to become Human again to rule and have his luxurious life again.

Esta pelicula trata sobre el Emperor Kuzco el cual es arrogante y no agradece todo lo que tiene... entonces Yzma que su consejera quiere arrebatare el trono (Tambien hay que recalcar que es un Hechicera),


para eso le pide ayuda al su compañero Kronk (el cual es el alivio cómico de la pelicula) para que este le de una pócima que lo mate.... pero Kronk se equivoca de pócima y le da una que lo convierte en llama y así comienza la historia del Emperor Kuzco por tratar de volver a ser Humano para gobernar y tener de nuevo su lujosa vida.


The Emperors New Groove fue lanzada en el año 2000, fue dirigida por Mark Dindal. Algo interesante sobre la película en que iba a ser un musical serio llamado Kingdom of the Sun.
The Emperors New Groove fue lanzada en el año 2000, fue dirigida por Mark Dindal.algo interesante sobre la pelicula en que iba a ser un musical serio llamado Kingdom of the Sun.


Other things about the movie | Otras cosas sobre la pelicula

After Emperor Kuzco was turned into a llama, he escapes from the palace and meets Pancha, who is a humble peasant with little to offer who accompanies him for the rest of the film and helps him recover his original form.


Despues de que el Emperor Kuzco fuera convertido en una llama escapa del palacio y se encuentra con Pancha el cual es un campesino humilde y con poco que ofreces que lo acompaña por el resto de la pelicula y lo ayuda a recuperar su forma original.


The movie turns out to be a normal comedy in which the protagonist does not know how to appreciate what he has and someone else from more humble origins shows him that the most important thing is the power of love XD or something like that.


Another thing I can emphasize is its characters, all of them brimming with personality and the drawing style helps a lot in that, although it was to be expected from a film produced by Disney.

La pelicula resulta se una comedia de las normalitas el la cual el protragosnista no sabe apreciar lo que tiene y alguien mas de origenes mas humildes le muestra que los mas importante es el poder de amor XD o algo asi.


otra cosa que puedo recalcar son sus personajes todo ellos rebosan personalidad y el estilo de dibujo ayuda bastante en eso, aunque era de esperarse de una pelicula producida por Disney.


Title: The Emperor's New Groove
Year: 2000
Director: Mark Dindal
Producers: Randy Fullmer
Writers: David Reynolds, Mark Dindal, Chris Williams
Studio: Walt Disney Animation Studios
Duration: ~78 minutes
Genre: Animation, Comedy
Music: John Debney, songs by Sting
Awards: While it didn't win many awards, the film was praised for its unique humor and style.


The first time I saw this story was in a book so seeing the movie was something totally different but I highly recommend it.

Thanks for reading the post and if you decide to watch the Movie I hope you enjoy it and let me know what you thought of it.

All images are screenshots made by me
Gif by Tenor
cover made with photoshop


I love this amination, one of the funniest that I have seen.


For me it is not the best. but if it's good...