Movie for Friday: Freelance

Hi, my dear movie and series lovers!

It's Friday again! Oh! It's also the first of December, the first day of winter. I don't know what your weather is like, but we've been snowed in! It's so much fun! My dogs loved it. And it reminded me of the snowy winters of my childhood. I even got a little nostalgic.

Now it's already dark outside my window. The weekend is ahead and that means I can grab a cup of hot cocoa or tea and relax a little. The modern rhythm sometimes makes our lives seem like a never-ending cycle of events and it's important to set aside at least one evening a week to relax.


Today I found a film called Freelancer and I invite you to watch it. I've already done so and now I'm writing a review straight away.

Have you ever been a freelancer? I am a freelancer. And I know for a fact that clients can be unpredictable. Once I was sent a 64-page translation on Sunday night and at 10am on Monday morning they asked me if it was ready. But compared to the situation in which the hero of the film found himself, it was such a small thing!


This is a film I can recommend for family viewing. A bit of action and a bit of comedy, a nice and unobtrusive mix. If I were asked to describe it in one sentence, I would say *"It's not what it seems". But I won't spoil it. Take your popcorn and enjoy!

By the way, this film is new this year.


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