Movie experience : From

Hi, my dear Movies and Series lovers!

Where do we go when we die? How does a person who is in a coma feel? What worlds does the mind of the mentally ill travel through? Are there parallel worlds?

Oh yeah! Esotericists and researchers of the supernatural give you hundreds of ready-made answers, but in fact there is only one correct answer - there is no answer!

However, maybe I'm just fantasizing, because I really don't know what happened to the heroes of the series From, how and why they all ended up in this strange and undoubtedly dangerous place.

If you've watched Lost and you liked it, From is definitely your choice!

Although I would compare this series with another old movie - The Langoliers. Especially the second season. I can't explain it exactly, it's more like some kind of inner feeling... the world seems to be starting to crumble... Oh, what am I doing? Spoilers! Nobody likes spoilers!

So as for Season 2 I'm more of an announcement than a review: if you've been waiting for this like me, then Season 2 is here!

There are only six episodes so far. To be honest, I endured for a very long time and did not start watching, but then I gave up. What can I say ... The impression is twofold. On the one hand, the film certainly captures and keeps you at the screen, your interest does not weaken. On the other hand, the second season made me think that the authors themselves do not yet know how it will end.


This is quite intriguing i must say. I just saw the storyline and i think i would like the movie very much. I haven't seen lost either, I should check that out too.


Я фільми зараз рідко дивлюся!(((


Я навпаки підсіла. До війни майже не дивилася, а зараз просто щоб хоч якось відволіктися.