Movie experience: Deception


Hi, my dear movie and series lovers!

Today I want to talk about the series, which was a pleasant discovery for me. This is the series Deception. If you like such series as Mentalist, Bull, Bones, then you will definitely like this series.

The basis of the plot is the cooperation of a person who has nothing to do with the law enforcement system with the FBI when he applies his professional knowledge and skills to help solve crimes. This time such a person is a famous illusionist who cooperates with the FBI, trying to prove his brother's innocence.

The series is very light and beautiful. In the course of the plot, we discover some secrets of professional magicians. A great acting team, a little love, a little crime. A great movie cocktail for a cozy winter evening.

The only drawback of the series is that it was not continued after the first season. But I still hope that this will be done.


Good afternoon dear friend @torem-di-torem
I'm a fan of The Mentalist, and I love series that follow that style. From what you say, this is a series that I would love to see.
What a shame they didn't continue with the following seasons.
Thank you very much for sharing this series
Enjoy a beautiful afternoon