#MOVIE REVIEWS | MIRACLE IN CELL NO. 7 - The Saddest Movie of All Time



The Saddest Movie of All Time

Hi everyone,
Have you ever heard of a very moving movie?
A film that tells the story of a family, although incomplete but very perfect.

As with one of the films that I will review, this film originating from South Korea attracts all drama film lovers. The story is touching, tense and sad in one but there is still happiness in it even though it doesn't end happily.




Miracle in Cell No. 7 is a 2013 South Korean film starring Ryu Seung-ryong, Kal So-won and Park Shin-hye. This touching melodrama film tells the story of a mentally handicapped man who gets injustice because he is accused of being the perpetrator of molestation and also the murder of a young girl, so he is illegally imprisoned which makes him have friendships with creepy convicts who actually help him meet his daughter.




Lee Yong Go, played by Ryu Seung-ryong, is a 40-year-old man who has a mental disability, even though he doesn't have the intelligence of adult men in general, but Lee Yong Go is a good father. He has an only daughter named Ye Sung, played by Kal So-won.

Starting from her liking for the Sailormoon character, Ye Sung, who was still in elementary school at that time, really wanted a bag with Sailormoon's picture on it. Every time Ye Sung and her father passed a shop that sold these bags, they could only look and hope that no one but them would buy them. Because there was not enough money, Lee Yong Go asked Ye Sung to be patient until her father was paid.




Lee Yong Go, who currently gets a salary from his job as a parking attendant, decided to go to the shop where the sailormoon bag was sold. Unfortunately, the bag has been sold, bought by a child from the Chief of Police. Lee Yong Go who saw the Sailormoon bag on the child's back finally approached him and said that the bag belonged to his daughter and he had brought the money to buy it.

Because of his strange behavior due to Lee Yong Go's mental disorder, the Chief of Police as the child's parents felt annoyed and angry and then beat Lee Yong Go and kicked him out.




The next day a girl came to Lee Yong Go carrying a bag with a sailormoon picture and said that someone was selling it at another shop. It turns out that the child is Ji Yong, the daughter of the Chief of Police that Lee Yong Go met the day before.

Because of immeasurable happiness, Lee Yong Go started to follow Ji Yong by running a little, they forgot that today was winter and it was snowing so hard that there were lots of ice floes on the streets.

Once at the intersection, Ji Yong slipped and fell by pulling a tarpaulin at the market and dropping a stone which is used to weigh a tarpaulin. Unfortunately the stone fell right on Ji Yong's head and made her faint instantly.

Lee Yong Go, who saw the incident, remembered what he had learned about first aid for people who fainted. He quickly loosened Ji Yong's pants so that the blood circulated more smoothly and then gave him mouth-to-mouth artificial respiration. Unfortunately, a middle-aged woman saw him and shouted at him saying that Lee Yong Go was committing sexual immorality against Ji Yong and also murder.




After the report against Lee Yong Go, the police immediately acted and arrested Lee Yong Go roughly. This is not without reason, because the child who is the victim is the child of the Chief of Police. Armed with the witness of a middle-aged woman, Lee Yong Go was imprisoned without any evidence and the police forced Lee Yong Go to admit that he had committed this heinous crime.

Even Lee Yong Go, who has mental retardation, cannot avoid it, not to mention the police commit violence against him if he doesn't confess. Due to pain and fear, Lee Yong Go confessed to the crime.

Ye Sung, who had been at home waiting for her father to come home, was shocked when he witnessed a piece of news featuring her father as a murderer. Ye Sung ran and came to the scene of the crime scene crying hysterically, as well as Lee Yong Go who accidentally saw Ye Sung and screamed hysterically and cried. While Yong Go was imprisoned, Ye Sung was placed in an orphanage.




After investigating the crime scene, Lee Yong Go was put in a prison cell along with 5 other big-time convicts, namely Man Beom (adulterer), Grandpa Seo (scammer), Bong Sik (pickpocket), Chun Ho (scammer) and So Yang Ho, a smuggling gangster. but illiterate who is the leader of the inmates of cell number 7.

Initially, the five cellmates really hated Lee Yong Go, they tortured him in the cell and were always hostile to him because the alleged crimes Yong Go committed were the most heinous and despicable crimes. Until one day So Yang Ho was involved in a fight with another prisoner who was also a rival gangster and was almost killed. Luckily, Lee Yong Go helped him so So Yang Ho felt indebted and his five cellmates turned into his friends and So Hang Yo was willing to grant Lee Yong Go's request and Yong Go just want to meet his daughter Ye Sung.




Ye Sung, who joined the choir from her orphanage, will appear in the cell where her father was detained. With the information they got, Yong Go's five cell friends finally agreed to kidnap Ye Sung and reunite her with Yong Go, they used various methods. Armed with a food trolley, Man Boem brought a box of bread large enough to kidnap Ye Sung by pretending to be carrying bread to share.

Man Boem managed to smuggle Ye Sung into the cell and met her father. Their longing was channeled. Suddenly the priest from the orphanage had a heart attack and they went home early and left Ye Sung who was never returned to the group. This made them panic and tried to hide Ye Sung so they wouldn't be found out.

Two days later, the detention center held another religious event and Yong Go's friends agreed to return Ye Sung, but this failed because it turned out that the event was for Hindu religion. In the end, Ye Sung stayed longer in the cell and became close to the other five detainees. This also made the prisoners feel strange, how a father who really loved his little daughter could commit such a heinous crime. It must be a misunderstanding.




Day after day Ye Sung lived together, the cell atmosphere became very cheerful and happy. Ye Sung, who is smart, tries to teach So Yang Ho to read and write. Initially So Yang Ho refused but Ye Sung's persuasion made him melt and want to study. The days were very happy until finally Ye Sung was caught red-handed by Chief Warden Jang Min Hwan who was known to be very fierce. And Ye Sung was returned to the orphanage.




Lee Yong Go was punished by being isolated in a narrow room because he had hidden his daughter in a cell. This made the chief warden very angry and felt that he was being mocked. News about Ye Sung was heard by other prisoners who felt it was unfair, so he set fire to his cell and threatened to burn himself if he was not allowed to meet his father.

The atmosphere became chaotic and the prisoners were asked to leave the cells because the fire was getting bigger. Chief Warden Jang Min Hwan, who tried to persuade the prisoner, finally fainted because he ran out of oxygen. At the same time, Lee Yong Go, who saw the Chief Warden lying down, cried hysterically and asked anyone to help him.

Long story short, Jang Min Hwan woke up and saw himself in a hospital. A doctor said that the one who helped him was Lee Yong Go, a prisoner who was accused of molesting and killing a child. Until the doctor questioned whether or not a man who was crying hysterically was a cruel killer.

The doctor's words made Jang Min Hwan doubt the accusation and try to dig up what really happened. It turned out to be true, Lee Yong Go was forced to confess and even the written statement was not his. This made Jang Min Hwan determined to help Lee Yong Go. And adopted Ye Sung.




Chief warden Jang Min Hwan and Lee Yong Go's five cellmates work together to help Lee Yong Go to break free. They seek evidence and alibis to support the trial. Lee Yong Go studied everything and memorized everything he had to say at his trial. Unfortunately this was heard by the Chief of Police who is also the father of the victim. Chief warden Jang Min Hwan begged the victim's father as Police Chief to withdraw the charges because it was an accident, not murder, let alone rape. But he didn't care about that.

A day before the trial, Lee Yong Go was summoned by his lawyer and met privately. Instead of defending, the lawyer intimidated Lee Yong Go into confessing and threatened that he would do the same to Ye Sung if he did not confess. This was not without reason, it turned out that Yong Go's defense attorney had been bribed by the victim's father.




After all the efforts had been made by Jang Min Hwan and his five cellmates Yong Go. The only thing they hoped for was Yong Go's acknowledgment that he didn't do it. Because there is no solid evidence so that Yong Go's confession will be very influential, at least he is not sentenced to death.

The trial began, Lee Yong Go, who was nervous and scared of the threats he received, made him unfocused and forgot everything he had learned. One thing he remembered, he had to confess so that Ye Sung would survive. That's what made him confess and say that he was the culprit. The courtroom became chaotic and surrendered to the judge's decision that sentenced Lee Yong Go to death which fell on Ye Sung's birthday.

The death sentence was very dramatic, Ye Sung who was carried by Lee Yong Go said goodbye to all the prisoners cheerfully thinking that his father would be released. The prisoners who saw this could not hold back their tears and many tried to avert their eyes because they could not stand what they saw.

Arriving at the execution room, Lee Yong Go said goodbye to Ye Sung using their usual greeting. Ye Sung did the greeting many times hoping her father would welcome him, but Yong Go only greeted him once after which he was sentenced to death.




After 20 years, Ye Sung, who is now an adult, chooses to become a lawyer and fights to clear her father's name, because her father is innocent. With all his efforts to collect evidence and witnesses. Ye Sung brings up her father's case again and conducts a retrial to get a statement that her father is innocent.

With his expertise as a lawyer, Ye Sung visited her father's friends while in the cell and asked for help to clear her father's name. Of course they agreed and were ready to help Ye Sung. Do not forget about Jang Min Hwan as a witness. By all means and with all her might, Ye Sung finally won this trial and the halim decided that Lee Yong Go was innocent.

How very touching, right?
How can an innocent person be sentenced for no fault of his.
There are many things that we encounter in this world, sometimes what we see is not necessarily the truth. So be wise in thinking and acting.

Hopefully all of you can take lessons from this film, and for those of you who haven't watched it. This is highly recommended to watch with family.

Thank you for reading, I hope you all like it. See you 😊

Best Regards,
Tina K Harnis.


Who is Tina K Harnis?

Welcome to Tina K Harnis's little room. She is a girl who is learning to write. She likes to do new and interesting things. She likes traveling, singing and dancing. Lately she has started to love the world of cooking, trying new recipes and sharing them on social media. She is not a celebrity but she wants others to know her well.

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Although mostly a work of fiction I agree with you that this movie is very sad. Korean cinema is very good at making you want to cry during films and this one does exactly that!


It's true, Korea is very capable of making dramas that make the audience cry.