You found out your mom has been giving you muscle atrophy. What do you do? Run


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The pill that changed everything for Chloe; image source:

Except you can't run because you have partial paralysis, are on a wheelchair and holding on for dear life because arrhythmia, hemochromatosis, asthma and diabetes are holding you back like chains meant to make you depend on someone else.


That's exactly what Chloe's mom, Diane, has done. She wants Chloe to depend on her for the rest of her life. At first glance, it may seem like a motherly thing to do, but wait 'til you find out the truth of it all.

🚨SPOILER ALERT: Read at your own risk🚨

Chloe Sherman is a bright and resourceful teenager who has spent her entire life in a wheelchair due to the aforementioned health conditions. Under the constant care of her loving mother, Diane, she has never questioned her isolated existence. Their mother-daughter dynamic was something that I have also wanted for myself. It was as if they were the poster child for the aspirational mother-daughter relationship.

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The poster child for mother-daughter relationships; image source:

However, as she approaches adulthood, Chloe's curiosity is piqued when she discovers pills meant for her mother, were given to her. She began to notice more inconsistencies in her medications and starts to piece together a series of dark secrets.

As smart as Chloe was, she begins to suspect that her mother is hiding something more. She notices that the pills she takes regularly seem to be more than just the prescribed medicine. With her limited mobility, she sets out on a dangerous journey to find answers. It was this scene at the pharmacy that had me hooked to watch the whole film. I chanced upon Tiktok the scene where Chloe found out that her mother had been giving her medication meant for dogs. She found out that the drug would make humans not walk properly.

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The perfect scavenger hunt; image source:

This made Chloe question her perception of her mother's love and care. She learns that she may not be as physically limited as she once believed and that Diane has been intentionally keeping her dependent and isolated.

Determined to escape her mother's clutches, Chloe relies on her wit, intelligence, and resilience to outsmart Diane. Every discovery Chloe makes only deepens the mystery, building up to the biggest secret Diane had been hiding all along. Chloe was not her daughter. She stole Chloe from her parents in the hospital where her premature daughter died only two hours after she had given birth. Chloe only found out after a failed attempt to escape from her mom's control. She also found out that she had been accepted at the college of her choice and that as a baby, she can walk.

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A mother's grief; image source:

The confrontation was nothing short of climactic. The audience is led to see an enraged Chloe and a desperate Diane. Just when she was about to inject Chloe to make her forget what she had found out, Chloe quickly swallowed organophosphate knowing that her mother won't let her die. Diane had no choice but to bring her to the hospital.

At the hospital, Diane managed to get Chloe out of the hospital's management. She tried to control Chloe for the last time but the police caught up with her. Just in time as Chloe stomped her foot to stop her wheelchair from carrying on her mother's control.

A daughter's determination; image source:

The film ends with Chloe paying Diane a visit to the infirmary ward. She still calls Diane her mom and at this point, my sister and I even told each other "Chloe is such a good person," to still continue to visit the person who attempted to control and destroy her life. But after Chloe had told Diane wonderful stories from her new life, Chloe made Diane drink the very pills that gave her muscular atrophy in the first place.

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A vengeance; image source:


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A wicked title for a wicked thriller; image source:

The movie is directed by Aneesh Chaganty and has an intense plot, masterful performances, and unexpected twists. It kept me and my sister on the edge of our seats from start to finish. Led by outstanding performances from Kiera Allen and Sarah Paulson, "Run" explores the unsettling dynamic between a wheelchair-bound teenager and her overprotective mother, culminating in a suspenseful battle for freedom.

Throughout the film, Kiera Allen delivers a remarkable performance as Chloe. Her portrayal captures the character's vulnerability, strength, and unwavering determination, making her an incredibly relatable and sympathetic protagonist. Sarah Paulson shines as Diane, effortlessly switching between her role as a loving mother and a menacing force, leaving the audience constantly guessing her true intentions.

Is she a doting mother or but a victim of her own affliction? image source:

The dynamic between Chloe and Diane serves as the backbone of the film. Their relationship evolves from one of complete trust to a deadly battle of wits. With each revelation, the audience is left wondering who to trust and what lengths Chloe's mother is willing to go to maintain control.

"Run" expertly blends elements of suspense, mystery, and psychological thrills, creating a compelling narrative that keeps viewers engaged throughout its runtime. The skillful direction by Aneesh Chaganty, combined with an atmospheric score and tight editing, amplifies the tension and amplifies the emotional impact of the story.

Final Thoughts

This film definitely blew my mind. In the process of getting over the movie, I came across a mental illness that may have inflicted Diane - Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy. It's also considered a form of child abuse. It is when a caretaker, often a mother, makes up her child's illnesses as a means to seek medical attention. The afflicted is not motivated by any material gain, and it is not sure what causes this too. But, it can be noted that the perpetrator was abused as a child or has Munchausen syndrome or a fake illness for themselves. I'd give this film a 4.5/5 for the storyline, the production and the casting. For the times that I felt really scared and uncomfortable, I just had to pause the film. It was that effective! It's worth the watch.

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Zoom in at your own risk image source: Screenshot


The Gaillery

She is on a mission to become better than who she was yesterday. A candidate for Masters in Business Administration and a Financial Advisor, she hopes to give value to this space as a motivated individual. She found the perfect marriage between what she wants to do in life and her mission in financial advising. She balances her work and life in the comforts of her home, co-working spaces, and cafes. She loves to meet like-minded people and live her life to the fullest. Watch this space for tales of self-improvement and self-acceptance, per Mark Manson, "the philosophical tightrope."

Being in the crypto blogging space since 2018, she believes that the community is the greatest asset of any crypto-based project. So far, the Hive Community is her favorite.

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Fue medio rara esta peli pero me gustó bastante la actuación de la madre. :)


¡Lo sé, me voló la cabeza! Fue muy bueno

Perdón por mi español, acabo de usar Google Translate :)


oh, i watched a short reel on FB. I didn't know the title. Now, I know. I want to download this movie.


Greetings over here 🤗 that movie was pretty good, I liked that the story takes a little bit from the movie What became of Baby Jane because of the thing where they kept an invalid person. Quite nice to find this movie in times where everything is usually very obvious.


Might look into that some time "What Became of Baby Jane" I knowwww! Sometimes you just have to see a thriller to take you out of the mundane ✨